Sentences with phrase «case for long»

If you have to use this keyboard case for long time, recharge its lithium battery once and enjoy up to 60 hours of non-stop usage.
Especially if you can keep the budget lean — ask for everything you need, but no more — I think you can make a very strong case for longer - term funding.
Authors Make Case for Longer School Day The common cry from many teachers these days is they need more time.
The lawyers worked on a difficult case for a long time but found that the client would not co operate and eventually obtained an order removing the firm as the lawyers for the - plaintiff.
«We're not going to be selling in the meat case for long,» says Brown.
So I called the Nobel Prize — winning economist, the most celebrated monetarist of the 20th century, to get his take on whether the bull case for long - term profit growth was reasonable — or mostly bull.
But it has not helped in making the public case for a longer extension that Mr. de Blasio's record on education is so far fairly modest.
«This phenomenon have been known in a few lineages of the related leaf beetles, but this is the first case for the long - horned beetles.»
Jamie knew Jamie Case for a long time and had heard and read a lot about her GPG stories.
They have been fighting these battles in most cases for a long time; they have received promises of changes that don't occur; they often do not have an opportunity to put their distinctive perspective forward to policy - makers.
Prior to joining Avison Young, he founded The McDonald Consulting and Real Estate Company (formerly McDonald Sustainability Group) and worked with corporate clients to create real estate strategies that identified cost savings and established the business cases for long - term real estate investments aligned with each client's business strategy and sustainability strategy.
The lawyers worked on a difficult case for a long time... Read more
Thanks to artificial intelligence, though, that might not be the case for long.
Apple is the belle of the ball right now, but it's a safe bet that won't be the case for long.
But that might not be the case for long.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk is also the company's chairman but, if a Californian shareholder gets his way, that won't remain the case for long.
To this date, Making a Murderer is the only directorial credit on either filmmaker's IMDB page, though the series» massive success would suggest that likely will not remain the case for long.
This generally has been the case for a long while now (most likely due to falling interest rates for 30 years).
In «The Case for Longer Mortgages: Addressing the...
Morningstar making the case for a long - term investment in Railroad stocks.
But this will not remain the case for long.
In humanistic psychology and in certain areas of philosophy, anthropology, literary criticism, and religious studies concerned with the meaning and function of myth and symbol, there is a return to comprehensive or holistic reason, a new emphasis on the immediacy of experience, that makes the appropriation of religious traditions more possible for educated people than has been the case for a long time.13
Along with his fellow members of the Annales school, he also strengthened the case for the long Middle Ages, extending them all the way to the mid-nineteenth century.
Arsenal played without purpose as has been the case for a long time now, you would never think they want to win a title.
Arsenal are not the only Premier League club to get a tough draw, but it just adds more fuel to the argument that we just can not get a break and that seems to have been the case for a long time now.
That may not be the case for long according to one former Gunner and club legend, as The Mirror reports that David Seaman has warned Arsene Wenger about the dangers of losing the two star players Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil.
Players should earn thier right to play but at arsenal this has» nt been the case for a long time and hence the situation they always end up come may.
That would not be the case for long though as Inter took a deserved lead through Maicon in the 48th minute.
Chicago Public Schools CEO Jean - Claude Brizard tries to make a case for longer school days in «A push for longer school days; It is time for adults to deliver more to Chicago students» (Commentary, June 10).
And that may be the case for a long time.
This was the case for a long time because Russia was just too weak after the end of the Cold War.
The former senator, who, according to an aide, served in Congress with Kasich, called his chosen candidate «a proven political winner in a very tough state for Republicans» — ironically, the very same argument Pataki is making as he makes his case for his long - shot bid for the presidency.
While there is no evidence to suggest that taking zinc supplements in the short term is harmful, this may not be the case for longer term use, say the researchers.
But this would not be the case for long: during a profound evolutionary event dubbed the Cambrian Explosion, natural selection generated the raw material of all the body plans we see in the oceans today.
But this week's best dressed ladies seemed intent on making a case for long gowns with a lot going on: Alexa Chung in a Valentino number canvassed in floral embroidery, Rooney Mara in an Alexander McQueen dress covered from top to bottom in ruffles, Olivia Wilde in a Rosie Assoulin dress with a red flower petal - shaped bodice, and Diane Kruger in a bold blue gown with harness detail.
I suspect that won't be the case for long, if Rare has anything to say, but that is the current case now.
Given her role in Woody Allen's upcoming To Rome With Love, this may not remain the case for long.
As has been the case for a long time, money makes the world go around.
And this might be the case for a long time.
Edward Haertel's excellent paper for the National Assessment Governing Board (Governing Board) makes such a case for the Long - Term Trend (LTT).
Schools minister, Nick Gibb, says there is «a case for long - term, fundamental reform» of the examination board system
In his recent column, «Time to play the long game with Detroit schools,» Detroit Free Press Editorial Page Editor Stephen Henderson made the case for long - term student performance goals in the Detroit Public Schools Community District.
Tesla Motors is currently a one - model company — but that won't be the case for long.
Fisker promises more on the car to come, but in an interview with Business Insider, Fisker said the car would be able to cover more than 400 miles on a charge and that Tesla Motors is the only company he considers a real competitor - though this may not be the case for long, should Porsche launch a production version of the Mission - E concept over the next few years.
Morningstar making the case for a long - term investment in Railroad stocks.
But will it be the case for long?
The average housing price in 2017 was an affordable $ 395,000, but that may not be the case for long, with prices rising fast.
State Board has been on my case for long time.
However, the latest official figures from the National Statistics Institute in Cape Verde suggest that this won't be the case for long, with the archipelago enjoying a 13.6 per cent increase in tourists in 2016 compared to the previous year.
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