Sentences with phrase «case of a heart»

They found that the people who took vitamins did not live longer or have fewer cases of heart disease or cancer than people who did not take them.
When they're not doping their athletes systematically for the olympics or paying off FIFA for the right to host the WC or taking over (and, in the case of Hearts, ruining) British football clubs, they are busy rigging elections at home and abroad, fomenting civil war in the Middle East, annexing parts of other countries, sponsoring terrorism, and shooting people who try to stand up to them.
The existence of two mechanisms would make sense for what we know about biology: Salt is necessary for life, but too much salt can kill you, and not just in the sense that excess salt in the diet may be behind some cases of heart disease.
For example, in the combined hormone therapy trial, treated 50 - to 59 - year - olds had five additional cases of heart disease and five more strokes per 10,000 women annually compared with the same - aged group on placebo.
In the case of heart disease, Reaven says that high blood concentrations of insulin and glucose can damage the endothelium that lines coronary arteries and set the stage for the formation of plaques.
The possibility that such a diet might be beneficial in certain cases of heart disease is very provocative and attractive.
Memory cells are why vaccination is effective; however, in the case of heart failure, memory cells may be responsible for an ongoing capacity of T - cells to injure the heart.
The study, which was a meta - analysis of all available research in populations worldwide, included up to 2 million people, and assessed up to 43,000 cases of heart disease, 47,000 cases of stroke, 81,000 cases of cardiovascular disease, 112,000 cancer cases and 94,000 deaths.
They identified nearly 1,500 cases of heart failure and compared the age at which patients were diagnosed with heart failure against their health status and risk factors at age 45.
A recent study by EPA researchers showed that, in 2010 alone, the Clean Air Act prevented more than 160,000 premature deaths, 130,000 cases of heart disease and 1.7 million asthma attacks, not to mention 86,000 hospital admissions and millions of respiratory illnesses.
Human geneticists and cardiologists studying families with heart disease may discover, said Stainier, that a mutated form of the gata5 homologue occurs in some cases of heart disease, in which case the mutated form of the gene could serve as a marker of predisposition to the disease.
In the case of heart health, a simple and universal example of a biomarker is blood pressure.
Bahrami, a senior cardiology research fellow at Hopkins, says removing barriers for African Americans to controlling their diabetes and hypertension could be critical to reducing new cases of heart failure.
In fact, some cases of heart attacks, lead poisoning, and allergic reactions may be linked to home - brewed tea.
We've known for years that not all cases of heart disease, the # 1 killer in the Western world, are explained by the traditional risk factors such as smoking, elevated blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, and a family history of premature heart disease.
While severe cases of heart disease and stroke may need to rely on medical intervention for improvement,...
Experts believe that if the current adolescent obesity rates persist, they'll be more than a hundred thousand additional cases of heart disease connected to obesity in about twenty years.
In the case of heart disease, recent research has shown that pear fibers are able to bind together with bile acids in the intestine, lowering the pool of bile acids and decreasing the synthesis of cholesterol.
Studies have indicated that the consumption of Creatine can support cardiac output in cases of heart failure or after a heart attack.
In case of heart health, earlier studies have suggested that soy has a role in reducing the LDL - c and therefore may have a heart protective role.
These flawed experiments he talks about in the video, well, while they did vary the fat intake, there is NO MENTION of carbohydrate intake WHATSOEVER!!!! So yes, if you eat a shit load of fat along with a shit load of carbohydrates, you will get a really bad case of heart disease (AKA a Standard American Diet, AKA SAD).
I bought it but found that it gave me a major case of heart burn, which I had never had before trying this.
They predict just 2 adverse events per 15 cases of heart attack or stroke prevented, and make rather strong statements about doctors not prescribing statins often enough.
In the case of heart attacks, the way to be heart - attack proof is to have a total cholesterol under ~ 150 and an LDL under ~ 70.
Countries that consume high amounts of coconut and coconut oil in their diets such as the Philippines, India, and the Pacific Islands have significantly fewer cases of heart disease and obesity clearly disproving any agenda driven smear campaign against this marvelously healthy oil!
Adequate LDL - cholesterol and triglyceride levels may be critical for cell function and survival in the case of a heart attack — as well as in other conditions.
From the entry of the refined carbs to the first observed cases of heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. took 20 to 30 years which obscured the connection, but he found no exceptions to the pattern in hundreds of areas regardless of other changes going on.
Face Shape: Hoop earrings enhance the width of the jawline in case of heart - shaped, diamond and oval face shapes.
In the case of Heart of a Dog, the only importance is attached to the name of artist who signed this film.
In the case of Hearts Beat Loud from writer / director Brett Haley (The Hero, I'll See You in My Dreams), the special ingredient comes in the form of Nick Offerman and Kiersey Clemons as a father and daughter who have had trouble connecting since the death of his wife and find a connection by forming a band with some real potential.
In case of heart attack, over 90 % of Canadians survive but in this case, you need to recover.
Most cases of heart disease, particularly in middle - aged to older pets, tend to be a chronic, progressive condition.
Only in advanced cases of heart failure should a severely sodium - restricted diet be considered.
Degenerative valve disease in dogs accounts for approximately 75 % of all cases of heart disease.
In all cases of heart disease in dogs and cats, as the circulatory system fails, the kidneys liver and all other organs are flooded with stagnant blood and work inefficiently.
So in reality, most actual cases of heart disease are a combination of several problems.
As in the case of heart disease, after the hyperthyroidism has been successfully treated, the high blood pressure will often resolve, and permanent treatment for it may not be required.
There have been a few reported cases of heart, neurologic, and skin - related complications, but these are uncommon enough that they have not been fully studied.
My vet said that our region (Mississippi Delta region of Arkansas) has seen an increase in cases of heart worms even when preventative treatment is clearly been done.
I have, however, seen many cases of heart disease in dogs fed canine diets with adequate crude protein requirements, or home prepared diets heavy in meats.
While some dog breeds are predisposed to canine cardiovascular disease, most cases of heart disease in dogs is acquired through normal wear and tear, injury or infection.
As in the case of heart disease, after the hyperthyroidism has been successfully treated, high blood pressure will often resolve, and permanent treatment for it may not be required.
His main interest in clinical cardiology was initially in arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms), but over the years, he has developed a particular interests in the management of mitral valve disease, refractory or complicated cases of heart failure, feline cardiomyopathies and interventional cardiology.
Plus, in the case of heart failure, the heart will not be able to pump blood to the muscles and other tissues.
Platforms: PC / PlayStation 4Developer: Zombie Studios Publisher: Zombie Studios (PC) / Atlus (PS4) Genre: Survival Horror Platform Played On: PC There are a few things you should have ready before you play Daylight: have your local emergency number on ready in case of a heart related incidents, make sure your chair isn't -LSB-...]
Nexium doesn't always just treat folks who have mild cases of heart burn or GERD.
Health IQ recognizes that family history is not destiny and has pushed carriers to lower the threshold age for our health conscious customers — in the case of heart disease, from 60 years old to 55 years old.
# All references to age are as on age last birthday * Monthly mode is available for SI / direct debit options (including ECS, ACH) In case of Heart and Cancer cover being taken, the sum insured chosen is split equally between sum insured for Cancer cover and sum insured for Heart cover.
The average cost incurred in the US in case of a heart attack is $ 760,000 (over 5 crore rupees), compared to Rs. 3.5 lakhs in India.
In case of a heart attack, more than 90 percent of people survive and recover.
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