Sentences with phrase «case law precedent»

In many areas of law, outcomes are determined by tables, regulations and ranging guidelines and not just an evolving body of subjective case law precedent.
Case law precedent aside, legal holds make a lot of sense.
In the years since the CJC published its Statement of Principles, a number of such protocols have been formulated by way of case law precedent.
Assembly Democrats have the vast majority of the votes in a special session and there is case law precedent for them appointing replacements in statewide office vacancies.
This means that they are only subject to personal liability for money damages in cases where the meaning of the law with respect to the situation in question is «clearly established» which usually means that it involves a legal issue that has been resolved in a binding case law precedent.
Case law precedent from the National Mortgage Settlement applies.
Law reporting has always served three purposes: to bring significant new decisions to the profession's attention (the «current awareness» function); to build and preserve a record of precedent for the common law (the «precedent» function); and to facilitate researching case law precedent (the «research» function).
The CJC's Statement of Principles, though advisory in nature, has already been referenced in a number of cases, increasingly solidifying those principles as case law precedent.
Point out that your daughter, according to established case law precedent, is old enough to have her wishes taken into account and Wall LJ should have asked her where she wanted to live.
Familiarity with case law precedents and legislation — and a desire to keep that knowledge current — are also required if one is to carry out effective legal research.
In particular, Loom's approach to legal analytics focuses on the interpretation of case law precedent.
In a notorious case, they might «set precedent» in inspiring other jurors to act similarly, but this is not enforceable precedent in the way that case law precedent is.
This is likely to become the case law precedent on various major, current and recurring aggregation issues and so is exceptionally high profile.
Mr. Castelli is aware of this case law precedent and can use it to help strengthen your case.
Once a year, check with your legal counsel for case law precedents that may affect your operations.
The common law consists of legal rules created by judges in opinions resolving appellate cases through a chain of case law precedents that trace back to the common law (and equity principles) of English law prior to the American Revolution.
Social Media Discrimination and Case Law Precedent.
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