Sentences with phrase «cat flap»

If using a magnetic cat flap a safety collar that will come apart and fall off if the cat gets caught up must be worn.
His place has been taken by a cheeky newcomer, who's made his / her way through my broken cat flap.
My cats have always used their 2 - way cat flap.
If your cat wants free access outdoors in the future an exclusive entry system cat flap should be installed.
Some are restricted to securely fenced gardens or are supervised by the owner, but most have free access to the outside world, often via their own cat flap.
East London: We received calls from concerned members of the public reporting a large number of hungry cats that had appeared and were trying to get into houses through windows and via cat flaps.
The manufacturer of a range of microchip cat flaps and feeders, SureFlap kindly offers a 15 % discount to Cats Protection supporters on all their products — please visit this page to find out more.
Laura is a freelance lifestyle and travel journalist who has been curiously exploring the world since she was caught trying to crawl out of cat flap at 9 - months old.
It offers smart cat flaps designed for both multi-pet households, as well as larger cats and small dogs.
Some of these pet supplies include automatic cat flaps & electronic dog doors, automatic pet feeders, pet finder, self cleaning litter boxes and cat water fountains.
If the cat sprays due to an outside threat, such as the neighbour's cat, board up cat flaps to reassure the cat that the house is safe.
Where possible cat flaps should be fitted facing away from traffic (usually into the back garden).
Cats may see external doors and cat flaps as potentially dangerous places so locating them as far away as possible from these stressful areas would be ideal for your cat.
Sure Petcare, is celebrating ten years since the launch of its first microchip - enabled pet product, the Microchip Cat Flap.
If your cat likes to go outside all year round, make sure you provide a warm, dry shelter she can retreat to, and consider installing a cat flap so she can get back indoors.
I should explain: I have two cats, Newt and Bossie, and the cat flap eventually fell apart after battles — perhaps cat and fox battles — over the years.
I almost haven't the heart to have the cat flap mended.
Where they are housed, the five cats (four males and one female) can climb to the top of their trapeze and out into the yard through a cat flap.
Inevitably, several readers wanted to give Erwin Schrodinger a cat flap, while two wanted to give him a plain - wrapped box labelled «Guess?»
Your cat cottons on to the fact that if he can get into the house through the cat flap then so can the bully.
You mention you have a cat flap, can other cats access the conservatory as this could be a problem?
In your attempt to provide privacy at the litter box, you may have located it in a closet or even hidden it in a closed cabinet with a cat flap.
Position litter trays away from full length windows, cat flaps, noisy appliances, external doors, thoroughfares and busy areas.
Positioning a selection of pots and tubs near the exit and entry point to the house (e.g., near the cat flap or door) provides immediate protection for an elderly cat to allow it to survey the area before moving away from the safety of the home.
It may be helpful to build a step, inside and outside (FIGURE 4), to make it easier to use the flap, but eventually the cat flap may be replaced by escorted trips into the garden.
Some elderly cats will reduce the frequency of excursions outside purely as a result of difficulty negotiating the cat flap.
Food bowls should be located well away from litter trays, thoroughfares, full - length glass windows, and cat flaps.
Also make sure all windows, doors and cat flaps are closed and locked.
Some cats love going outside, some barely put a paw through the cat flap and others can't go out at all, so wherever your cat spends their time, make sure they're safe and happy.
Your cat may have had a bad experience involving the cat flap which makes her distrust it.
An external doorstep for our cat flap made from decking.
Sure Petcare offers a range of award - winning products, including their Microchip Cat Flap.
An unneutered male cat (tom cat) keeps coming through my cat's cat flap, stealing food and spraying.
A cat flap also provides a cat with the freedom to come and go as he or she chooses.
Cats are normally very clean provided that they have access to a garden via a cat flap and / or have a litter tray.
Sometimes cats are wary of going out through a cat flap because it is very open and exposed on the outside and they feel vulnerable to attack.
On one occasion I was woken by Aphrodite (aged 8) and Sappho (aged 15); between them they had cornered an opportunistic cat which had come in through the cat flap.
• Make sure you shut all doors and windows in your home and don't forget to draw curtains; this will help to block out any scary flashes of light and reduce noise levels of fireworks; don't forget to block off cat flaps to stop smaller dogs (and cats!)
There are now some new cat flaps on the market that read your cat's microchip and only let your cat in via the cat flap, thus wearing a collar is not required to activate the cat flap.
If you are renting your home and the owner is not keen on a cat flap being fitted in a back door, discuss the possibility of being allowed to install one in a pane of glass that you can replace when you move out.
Cats that have a cat flap tend to go in and out around twenty times a day which certainly saves you getting up and down to open and close the door.
For cats that will be going outside, a cat flap is a great benefit for your cat and for you.
We prefer the basic «normal» cat flaps in preference to electronic and magnetic cat flaps which require a cat to wear a collar with a tag which activates the cat flap.
Cat flaps can be locked so you can still keep your cats in at night (with a litter tray) or when you need or want to.
Cat flaps can be fitted into wooden doors, plastic and double glazed door panels, double glazed windows, single glazed doors and windows, and through brick walls.
If you work full time a cat flap really becomes virtually essential.
We can advise on where to fit a cat flap at a home visit.
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