Sentences with phrase «cat swallowing»

Ping pong balls are also big enough so that there's no danger of your cat swallowing the ball.
Just remember to put it away to avoid your cat swallowing it and needing a vet visit.
If the noise does not get your mouser's attention try filling the tin with something else, (whatever you fill it with make sure that the lid stays on tight, your cat swallowing any of the pieces could be very harmful.)
Regular brushing will lessen the chances of your cat swallowing his own loose hairs.
A cat swallowed and shredded by a vacuum cleaner is a standard - issue Farrelly hoot; the leering wide - angle close - up is a favorite device of Balaban's.
If your dog or cat swallows tinsel, for instance, it can block her intestines and may require surgery to remove.
My 1 year old cat swallowed a needle and thread which got stuck in his intestines.
As the cat swallows it, the thread may becomes wrapped around the base of the tongue, and will pull against the base of the tongue every time the cat swallows; if the thread was attached to a needle, the needle may pierce the stomach or intestines and prevent the thread from passing through the intestines.
Cats will often continue to eat when they have painful teeth, because many, many cats swallow their food, chewing very little if at all.
If the cat swallows any of these larvae, (by licking fur or feet after being in a contaminated area) hookworm infection will be established.
In addition, grooming your cat can help prevent problems with hairballs, as hairballs are most often formed when cats swallow loose hair while they are grooming themselves.
Grooming reduces the formation of hair balls by removing loose fur before the cat swallows it during self - grooming.
Brushing and combing reduces the amount of hair your cat swallows, reducing the chance of hairball formation.
The average cat swallows approximately 173 grams of hair in 1 year period.
Some cats will take the interferon on food, but to be certain the cat gets the dose, tilt the head with the mouth closed and introduce into the commisure of the lips, wait until you see the cat swallow before releasing the head.
Surgery may be necessary when a cat swallows string, but if the intestines are damaged through someone trying to pull the string out, the surgery may be more severe.
The strong flavorings are very unappealing to cats, and the fluoride and other ingredients could be harmful when your cat swallows them.
The most common route of tapeworm infection occurs when the cat swallows a flea that is carrying the parasite's eggs, but infection from mice carrying the tapeworm's egg is also possible.
Soft Paws ® are extremely safe, humane, and non-toxic acrylic nail caps Even if your cat swallows one, no harm will come.
Do nt make the mistake of assuming that just because your cat swallowed the pill he is safe.
When your cat swallows one of these fleas, they could cause tapeworm infestation and anyone who owns -LSB-...]
Most of the cats» cancers were in the nasal or gastrointestinal tract, which fits inhalation as the source, or the possibility that cats swallow smoke particles lodged in their fur when they groom themselves.
Continue to hold your cat's head in a slightly tilted position with the mouth closed until you see your cat swallow.
For example, if your cat swallows a string and needs surgery to remove it, you don't want to find out that only 20 percent of your $ 10,000 benefit is eligible to pay for it.
If the cat swallows too much hair he may end up vomiting it back up.
Some pet food manufacturers offer a «dental diet» that is made up of larger than normal sized kibble to encourage the chewing longer, but many cats swallow even those larger size pieces whole.
MANAGES HAIRBALLS A combination of different types of fibers that encourages intestinal transit and helps facilitate the elimination of the hair your cat swallows every day.
Some pet food manufacturers offer a «dental diet» that is made up of larger than normal sized kibble to encourage chewing, but in my years at veterinary practices, I've seen many cats swallow even those larger size pieces whole.
Of course, a major veterinary issue can cost into the thousands — $ 300 a year might not cut it if your cat swallows something that obstructs his bowel when he's 3 and needs a $ 2,000 surgery.
Some pet food manufacturers offer «dental diets» that are made up of larger than normal sized kibble to encourage chewing, but in my years at veterinary practices, I've seen many cats swallow even those larger size pieces whole.
Frequently, this happens when the string loops itself under the tongue as the cat swallows.
The amount of hair a typical cat swallows while grooming tends to vary.
Any foreign object your cat swallows can be dangerous and could cause serious complications.
When your cat swallows one of these fleas, they could cause tapeworm infestation and anyone who owns a feline will know how stressful it can be when your cat needs deworming.
A trip to the emergency vet after your cat swallowed a piece of aluminum foil or your dog ate your boyfriend's chocolate cake can break your budget.

Not exact matches

Our youngest daughter wrote a row of F's and E's on her own yesterday and smirked like she was the cat who'd swallowed a canary — and taken wing.
While I'm roasting in hell because I couldn't swallow such absurd claims about your baby jeeeeeesus will you have your cat pee on me for a bit of relief?
Very similar to how cats in a barn learn to swallow milk from a squirt of milk from a squeezed cow udder.
For a discontented electorate, convinced in large part that the country is being run for some faceless «other» — whether it's the fat - cat capitalists, the immigrant hordes, or the greedy MPs themselves — the story of inequality is an easy one to swallow.
The cat then traps that liquid in its mouth, swallowing only after several laps have accumulated a significant volume of fluid in its mouth.
Played with almost indecent relish by John Lithgow, Strutt has the smile of a cat who swallows a bushel of canaries at every meal.
Swallowing her fear, the desperate mom sneaks past the farmer's cat and into the old rose bush that shields the underground society.
Immature fleas (larvae) begin the cycle by swallowing the eggs of the worm and infection is passed on to a cat when it eats an infected flea during grooming.
Cellophane candy wrappers could be swallowed down, liquefy in the cat's stomach, and line it, blocking the absorbency of nutrients from food.
Cats may chew and swallow the yarn, find no way to stop and this might lead to choking and internal blockage.
Once the wool gets in the cat's mouth, it might get stuck in the throat and the cat can't do anything but to keep swallowing.
Some cats will chew and swallow the leaves or grass in order to induce vomiting.
As a result of this, cats tend to swallow great amounts of loose hair, which then collect and form into a hardened mass called a trichobezoar within...
Wire cat balls can work well for this, as long as there are no parts that can be pulled out and swallowed.
Many veterinarians have reported treating dogs and cats that have swallowed sharp bones, knives, socks, fish hooks, and children's toys just to name a few.
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