Sentences with phrase «catastrophic climate change»

The right insurance policy against the risk of catastrophic climate change involves either a significant tax on carbon or a cap - and - trade system.
In other words, we'll have a much greater chance of avoiding catastrophic climate change if we make some of the biggest cuts now.
We need a deal that is adequate to the task of preventing catastrophic climate change.
Are emissions from our cars, factories, and farms causing catastrophic climate change?
«Especially troubling is the current trajectory of potentially catastrophic climate change» from the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities, the paper stated.
It is no surprise then, that this is where we find arguments about catastrophic climate change bury themselves — in uncertainty and ambiguity.
HOW much more carbon dioxide can the atmosphere absorb before it triggers catastrophic climate change?
While it is sad that people lose their jobs when coal fired power stations are shut down, it must happen if catastrophic climate change is to be avoided.
However governments have said that we need to limit temperature rise to two degrees in order to prevent catastrophic climate change events.
Now the word is out: Global warming is happening and the educational and design communities have an obligation to join others worldwide in the battle against catastrophic climate change.
To resolve the energy poverty of billions will likely require burning more fossil fuels, but preventing catastrophic climate change definitely requires reducing concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gas.
It also means that scientists and other experts are going to have to monitor measures other than just atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases to catch catastrophic climate change developing.
Whether we can move fast enough to avoid catastrophic climate change remains to be seen.
This is a good day for the public and a good day for the cause of addressing catastrophic climate change.
Perhaps the smoker will be one who does not contract cancer, and perhaps some yet unknown negative feedback will delay catastrophic climate change long enough for us to avoid it.
However, this perception of catastrophic climate changes seems to be mostly down to simple improvements in our climate monitoring technology.
To prevent truly catastrophic climate change and preserve our planet for future generations, we need to dramatically and rapidly reduce CO2 emissions from the burning fossil fuels.
It must always be repeated that the clean energy revolution can't prevent catastrophic climate change without far more aggressive government policies to speed the transition off fossil fuels.
Our generation faces a particularly daunting set of challenges, catastrophic climate change foremost among them.
Without effective policy, we are looking at the difference between catastrophic climate change and less worse scenarios.
Talk of avoiding catastrophic climate change just strengthens an energy transformation which already makes economic and social sense.
Because there are many scientists who believe we are approaching the point where it may be too late to really avoid catastrophic climate change.
If we want any chance at preventing catastrophic climate change, we have to resist his attempts to put coal on life support.
He was supposed to be on another panel, debating someone about the case for and against catastrophic climate change.
Jamaica Plain Forum presents: Tim DeChristopher, Wen Stephenson, Marla Marcum, Jay O'Hara We are facing catastrophic climate change and yet our political system is incapable of responding.
A rise of two degrees centigrade in global temperatures — the point considered to be the threshold for catastrophic climate change which will expose millions to drought, hunger and flooding — is now «very unlikely» to be avoided, the world's leading climate scientists said yesterday.
Limiting the potential for catastrophic climate change will require dramatically reducing carbon dioxide emissions within the next several decades.
We're in the right direction but not in the leadership position that I think we need to deal with catastrophic climate change
The effect also illustrates one proposal for so - called geoengineering — the deliberate, large - scale manipulation of the planetary environment — that would use various means to create such sulfuric acid aerosols in the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and thereby hopefully forestall catastrophic climate change.
«In reality, the scientific consensus» is a manufactured myth... there is no convincing evidence that anthropogenic global warming (AGW) will produce catastrophic climate changes
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