Sentences with phrase «case of the flu»

I am in bed with a really bad case of the flu, and this cheers me up.
There are no controlled studies that demonstrate any decrease in cases of the flu among those who have gotten the vaccine.
Babies may start out with a mild case of the flu but can get very sick quickly.
Symptoms for everyone else vary, but are generally described as much like having a severe case of the flu with fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, fever and poor appetite.
I faced my first obstacle about three weeks into the challenge when I came down with a serious case of the flu.
And to welcome it, a fresh case of the flu with a side order of stomach bug has arrived with it.
So it is very susceptible to your regular, everyday case of the flu.
Summer is hardly over, and schools, daycare facilities and medical offices across the country are already reporting a spike in cases of flu and viral infections.
If a past vaccine triggered severe symptoms, maybe you'd be better off with a mild case of the flu.
When I was 12 years old, I experienced a fairly severe case of the flu.
With more than 7,000 confirmed cases of the flu in New York State, Governor Cuomo has declared a disaster declaration.
And it's not like she just barely made it; according to her spokeswoman Tess Dumlao, she «got to the top unassisted and strong to her last step» of the 19,341 - foot climb despite getting a nasty case of the flu on day four.
If it wasn't for getting such a severe case of the flu at 12 years old, I'm not sure I would have ever crossed paths with Godzilla.
«There have been 95 new cases of flu reported in just the past few days, bringing the total number of cases to date to 134 in Oneida County,» Phyllis D. Ellis, Director of Health said.
Earn's team used these findings to estimate how much more virus people with ordinary flu might produce if their fevers were suppressed, and used epidemiological studies in people to estimate how many more cases of flu this might cause.
(For a suspected case of flu, those circumstances include experiencing flu symptoms for more than 48 hours and severe neck pain with sensitivity to light and sound.)
A spiking fever, chills, and nausea suggested a classic case of flu.
In other words, in the flu vaccine group, in the first four months after birth, there were nearly 70 percent fewer cases of flu than in the meningitis vaccine group.
It has been reported that people with the lowest levels of vitamin D in their blood have significantly more colds and cases of the flu recently than those with higher levels of the vitamin.
Even two weeks of warning would help doctors diagnose cases of the flu earlier and urge still - healthy people to adopt preventive measures, says Dr. Polgreen, who has studied social networks and infectious disease but wasn't involved in the new research.
Here I am, on New Years Eve, going through photos from my trip to Pittsburgh with a mild case of the Flu coming on.
Eventually she allowed her doubts to win out and she bowed out of their date, citing an emergency case of the flu.
I'm sure many of you have had a bad case of the flu where you were kept up all night coughing and having trouble breathing - this was very similar to how these dogs would present.
The first case of the flu in the country was reported in Osaka.
Does a defendant with flu - like symptoms, someone not even verifiably suffering from a full - fledged case of the flu, really have a chance of having his or her absence excused?
The only time I ever got upgraded was when I was pregnant with my eldest and was juggling morning sickness with the most horrific case of flu and languishing in a hotel bed in London.
The Flu and Pneumonia The majority of so - called «influenza deaths» are really cases of the flu that become deadly bacterial or viral pneumonia.
There are now 100 confirmed cases of the flu in Monroe County, this time last year the county had 14.
I had to file late because I've been distracted by my miserably sick daughter who has a very, very bad case of the flu.
When it seems as if everyone around you is coming down with a nasty case of the flu, you know you've got to help give your body the best chance at warding off illness.
Keeping healthy may make a mild case of flu even milder.
The latest weekly numbers show 540 new cases of flu, down from 715 the week before.
The good news from these results, however, is that clinicians have a new treatment option for children who mysteriously develop severe cases of the flu.
As flu season approaches, travelers often ask us whether their travel insurance protects them in case of the flu.
When it comes to taking a sick day, a bad case of the flu isn't the only thing keeping Canadians from coming in to work.
Long - term, a multi-day setback like a bad case of the flu or bad back pain likely won't affect your position at the company, especially if you've worked there for many years and it doesn't occur often.
Although every case of the flu may not end tragically, Murrieta's death is a reminder to listen to your body and take your health seriously.
What an American doctor trained on the mainland might see as a case of the flu could actually be Chikungunya, a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes.
That happens if I have a bad case of the flu or during housecleaning bouts when my hands are busy but my eyes and mind are mostly free.
that's exactly how I would describe Little One, in spite of the fact that she is currently having a bad case of flu.
That transformed into a bad case of the flu, which today transformed into a stomach bug.
Then I went on to prepare dinner, moghlai murgh which was almost ready when Little One declared she wanted to go to bed (she caught a bad case of flu).
After interviewing Sean and being told that he had not taken any drugs, the doctor assumed that he was dealing with a case of the flu that was going around; he prescribed a decongestant and sent Sean home.

Phrases with «case of the flu»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z