Sentences with phrase «casual cruelty»

The phrase "casual cruelty" refers to the act of being unkind or hurtful to someone in a way that is thoughtless, indifferent, or without much consideration for the consequences. It suggests that the cruelty is not intentional or deliberate, but rather done without realizing the harm it can cause. Full definition
He's not the only jerk in the film, either: his mentor, Philip Roth - like author Ike Zimmerman (Jonathan Pryce), is just as caustic and self - important as his protege, treating his estranged daughter (Krysten Ritter) with just as much casual cruelty as Philip does to his long - suffering girlfriend (Elisabeth Moss).
Harris» scenes are filmed with such casual cruelty that they're hard to watch.
And it's Reggie's thoughtless and casual cruelty which sets things in motion.
It's casual cruelty implemented as an easy way to deliver a quick emotional punch to the player by presenting attacks on characters specifically designed to appear pitifully vulnerable.
Her hard truths and casual cruelty were an inspiration in 2008 when Barack and I made our pitch.
There are many ways to define the shrieking awfulness of The Family Stone, from the general lack of wit to the cheap exploitation of cancer to its casual cruelty.
Spanning a few turbulent months in the life of a philandering documentarian (Stanislas Merhar) and the wife he pushes toward having an affair of her own (Clotilde Courau), Garrel's latest needs only 68 minutes to nail both male entitlement and casual cruelty.
Self - destructive, with the inherent selfishness of the addict, Holmes can also at times seem tremulously beautiful and so very, very young, but she never shies away from embodying her character's ugliness too — her casual cruelty, her shrill argumentativeness, her maddening self - involvement and delusions of the grand tragedy of her love affair with Ilya.
My first education in the casual cruelty of girls came when a reigning cheerleader invited me to her house to spend the night, only to ask me, without flinching, to finish her algebra homework before I left.
Wearing rags for diapers, begging a pig's head for Christmas dinner and gathering coal from the roadside to light a fire, Frank endures poverty, near - starvation and the casual cruelty of relatives and neighbors — yet lives to tell his tale with eloquence, exuberance and remarkable forgiveness.
Setting real - world trauma next to the gentler fairy - tale version simultaneously makes the trauma easier to bear while calling attention to the grimness of those stories, particularly regarding the casual cruelty against young women that often gets taken for granted.
At the other end of the scale, I've been dwelling (a bit too much) on a casual cruelty that occurred in my own little world recently.
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