Sentences with phrase «case outcome prediction»

The new bot further adds a case outcome prediction capability to assess the chance of winning a legal claim that the bot has analysed.

Not exact matches

While mathematics can not decide the answer in any single case, it can formulate laws of probability according to which we can make fairly accurate predictions regarding the outcome of a large number of coin tossings.
In this case, VAM - based estimates might be used to predict future outcomes on a related measure (e.g., success on a college - entrance exam), after which predictions might be verified to evidence whether and to what extent the VAM - based predictions came true.
A set of legal scholars polled for their predictions on SCOTUS outcomes came in with an accuracy of 59 %, 4 but it is well known that in the modern Court most cases are reversed.
We then describe five areas in which machine intelligence will provide services or factors of production currently provided by lawyers: discovery, legal search, document generation, brief generation, and prediction of case outcomes
27 Mark K. Osbeck, Using Data Analytics Tools to Supplement Traditional Research and Analysis in Forecasting Case Outcomes, 20 Leg.Wri ting 33, 34 - 35 (2015)(identifying factors that can skew predictions using traditional case analysCase Outcomes, 20 Leg.Wri ting 33, 34 - 35 (2015)(identifying factors that can skew predictions using traditional case analyscase analysis).
Those patterns can then inform predictions about likely case outcomes, based upon similarities between the facts, the courts, the individual judges, etc..
* This does not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your case and results include that of independent associated counsel.
It also allows them to shape a distinct litigation strategy and facilitate a better prediction of the potential outcome of each case.
They surmised that «published judgments can be used to test the possibility of a text - based analysis for ex ante predictions of outcomes on the assumption that there is enough similarity between (at least) certain chunks of the text of published judgments and applications lodged with the Court and / or briefs submitted by parties with respect to pending cases
In fact, Mr Thio, in his article, explicitly mentioned that «senior lawyers will not be spared either: the development of predictive analysis software has meant that the experience and intuition that we value can now be replaced with a computer's predictions as to the outcome of a case or its likely settlement value» (read the original article here).
Case results depicted are not a prediction or guarantee of potential case outcoCase results depicted are not a prediction or guarantee of potential case outcocase outcomes.
And then something that is actually quite interesting is using AI for case outcome and predictions, and so, I think that is a promising area.
* This does not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your case and results include that of independent associated counsel from NV, CA and AZ..
Several academics have proposed algorithms for predicting case outcomes based on information such as the composition of an appellate panel and the ideology, gender and background of the judges, and these algorithms have generally performed better than law professors» predictions based on the legal issues involved.
Any case results found on this website do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.
When respondents were asked for their perspectives on AI and its effect on the legal industry, 71 % predicted it would have the biggest impact on electronic discovery in the areas of case assessment and predictive coding (TAR), coming in next at 41 % was document automation, followed by legal research (40 %), contract analysis / automation (34 %), and case / outcome prediction (24 %).
For a small fee, a party could get a «high confidence» level prediction of the outcome of their case in the court system.
Tomorrow, attorneys may use NLP - powered applications to reason about contracts and cases, make predictions about potential outcomes, or research topics under human guidance.
This is achieved by an early case assessment (a report written by the law firm, with a prediction around likely outcome, estimated timeline and costs.
It provides three tools for users: probabilistic evaluation of cases using predictions of high, medium, low and zero outcomes weighted by probability and anticipated costs; and two tools that use data from about 20,000 negotiations to assist negotiators in designing strategy by anticipating the behavior of other parties and forecasting settlement amounts.
Outcome prediction — Lex Machina, after building a large and fine - grained set of intellectual property case data, uses data mining and predictive analytics techniques to forecast outcomes of IP litigation.
· When asked how AI will influence legal, respondents mentioned eDiscovery (71 %), document automation (41 %), legal research (41 %), contract analysis / automation (34 %), and case / outcome predictions (24 %).
Professional Family Mediation is not about adjudication, evaluation of who has a stronger or weaker case, coercion, or predictions of outcomes if the case goes to court.
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