Sentences with phrase «case of abuse»

She regularly defends clients before the French and European authorities and courts, particularly in cases of abuse of dominant position.
In most cases, companies in this situation experience fewer cases of abuse of sick days off because when employees do not show up for work, then they do not get paid.
Recent reported cases of abuse in long - term care homes captured on video camera only serve to highlight the tensions regarding workplace surveillance.
This can lead to policy and practice changes both in that facility and throughout the industry, which can help prevent future cases of abuse from taking place.
Most cases of abuse and neglect are preventable by taking a proactive approach that utilizes proven, evidence - based practices.
There are Roman Catholic bishops who report suspected cases of abuse.
In serious cases of abuse, the parent's visitation rights, and even his parental rights, may be permanently and completely revoked.
As child clinicians we will become involved in many cases of abuse and neglect.
You will witness extreme cases of abuse and neglect more often than in any other kind of dog rescue.
The list of participants was also checked against verified cases of abuse and neglect and medical records were examined.
A: We file charges in cases of abuse where we are asked to go in and investigate a cruelty case.
So many of us see so many sad cases of abuse and neglect... it is so unnecessary.
As a licensed private detective agency, we work with law enforcement and humane agencies to take custody of animals seized in criminal cases of abuse.
It is up to all of us to continue to be aware and report possible cases of abuse.
And if we're honest, there are times when reconciliation doesn't always work out, such as cases of abuse where you are not safe.
This home visiting programme seemed to have increased the number of cases of abuse identified in the intervention arm.
-- well, there's a false case of abuse in the making, he says.
As a volunteer with animal rescue groups and our city animal welfare shelter, I have been witness to terrible cases of abuse and neglect.
While the policy protects victims in legitimate cases of abuse, the rules are now increasingly exploited by spouses seeking to gain leverage in a divorce case.
More broadly defined, breakdown can be asked for by foster parents or support staff (for example in case of an abusing foster parent).
The only exceptions are when there is a danger that you may harm yourself or someone else, or in active cases of abuse.
It is important that suspected cases of abuse or children potentially at risk are reported.
Sadly, this documented case of abuse is an all too common occurrence.
Do NOT report cases of abuse or neglect through this web site or to us via e-mail or telephone.
There are also many cases of abused and neglected children that do not come to the attention of social service agencies.
Except in cases of abuse, negligence, or addiction, joint custody arrangements are favored by the courts.
Anybody care that out of 70million Catholics and 45,000 priests there were only 6 substantiated cases of abuse last year by anyone on the payroll of the Catholic Church in the US.
Nigeria is currently at its lowest level because we have people who have no sense of responsibility, who have no feeling and are there for just vanity and are ready to bring down the country in order to feel important, it is the worst case of abuse ever.
Mr. Speaker, I am speaking in support of Bill C - 560, which is the bill to amend the Divorce Act to make equal shared parenting arrangements for children following the divorce of their parents, except in proven cases of abuse or neglect.
Facebook was aware more than two years ago of Cambridge Analytica's harvesting of the personal profiles of up to 87 million users and can not rule out other cases of abuse of user data, chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg said.
The Ontario College of Teachers have repeatedly sat on cases of abuse against children and when a school principal gets a little upset (rightly so) he gets action.
In Tennessee, the Department of Child Services manages cases of abuse involving children, but also offers referrals to families in crisis.
Numerous cases of abuse towards maids and domestic works have attracted international scrutiny.
This is important as manualised treatments have often been criticised for being inflexible and deemed inappropriate for treating more complicated cases of abuse.
The movement is based on the belief that we must do more than simply respond to cases of abuse through prosecution and intervention — we need to provide programs and policies that focus on the child development process, engage communities and create conditions that allow parents to be the kinds of parents they want to be.
The Ghana Journalist Association (GJA) is currently in talks with some lawyers who will handle cases of abuse against journalist,...
The booklet starts by acknowledging the failure of Church leaders either to protect potential victims of abuse, or to respond adequately when cases of abuse occurred.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office announced Sunday evening that a three - way agreement had been forged on his legislation that would create a new reporting system for cases of abuse and neglect of the developmentally disabled.
City animal control officers spend their time patrolling Perris streets, investigating cases of abused, neglected and aggressive animals, working with local veterinarians getting the word out about low - cost shot and check - up clinics, encouraging residents to get their pets spayed and neutered and bringing residences with too many pets into municipal compliance.
Utsav Singh Bains, a lawyer for the victims, said there could be dozens more cases of abuse involving women at the sect.
Many of our cases have settled for substantial but confidential recoveries, including cases of abuse by priests, professionals, and corporate executives.
Elvis Van Lare who bemoaned the recent cases of abuse of workers said workers particularly those in the free zone sector are more vulnerable since most of them are denied the right to form unions.
In a New Yorker report, Arianna Huffington, the founder and CEO of Thrive Global, calls on companies to reassess their values: «This includes rejecting the cult of the top performer, which tolerates otherwise unacceptable behavior, and instead building a culture that functions as the company's immune system: surfacing cases of abuse and identifying toxic elements as fast as possible, and then quickly rejecting them.»
This is not one of those unhappy cases of abuse or abandonment, just a simple parting of the ways.
Jill Hileman's post helped me immensely in understanding the very «technical meaning» of «safe» in case of abuse survivors trying to heal.
Gonzalez said the Vatican documents provide solid proof of a policy geared towards hiding cases of abuse.
«The external «Review of Safeguarding Protocols and Procedures» being conducted by Dr. Andrew McLellan will report in 2015 and the Statistical Review of all Historic Cases of Abuse from 1947 - 2005 will be published at that time also.»
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