Sentences with phrase «case of a particular group»

Stein is reported to have said in response, «Why should there be an exception made in the case of a particular group?

Not exact matches

From a finite set of particular observations one can not derive a universal generalization with certainty (the much debated logic of induction can provide no inferential grounds for making assertions about all cases when only a particular group of cases has been examined).
There are, in each case, courses of action or attitudes that are considered, according to basic religious principles, or according to tradition or custom within a community of faith, as very specifically not in harmony or actually contrary to the spirit of the particular cult group.
It is true, as Hall points out, that for Whitehead ordering principles are «immanent» within particular occasions (see UP 261 - 70), but in most cases those ordering principles also reflect the «mutual relations» of individuals, as well as the «community in character» pervading groups or societies of individuals (AI 142).13 This is particularly true of persons: the relations between occasions which constitute the human body and brain, and the «community of character» of the succession of personal experiences, give an essential element of unity to human experience.
Mr Fittall said positive discrimination in the church would work well: «They allow you to put more effort into training and in particular they enable you, in the case of a tiebreak, where you have got insufficient diversity, to lean in favour of the under - represented group.
Whereas the Harvard group would respond to particular extreme cases of environmental problems, the WCC group would ask for a fundamental change in the way human beings look at nature.
Well, also, trying to build a case that all atheists «champion» a particular group of people is also silly.
This is the case in particular amongst groups for whom masculine identity is important, and where there is a «culture of honour».
Ticktin outlined the many case hearings that she had sat in on, all with very valid claims on the grounds of political opinion, membership to a particular group and race.
It is therefore unlikely that the alternate would be a member of a group that is partisan on the question of that particular case.
«In general, and I don't want to speak specific about this particular case, but if somebody makes a threat against a building, an institution, a group of people and the threat is of a violent nature you can be charged with making a terroristic threat and it is a felony,» stated Lt. Rinaldo.
In many cases the damage is caused by a particular group of immune cells called effector memory T - cells.
One group rejects the idea of imperfection in this particular case, and the other does not.
Although a particular area of concern was potential renal stenosis, there was only one case in the renal denervation group and none in the sham group.
The relationship between an athlete personal best in competition and back squat, bench press and power clean 1RM was determined via general linear model polynomial contrast analysis and regression for a group of 53 collegiate elite level throwers (24 males and 29 females); data analysis showed significant linear and quadratic trends for distance and 1RM power clean for both male (linear: p ≤ 0.001, quadratic: p ≤ 0.003) and female (linear: p ≤ 0.001, quadratic: p = 0.001) suggesting how the use of Olympic - style weightlifting movements — the clean, in this particular case, but more in general explosive, fast, athletic - like movements — can be a much better alternative for sport - specific testing for shot putters (Judge, et al, 2013).
To begin with, you may be looking for an online dating site that serves your particular social or other group, in which case what follows in this article will apply once you have sorted out a list of potential sites to join within your specified area of interest.
Broke after living off charity funds all her life, she readily accepts a cash payment to make an appearance at a meeting of the Kill Club; a group specialising in murder mysteries and who have a particular interest in the case of her family - namely because they do not believe her brother was the killer.
This is especially the case when they are enrolled in the same schools in low - income neighborhoods, irrespective of language background or identification with a particular racial group.
If in the case of malicious activation and you don't know who the culprit is — this is your way of finding out which group of pupils it may have been, especially if you can narrow it down to a particular corridor on a particular day.
The second case demonstrates the importance of understanding another's perspective and identities before using symbols that may be particular to a certain group, particularly when these can be misused or used disrespectfully.
For reassurance that none of this is the case, researchers commonly begin by looking for two facts in particular: first, studies of the program published in independent, refereed journals — ideally those of high repute; and second, the researchers» use of truly comparable groups.
No, I expect the anti-Blaine groups to continue looking for a case with facts supporting their point of view — that is, a case involving an application of a Blaine Amendment in a way that appears to discriminate against a particular religious tradition, denomination or practice.
Each pack is themed around music from a particular game or musical group, in this case it is Rez and End of the World.
Bathers, is Henderson's newest group of hyper - real sociological oil paintings derived from found web images, focusing on a particular cultural experience - in this case, the «summer retreat».
As long ago as the 80s, their large scale photographic works (and in Graham's case, videos) established a particular kind of mediated art - making as Canada's global contribution, and the label stuck for a long time, assuming a kind of Group - of - Seven-esque point of nationalistic, artistic pride, contemporary version.
It's the vast majority of climate scientists vs (in this particular case) a front group for activities by PR disinformation specialists, financed indirectly by fossil fuel companies and others opposed to regulation of GHG emission pollution.]
«The fundamental principle is academic freedom... In this case, a group of scientists [i.e. the Friends of Science] holds a particular viewpoint and have advanced it publicly, with funding support from the external community.
The spread of Wahhabi doctrine - fanatically hostile to Shi'ite and Suffi Muslims, Jews, Christians, women, modernity, and much else - plays a major role with respect to Islamist terrorist groups: a role similar to that played by angry German nationalism with respect to Nazism in the decades after World War I. Not all angry German nationalists became Nazis and not all those schooled in Wahhabi beliefs become terrorists, but in each case the broader doctrine of hatred has provided the soil in which the particular totalitarian movement has grown.
In any case, when the 5th Assessment Report of Working Group 1 was published in September 2013, much of the media attention focused on one particular section in the Summary for Policymakers which claimed that it was «extremely likely» that human activity was responsible for most of the global warming since the 1950s.
This is particularly the case for livelihoods and households that have limited asset flexibility and / or those that experience disadvantages and marginalization due to gender, age, class, race, (dis) ability, or being part of a particular indigenous or ethnic group.
The Panel at its 33rd Session decided to limit the term of office for the IPCC Chair, IPCC Vice-Chairs and the Co-Chairs of the Working Groups and Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories to one term in a particular office with the possibility of nomination for election for a further term in the same office for individual cases as decided by the Panel.
The answers will also be relevant for a preliminary reference that the Dutch Counscil of State has made in a few asylum cases regarding the interpretation of article 9 of the Directive, in particular whether homosexuals can be ascribed as «a social group» in the sense of the provision, and whether it can be expected from them «to conceal some homosexual activities».
We are now one of a group of test cases linked for judicial review proceedings — challenging not only particular decisions on ECF but the operation of the scheme as a whole.
«We ought not attribute to Congress an official purpose based on the motives of a particular group that lobbied for or against a certain proposal — even assuming the precise intent of the group can be determined, a point doubtful both as a general rule and in the instant case.
Therefore, there is really no substitute in evaluating how judges will exercise that discretion for the collective experience of an attorney who has been through the process many, many times before the particular group of judges who are likely to handle your individual case.
Article 10 (1)(d) of Council Directive 2004 / 83 / EC of 29 April 2004 on minimum standards for the qualification and status of third - country nationals or Stateless persons as refugees or as persons who otherwise need international protection and the content of the protection granted must be interpreted as meaning that the existence of criminal laws, such as those at issue in each of the cases in the main proceedings, which specifically target homosexuals, supports the finding that those persons must be regarded as forming a particular social group.
Presentations ranging from talks to discussions to seminars to workshops are given to both in - house and external professional groups on topics related to communication and persuasion, jury selection, and jurors» attitudes in particular types of criminal and civil cases.
In these cases, preference can be given to members of the particular group served.
An important contribution of the present case is that the public criterion is no longer subjective, which implies that someone can always claim he did not take into account a particular group of people.
The landmark case, brought by Thompsons on behalf of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) concluded that workers do not need to prove the «reason why» the practice in question puts, or would, put the affected group at a particular disadvantage.
Notwithstanding the above, recognition and enforcement has been refused on grounds of public policy for the following reasons: the award was obtained by fraud (see Westacre Investments Inc v Jugoimport - SPDR Holding Co Ltd [1999] 2 Lloyd's Rep 65 (CA) and Tamil Nadu Electricity Board v ST - CMS Electric Company Private Ltd [2008] 1 Lloyd's Rep 93); the award was tainted by illegality (Soleimany v Soleimany [1998] 3 WLR 811); the underlying agreement was contrary to principles of EU law, in particular competition law as set out in Articles 101 and 102 of the TFEU (Eco Swiss China Time Ltd v Benetton International NV (1999)(Case C - 126 / 97); and the award was unclear as to the obligations imposed on the parties (Tongyuan (USA) International Trading Group v Uni-Clan Ltd (2001, unreported, 26 Yearbook of Commercial Arbitration 886).
Claims brought by a person on behalf of a group of persons to establish a precedent on a particular point of law («test cases»)
Of course, there is much more that goes into the preparation, including pretrial motion practice, witness preparation, expert witness preparation, the development of themes, conducting focus groups to learn about particular weaknesses in the case and just common sense in presenting the case in a way that focuses on the nursing home's poor handling of an injured residenOf course, there is much more that goes into the preparation, including pretrial motion practice, witness preparation, expert witness preparation, the development of themes, conducting focus groups to learn about particular weaknesses in the case and just common sense in presenting the case in a way that focuses on the nursing home's poor handling of an injured residenof themes, conducting focus groups to learn about particular weaknesses in the case and just common sense in presenting the case in a way that focuses on the nursing home's poor handling of an injured residenof an injured resident.
He also has considerable experience of data protection issues in the corporate and commercial sphere, including in particular instruction in Various Claimants v WM Morrison Supermarkets plc (a high - value group litigation privacy / data protection claim against Morrisons, another of The Lawyer's Top 20 Cases of 2017).
If cameras are to come at all, they should be the result of a thoughtful, well - considered policy of broad application, not because the government of the day happens to think a particular case or group of cases would make for politically expedient soundbites.
The accused's acquittal in this case is not based on his lack of knowledge of a particular plot or goal, but rather whether he sincerely meant to pledge himself to the group during the sole meeting on July 20, 2010.
(iv) Whether or not the evidence in any particular case, taken as a whole, proves that the offender's conduct demonstrated hostility to such a group, or was motivated by such hostility, is a question of fact for the decision - makers in the case.
In some cases, for example, government action may seek to compel the promotion of a particular norm — such as acceptance of others — that may be contrary to the deeply held views of an individual or group.
But now, if only in exceptional cases, it seems sufficient if the finger points at a group of which the negligent defendant is in some sense a «part», even if it doesn't point at a particular defendant?
In some cases, if an individual is a member of a particular group, they can obtain life insurance at a reduced monthly premium rate.
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