Sentences with phrase «case of infants»

In cases of infant formula allergies, cow's milk protein is the most common allergen.
The vast majority of cases of infant formula intolerance are associated with intolerance to cow's milk, which is the basis of all formulas.
In many cases of infant deaths in an adult bed, the baby has become wedged in between the mattress and another surface, like a piece of furniture, the wall, or a headboard.
While there are many causes of meningitis, many cases of infant meningitis are caused by exposure to group B strep and E. coli.
-LSB-...] revealed problems with some seats, such as failures in side impact crashes and numerous cases of infant seats detaching from their bases.
The story comes out of Columbus, Ohio where 4 separate cases of infants dying occurred.
The double casing of the infant carrier teamed with the toddler seat also adds an extra element of safety.
Ericka, there are more cases of infant death in hospitals only because hospital birth is so much more common than out - of - hospital birth.
While these are by no means a likely outcome, in moderate to severe cases of infant plagiocephaly, they are possible if the flattening is left untreated.
But then again, you «ve come across a few cases of infants dying while being in one.
Healthcare providers can refer parents of multiples to receive complimentary cases of the infant formula that their doctor has recommended for their babies.
Public health nurse observations of behavioral characteristics of fathers who contribute to the emotional instability of mothers, as presented in cases of infant abuse
Studies have found that omega - 3 fatty acids, in particular, benefit eye health by enhancing vision development in case of infants; and is also known to prevent diseases like diabetic retinopathy and AMD in adults.
Before guidelines for preventing infant botulism were advocated, from 1976-1983 395 cases of infant botulism were reported to the Center for Disease Control.
There have been numerous cases of infant deaths where parents, thinking they are safer, fall asleep while feeding a baby in the middle of the night on a couch or chair, only to have the baby suffocate in the couch.
If dependence on another disqualifies one from the protection of society, as in the case of the infant's dependence on its mother's body and the infant's dependence on the attention of its caregiver, then where do we locate just who is not dependent on others?
In the case of infant baptism many of these parents want to do the right thing by their child.
In the case of infant formula, the well - documented risks associated with artificial feeding are glossed over by this image transfer.
In the case of infant formula Tesco says it is because of the law.
It is easy to miscalculate a pregnancy by a week or so, and in the case of these infants a single week can make the difference between a late - preterm baby and a term one.
The case of the infants sleeping with their eyes open is relatively common.
The AAP now advises that, in the case of infants who are at high risk of allergies, peanuts should be introduced between 4 - 6 months.
(E.g., a study shows that in the case of infants, consumption of cow's milk has considerably reduced risk of fever and respiratory infections.)
However, no refunds shall be made unless said animal was spayed or neutered within sixty (60) days of adoption in the case of adult animals; or, in the case of infant animals, within thirty (30) days of the date a female animal attained the age of six (6) months, or a male animal attained the age of eight (8) months.
In the case of infant mortality, there were 10,000 fewer deaths of under - fives in 2008 than in 1990.
Many claimants also quite often don't even realize that they have an ICBC injury claim to begin with, such as in the case of an infant claim, a claim, or an uninsured motorist claim, and do not realize this before it is too late.
In the case of an infant's claim, any settlement must be approved by the Public Guardian and Trustee, and in the case of settlements over $ 50,000, the Public Trustee reviews the proposed settlement and makes recommendations to the Court as to the appropriateness of the settlement, including any legal fees if the infant has a lawyer, and the Court makes the final decision on the matter.
This is particularly obvious in the case of an infant, but legally the concept applies to any minor who is not emancipated.
E.g., Hindus cremate their deceased (except in case of infants), instead of burying them.
Some infants are not offered a readily available attachment figure as in the case of infants who were raised in multiple placements or orphanages.
Many judges, however, still lean toward the mother for primary physical custody in the case of infants and toddlers.
Administrators began looking for ways they could remove the existing child mental health systems eligibility requirement for a serious emotional disturbance in the case of infants and toddlers.
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