Sentences with phrase «catastrophe does»

Of course, if a catastrophe doesn't occur, you probably don't think much about it.
And utter catastrophe does look like a realistic possibility, even if it is not the most likely outcome.
Designing for catastrophe does not seem to me to be an appropriate objective!
But, the probability of a methane catastrophe does not appear to be small, at all.
But a geological catastrophe does not necessarily imply a socioeconomic catastrophe, unless society is immobilized.
I've already given you a potential falsification of CAGW — namely that catastrophe does not happen.
Not stating the frame of climate catastrophe doesn't help, it hurts.
Chaos Code: New Sign of Catastrophe does have plenty of game modes too to keep you preoccupied, although not a lot of them have much variety or distinction from each other.
And utter catastrophe does look like a realistic possibility, even if it is not the most likely outcome.
But that long history of data on past catastrophes does not exist in the cyber insurance policy world, says Stephen Boyer, the CTO and co-founder of risk - rating company BitSight, a company that assesses company risk for cyber policies written by AIG, Travelers, and others.
But, catastrophes do happen and when they are related to health, nursing home expenses can be a significant driver of cost.
Even if we suppose that Alice has done the best possible credit check and that Bob is a perfectly trustworthy fellow who would never dream of defaulting on his loan, catastrophes do happen.
The kool - aid of population control was served to you by bitter old men who were ridiculed and proven wrong when their predictions of world starvation and overpopulation social catastrophes did not occur in the 1980s.
Depending on which climate catastrophe du jour that «experts» were shouting, the U.S. was either going to face extreme droughts or biblical floods or both at the exact same time!
Often we hear stories of tragic circumstances, disasters, and catastrophes doing serious harm to our lives or those around us.
So I buy coverage, month after month, because I want the financial protection of having someone else on the hook for my bills if a catastrophe did occur.

Not exact matches

Rapid technological advances will destroy some jobs, but it doesn't need to be a catastrophe if we take steps to manage the transition
Toronto's real estate market may have had its «Wile E. Coyote moment» — that dawning realization that you're headed for painful catastrophe and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
I've done countless interviews with extremely successful CEOs and founders and found that many of them have stories of breakdowns and catastrophes.
Does the White House have some executive power up its sleeve or a plan B to overrule Congress and avoid a catastrophe at the 11th hour?
So, back to doing things the way everybody else does — or more accurately, with far more workers than the typical assembly line, because Tesla did things wrong to begin with and now has to ramp up the humans to avoid a catastrophe.
If we consider how increasingly weaponized ad targeting has become, especially since this past summer when Google and Facebook consolidated our browsing histories into their user IDs, and we think about how anybody in the world could target anyone else in the United States with surgical precision by their susceptibilities and propensities, maybe this election was similar to a 9/11 moment, but non-violent and invisible, where we realize that our commercial infrastructure was used against us, and we don't realize it until after the catastrophe?
«We do know, however, that the risk increases over time because of growth in both the number and value of structures located in catastrophe - vulnerable areas.»
Catastrophe bonds do something even odder: they financialize storms.
Unfortunately for Facebook, its corporate willful ignorance around protecting user data echoes other recent privacy catastrophes — a context that won't do it any favors.
Fortunately, Hill does not simply anticipate catastrophe; he closes the book with an informed call for institutional reforms that would lessen the negative consequences of these potentially dangerous forms of work.
Opinion: Rapid technological advances will destroy some jobs, but it doesn't need to be a catastrophe if we take steps to manage the transition
Whatever catastrophe strikes, whenever, we'll help you get the job done fast.
Entry triggers and protective stops are one's protection from catastrophe if the trade doesn't move in one's favor.
For much of his career, he wrote bitterly satirical novels about well - off Londoners; even when the prospect of nuclear catastrophe arises, as it does in London Fields (1989), Amis seems to treat «The Crisis,» the coming «horrorday,» primarily as a vehicle for revealing the largely unpleasant traits of his handful of main characters.
She avoided a catastrophe and I was glad for that, but I do believe she might be better off today if she had stayed put for a while and worked through some things at home first.
Kasper thinks that the Catholic theological tradition doesn't talk about mercy enough and that the classical concept of God, which sees God as perfect and unchanging, is «pastorally... a catastrophe
I feel and I am convinced of one thing: that nothing is more dangerous for the future of the world, nothing moreover less warranted in Nature, than the affected resignation and false realism with which in these days a great number of people, hunching their shoulders and drawing in their heads, predict (and in so doing tend to provoke) a further catastrophe in the near future.
God sent this [fill in the blank catastrophe here] to warn us that if we don't return to God, he will send more death and destruction upon us all until our nation is no more!
The Fall did not occur in 1492 or 1620 — though the arrival of the white man certainly spelled catastrophe for the land — or in 1849 or any such date.
We wonder if there does not exist a comparable relationship of correspondence between the Joseph story and that third phase of Israel's history which is separated from the second by the sixth - century catastrophe of the Fall of the state of Israel and the Babylonian Exile.
We're obviously the ones cleaning up god's mess for the Nth time, so if «god» really wants to do miracles, he should just stop sending massive catastrophes our way.
Well, that's how they explain catastrophes already, don't they?!
It may well be that it is already too late to avoid terrible catastrophes in China, and I do not look forward to having process thought identified with that outcome.
But this was no fortuitous or meaningless catastrophe: He was doing the thing he came to do.
If I were to ask your views you would doubtless reply that, menaced by this unleashing of blind forces, there is nothing we can do but evade them to the best of our ability, or else submit, since we are the victims of a sort of natural catastrophe against which we are powerless and in which there is no meaning to be discerned.
So far neither the threat of nuclear catastrophe, the starvation of millions nor the destruction of vast habitats has done it.
I feel that most people don't fully understand how fickle mother nature can be and how utterly dependent we are for our day - to - day supplies on a network of human cooperation that could easily break down in the face of catastrophe.
Not only does Siemon - Netto think these charges are false, but he believes that interpretations and actions based on stereotypical thinking about» The Fabricated Luther» have contributed to the real catastrophes of the twentieth century.
When catastrophe strikes people ask — why did God do this to me?
Either God can do nothing to stop catastrophes, or he doesn't care to, or he doesn't exist.
If we do not deliberately work for a smooth transition we shall arrive there through overshoot and catastrophe.
The only projection that does not lead to catastrophe is the quite impossible one of immediately stabilizing population and industry on a worldwide basis at present levels.
But to avoid the horrors of environmental catastrophe, we must make radical changes in our way of living, and we do not yet even have a clear idea of what those changes should be.
In fact, in recent years it has become difficult to find fictional presentations of the near future that do not feature decaying cities, a ruthless ruling class, economic collapse, and impending ecological catastrophe.
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