Sentences with phrase «cast of thousands»

Agora proves that it is entire possible to have an old - school blockbuster (and I am talking Cecil B. DeMille and Alan Mann spectacle films with casts of thousands wearing togas and swords) coupled with science, mathematics and commentary on modern times nudge shoulders with romance, upheaval and politics of antiquity.
This de Millian cast of thousands comes together in a cataclysmic Helm's Deep clash that is Shrek the Third.
Set in Springfield, the average American town, the show focuses on the antics and everyday adventures of the Simpson family; Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, as well as a virtual cast of thousands.
This is the sort of rare epic film that spans the decades, that uses the proverbial cast of thousands, and yet follows a human thread from beginning to end: «Gandhi» is no more overwhelmed by the scope of its production than was Gandhi overwhelmed by all the glory of the British Empire.
With a massive scale and a digital cast of thousands, this ancient Egyptian romp tries to be both a new version of those 1950s Biblical toga epics and a generous dose of camp silliness.
If it wasn't quite the match of the fright fests that were being made over in Europe during this decade (Nosferatu, Haxan), it was certainly one of the most epic American undertakings this side of D.W. Griffith and Cecil B. DeMille, with the Paris Opera and surrounding streets beautifully recreated on the studio lot and populated with that literal cast of thousands.
Grant Morrison, Rags Morales and a back - up cast of thousands wrap up the first year of «Action Comics» with a slightly flat conclusion to Superman's new secret identity and the mysterious Neo Sapiens.
The quickly - cut violence of the battle creates the illusion of a cast of thousands and the impression of war as an ugly, undifferentiated slaughterhouse.
We're not in a numbers game, but we would certainly be happy with a cast of thousands rather than dozens at a pro-life march in 2017!
While Ruth, Mays and Aaron were far better all - around hitters and a cast of thousands could field with more dexterity, when it came to hitting the ball out of the ball park, Kiner was a giant.
So at least on that score producers Todd Phillips and Steve Richards can honestly promo their epic as boasting «a cast of thousands
As expected from a Ridley Scott - directed sword / sandals epic based on the story of Moses leading 600,000 slaves out of Egypt, the trailer and footage teased killer action sequences and battle scenes, a cast of thousands which includes Sigourney Weaver, Ben Kingley, Joel Edgerton, Aaron Paul, John Turturro and some of history's earliest family drama between Moses and Rhamses (Edgerton).
The film opens early on that summer morning and begins introducing what seems like a cast of thousands (there are at least 24 characters).
10:15 am — TCM — Ziegfeld Follies Rather than go the biopic route to exploit Ziegfeld and their cast of thousands (oh, wait, they already did that with The Great Ziegfeld 10 years earlier), MGM instead modeled Ziegfeld Follies after an actual Ziegfeld show — it's basically just a series of sketches and musical sequences in revue format.
A cast of thousands join together for this romping and witty superhero sequel from Bryan Singer.
It's got a cast of thousands: Jon Voight, Art Garfunkel, Bob Newhart, Martin Balsam, Buck Henry, Anthony Perkins, Martin Sheen, Bob Balaban, Norman Fell, Charles Grodin and Orson Welles.
When a film starring Nicole Kidman, James Franco, Damian Lewis, Robert Pattinson, and a cast of thousands (plus camels!)
Lots of cuts, shifts from color to black and white, a cast of thousands, shifts back and forth in time, it's all here and it all works.
Swing low, sweet chariot It's got a cast of thousands, stretches of religiosity, a dab of leprosy and even a cameo from Our Lord Jesus, but the chariot race remains the prime reason this sword - and - sandal Oscar winner represents a strain of pre-digital epic cinema we'll never see again.
Kennedy has three pieces of advice for educators considering applying for an ATO - approved building fund — go for it, aim high, and have a small steering committee with focused roles rather than a cast of thousands.
Casts of thousands could be recruited and elaborate sets created to help bring the most dramatic wars, revolutions and social histories to life.
I love a cast of thousands!
Arnie and his team create what I call «audio cinemascope,» layering track upon track, painting pictures through sound, as though there's a cast of thousands.
Unlike a lot of pot pies with a cast of thousands, this one is all about the sausage and carrots, but if you can't resist, then go ahead and add some peas.
Discover all the latest skrully goodness from Joe Quesada and a cast of thousands (of skrulls?).
2K's annual offering has become a smorgasbord of menu options and modes involving a cast of thousands, with storylines and decision trees galore.
If the Whitney has made a movie with just over one hundred auteurs, it still has a cast of thousands.
555 Gallery: Melody Attarha, Ariana Lee, Jane Williams, Sara Max Beck and Joe Greene ROCA: Student work curated by April Spataro and Gina Josette Community Garden: Margaret Carsley and a cast of thousands!
ones that cost lots of money and needed «a cast of thousands» etc..
via: Dr Vino Transportation, Carbon Emissions Slow Freight: Sail Power Doesn't Need a Cast of Thousands «Just 15 of the world's biggest ships emit as much pollution as all the world's 760m cars» Commercial Shipping Particle Air Pollution = Half That From All the Cars in the World Wine How to Go Green: Wine Bask in the Warm Glow Of Wine, Without Warming the World Getting Green Wines From 4 Great Wine Regions
More on Shipping: Slow Freight: Sail Power Doesn't Need a Cast of Thousands How Can We Reduce Oil Consumptions & Still Ship Goods and Ourselves Around the Globe?
«It really was a cast of thousands who put together this coalition,» she says.
, HST has facilitated the casting of thousands of votes and committed them to the Ethereum blockchain since early February 2017.
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