Sentences with phrase «case for years»

It is fair to say that dragging out court cases for years and giving unlimited appeals would cost an unreasonable amount of time and resources for the criminal justice system and the courts.
I appreciate the interaction I have with our clientele sharing stories about both our pets and human children and feel enriched by these relationships which have continued in many cases for years and years.
Note, I'm not making any prediction, you'd enter the current rate, and rates reflecting best case / worst case for each year's rate.
But I suspect many have had mild or intermittent cases for years prior to that.
Our firm has had ample experience handling these types of drug related cases for years and will be able to help you with your matter.
IPHI researchers calculated the percent of cases diagnosed at an advanced stage for each cancer type and each county or region by dividing the number of advanced stage cases by the total number of cases for each year.
Unlike most large corporate firms, we do not litigate cases for years only to settle on the courthouse steps.
The murder remained a cold case for years until DNA evidence implicated Moore.
By contrast, sales volumes of Brown - Forman's Jack Daniel's family of brands rose 7 % to 21.3 million nine - liter cases for the year.
Whether you're recently separated and looking to learn the basics of types of custody or you've had an open case for years that needs modifications due to life changes, you can find resources here.
The suit could serve as a test case for her year - old unit, which has faced questions about its independence from Cuomo, and its ability to be an effective watchdog over what in the past has been a sparsely enforced election laws.
Preliminary data collected from 2013 in Onondaga County indicates the number of Lyme disease cases for that year will most likely equal, or exceed the county record of 86 cases set in 2011, the state Health Department said earlier this year.
Emily Constant, who will succeed Suffolk District Attorney Thomas Spota after his imminent retirement, supervised domestic violence and child sex abuse cases for years.
Lash & Goldberg has represented some of the largest companies in major cases for years.
He has followed, and written about, the Groia case for years.
You don't see guys from large law (Frost Brown Todd) who have been defending mass tort cases for years at these conferences.
Regardless of what the injury may be from an Albuquerque injury case, the Albuquerque wrongful death lawyers at the Fine Law Firm have been handling such cases for years and pride ourselves on effective representation for Albuquerque injury victims.
Larry Downes, project director of the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy, for instance, says Wheeler's attempt to reclassify broadband as a public utility will open the door to more legal disputes and federal court cases for years to come.
Case manufacturer Olixar revealed its complete line of cases for this year's iPhone 8, which shows the back and front of the device, 9to5Mac reported.
The case is a class action suit brought by individuals who were incarcerated for a prolonged period of time — at least for six months and in many cases for years — while they defended against removal charges.
Our attorneys at Altman & Altman LLP have been handling personal injury law cases for years and have a proven track record of success.
This has been the case for years, but this year that is no longer true.
Groups including the Electronic Frontier Foundation have been making precisely that case for years, pointing out as early as 2005 that EULAs force users to give up not just control of their data, but many other legal rights.
As has been the case for years, non-native, or immigrant entrepreneurs have been steadily pulling a greater share of business growth.
New York Magazine «s Gabriel Sherman, who has been on Ailes» case for years, reported that Rupert Murdoch and at least one of his sons are at odds about what to do with Ailes.
Low correlations mean individual securities are moving on their own fundamentals, as opposed to macroeconomic conditions leading all stocks to move in similar ways, as had been the case for years in the post-financial-crisis recovery.
It has been the case for some years that, when asked when abortion should be allowed, 75 percent of Americans say it should not be allowed for the reasons that 95 percent of abortions are in fact procured.
I have certainly noticed a difference in my body since drinking this on a regular basis (my acupuncturist has been on my case for years to incorporate turmeric in my diet as tumeric is great for circulation and is an anti-immflamitory).
The squad also has strength in depth but you could say all this has been the case for years without Arsenal ever really getting close to being crowned champions, because there have always been games or even long periods when the Gunners have not produced anything like their best.
That's been the case for years!
That will be the case for years to come.
To have regrets you need to care first... Wenger and whoever is above him do not give a toss about the fans (being the case for years).
We are by far the worst team when we do nt have possession and the frustrating thing is that this has been the case for years and our manager has not addressed it.
It has been the case for years.
This team has no room for improvements and it has been the case for years.
Sadly this has been the case for years now... And can be done for under the 100m still supposedly left for transfers....
Alex Iwobi is the most recent example of a player who came out of the academy and is getting some first team time, but there have been a few noticeable under 18 players who've made a case for themselves this year like Joe Willock and most notably Reiss Nelson.
Other longevity bonuses are for five and 10 years, which has been the case for years.
The Bloomberg administration fought the case for years before Mayor Bill de Blasio agreed to settle for a whopping $ 98 million in 2014.
«When they break down, they stay broken down; not for weeks, not for months, but in some cases for years,» said state Sen. Daniel Squadron, who represents northwestern Brooklyn and lower Manhattan.
As has been the case for years now, I have been buying most of my herbal remedies from Starwest Botanicals.
That's not been the case for years, since I've been on low carb for almost three years now.
At that point, the vast majority of city kids were still assigned to schools, and the conventional wisdom was that this would be the case for years to come.
The largest number of teacher vacancies — as has been the case for years — are in special education, bilingual education and science.
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