Sentences with phrase «casual customers»

Not only are Fast Casual customers craving distinctive flavors on the menu, but they also want to enjoy those menu items from the comfort of their homes.
The company says it simply wanted to get a touchscreen into its entry - level model since it views that feature as essential when it comes to attracting new, more casual customers.
Casual customers who might buy books every few weeks and do not pay attention to our Good e-Reader Blog found that overnight all of their favorite stores eliminated purchasing of content via their App.
It's for the larger casual customer base who will be playing with this in their family unit.
Add the money from casual customers on top of that and you have a successful business.
Just as geographic locations may influence consumer flavor preferences, the age of the Fast Casual customers has an influence too.
Over 30 % of Fast Casual customers expect to - go amenities including call - ahead ordering, online ordering, mobile ordering, and delivery services.
While GTA 5, ideally, needed to resonate most with the mainstream casual customer; Red Dead Redemption 2 will have to please the hardcore players first and foremost.
This will undoubtedly confuse many casual customers.
The flipside is that these newer and more casual customers don't have the emotional attachment that diehard fans do, and if comics are priced too high, they will stay away.
«There's a sense of urgency across the business as we take actions to retain existing customers, regain lapsed customers and convert casual customers to committed customers,» CEO Steve Easterbrook said in a statement.
Your hard core customers will rave about the technical specs, but even the most casual customer will want to show off something beautiful.
Easy - to - use form increase the chance of getting a solid lead from an otherwise casual customer.
2014 was also the year of the audiobook has many libraries started to buy into this platform and new entrants such as Barnes and Noble are drawing in casual customers.
This is the riskiest strategy as Amazon risks losing casual customers to multi-purpose devices and also faces the risk that B&N or Sony release a super Nook or a very impressive new Sony Reader and that new eReader becomes the # 1 eReader for the holiday season.
No big deal, I guess, because I bought the games because I wanted them and not for the reward points, but I feel like their «loyalty» program centers around rewarding casual customers.
$ 13.75 / HR Full Time Temp to Hire position after 12 weeks $ 15 - $ 16 / HR when Perm Looking for a more casual Customer Service Environment?
Regardless of format, Fast Casual customers expect restaurants to offer delivery and carryout services.
While GTA 5, ideally, needed to resonate most with the mainstream casual customer; Red Dead Redemption 2 will have to please the hardcore players first and foremost.
This will undoubtedly confuse many casual customers.
Casual customers did not bite on Nintendoland and enthusiast gamers have been been waiting on a deal.
«I've seen the Paytronix Apple Pay with Loyalty ID in action at one of Paytronix's largest fast casual customers.
These e-reading tablets might appeal to a strong segment of avid readers, but could see an increased user population of casual customers who just want a great deal.
Fast Casual customers are open to many different snacks and HMRs, but pizza seems to appeal as both a refrigerated meal and a popular snack.
«People look for fresh ingredients they know and recognize, and it's even more prevalent among Fast Casual customers
However, for the sake of giving Red Dead larger reach in the pool of casual customers, they might set aside these worries like they did with the Enhance Edition and shoot off a trailer when E3 comes.
These online stores are even more of value to the Direct Market because customers order in advance — they preorder their books, meaning it's a better way to account for sales than the casual customer that just browses off the racks.
Look at the T - Mobile G - Slate which retails for around $ 799, if you compare it to the iPad, it is a no - brainer for a casual customer.
As of this week, it seems that most stores are receiving 10 - 15 units every shipment and casual customers can now easily purchase them.
The New Nintendo 3DS line up seems to commit the same messaging error as the Wii U: casual customers may be confused by the subtle rebrand, or not realise it's a new product at all.
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