Sentences with phrase «cash for clunkers»

More on Cash for Clunkers Programs: Obama to Automakers: Make Greener American Cars or Go Under Beijing to Drivers: Give Up Your Car, We'll Pay You $ 3,600 Is Buying Up the Country's Clunkers Smart, Eco-Friendly Policy?
«With the money spent in Washington on the stimulus bill — only to find out that we created 2,000 jobs in China — along with the money spent on cash for clunkers program, profiting foreign car manufacturers while we bail out our domestic manufacturers who are laying our workers off, I can't imagine that too much thought was put into these programs before the action was taken to protect the American way of life.
Purchased my Element new as part of cash for clunkers program, after looking at it for several years.
Moreover, most of the the funds for cash for clunkers came by shifting money from the loan guarantee program for renewable energy, which is designed to make it easier to invest in and expand green energy projects.
Instead of getting long - term strategies for adopting low - carbon energy sources, upgrading the power grid, encouraging electric transportation and so on, we are getting cash for clunkers, subsidies for corn - based ethanol, and other ineffective and highly costly nonsolutions delivered by large - scale lobbying.
Plan 2, known as cash for clunkers didn't work either.
Later in the year, when cash for clunkers came out, I looked at the same vehicle and the price was higher even with trading in an old car.
Companies and governments haven't done enough to trim industrial overcapacity, focusing on wrong - headed programs like Cash for Clunkers that artificially boost demand.
The dust stirred up by Cash for Clunkers has finally settled: the $ 3 billion government program closed up shop weeks, if not months, ahead of schedule due to its extraordinary popularity.
Critics of the current Cash for Clunkers say that it mostly helps people who would have bought a new car anyway, and that many people are only moving forward their decision to buy (so it's not creating as much new demand as the numbers might lead people to think).
can we use cash for clunkers to get rid of these OLDSENATORS?their time has passed, i have no idea why their states still vote them in.
Msrp $ 24,300, Cash for Clunkers $ 4500, $ 2000 rebate, Purchase price $ 17,399 out the door.
Cash For Clunkers certainly didn't hurt either, doubling their sales last month alone.
Terms and conditions for the internet auto cash for clunkers promotion internet auto shall provide a minimum of 3,000.00 for any vehicle used for a down...
The Green Lining of Cash for Clunkers So, while there's plenty of room for debate here, and coming months will give us a clearer picture of whether the program truly succeeded economically and environmentally, there is one distinct benefit I can see emerging from the event.
A Closer Look at Cash for Clunkers One bill is sponsored by Sen. Feinstein, the other co-sponsored by 19 different lawmakers in the House.
More transportation news Honda FCX Wins Green Award Cash for Clunkers Debate Continues - Details Needed Could Boston's Big Bike Share Plan Create Kinder, Gentler Drivers?
One of his ideas is to simply to take a cue from cash for clunkers to help boost sales of electric vehicles.
Dr. Jamin Hubner — Mitchell Republic — April 29, 2015 Remember Cash for Clunkers?
He again brings up the idea of electric cars for clunkers, noting how popular and successful cash for clunkers was.
Cash for Clunkers Increasing Demand for the Prius Hybrid The redesigned 2010 Toyota Prius hybrid has been selling very well, especially compared to other models in this economy (it even was the # 1 car in Japan).
Unlike the program in the US, however, German thieves have stolen over 50,000 of the clunkers turned in for cash, shipped them out of the country, and given them another chance to pollute on the roads of Africa, Eastern Europe, and sometimes even Germany.See, there was one key oversight that's turned out to seriously hinder the German cash for clunkers, and that's the absence of a rule making sure the clunker gets scrapped.
Cash for Clunkers unintentionally illustrated the difficulty of achieving cost - effective emissions reductions through financial incentives.
And the gang debates the merits of Cash for Clunkers as well as how frequently a vehicle's oil should be changed.
This step would reduce the number of insane and wasteful program such as Cash For Clunkers and get the political class focused on fewer but more impactful economic policies and programs.
Things like Cash for Clunkers, mandatory emission tests (that are frequent and stringent), better policing, and maybe some real - time dashboard feedback to help teach people not to accelerate too fast for no reason could help.
The recent passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act, and the recently wound - up Cash for Clunkers programs south of the border are just two examples of the sweeping changes in attitude that are occurring.
via: Raw Story UPDATE - 2:25 ET The New York Times is reporting that the House has pushed aside all other business an appropriated an additional $ 2 billion for Cash for Clunkers.
Most importantly, the status quo monetary policy distorts economic activity towards debt - based financial assets and debt - financed durable goods such as the «cash for clunkers» program to boost auto sales.
Tags: Bloomberg, Cash for Clunkers, China, Fox Business, Hot Links, IRS, Panda Bear Market, Sequoia Capital, Washington Post
The tag issue can be solved by the Big O. To get ye olde economy revvin» agin he can do like the «cash for clunkers» deal and renew everybody's plates.
I mean, if we can spend $ 4 billion on «cash for clunkers,» then we can spend a little more on feeding 30 million kids healthier meals.
These aggressively publicized promotions, Leonardis said, «totally gave us a big shot in the arm,» and he's now planning a «cash for clunkers» art sale / exchange.
«We'll pass cash for clunkers... before we leave here,» said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
~ ~ The Cash for Clunkers Program concerns them.
And the recent national «cash for clunkers» program for trading in old cars for newer, more efficient vehicles was highly popular «because the money was available up front and not as a tax rebate months later,» Dietz says.
Negotiating with the Obama administration in 2009 on the «cash for clunkers» program, which gave Americans vouchers to trade in their old, gas - guzzling vehicles for new, efficient models.
After these historic events, dealers had to confront both the success and the inefficiencies of Cash for Clunkers.
Although automakers, dealers, and politicians alike hail the «Cash for Clunkers» program as a godsend, there are plenty who oppose the legislation, not the least of which are charity organizations.
He didn't really care why because he only needed it fixed enough to pass a «cash for clunkers» program.
The move also comes after the cash for clunkers program, which offers rebates from the government...
DETROIT — Chrysler Group LLC is changing an incentive plan that offered to double the government's «cash for clunkers» rebates amid complaints from dealers that inventory is running short.
The Cash for Clunkers program got underway in the U.S. market yesterday and dealers reported a big jump in showroom traffic.
Doing this, I got the limited model for slightly less than the SE retail price after rebates and the «Cash for Clunkers» deal.
The best warranty — $ 4500 Cash For Clunkers — $ 2000 Cash Back — Under Invoice Pricing from USAA.
With the cash for clunkers and factory rebate and dealer savings, can't go wrong with purchasing this vehicle.
Did the Cash For Clunkers program; $ 27945 sticker, $ 3500 CFC, $ 2000 Hyundai rebate, $ 1100 additional dealer discount = $ 21345 total paid plus fees.
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