Sentences with phrase «catastrophic effects of global warming»

World leaders are ostensibly committed to keeping the increase in average global temperature below 2 °C relative to pre-industrial levels — the threshold beyond which the most catastrophic effects of global warming would be triggered.
«(5) That some of the adverse and potentially catastrophic effects of global warming are at risk of occurring and not a certainty does not negate the harm persons suffer from actions that increase the likelihood, extent, and severity of such future impacts.
But given the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming, scientists have an obligation to study the idea, he says.
The latest research shows that climate talks must lead to more aggressive action to avoid the catastrophic effects of global warming

Not exact matches

Beyond preparing for the inevitable, the report also calls for climate mitigation, including implementing the 2015 Paris Agreement in order to have «any hope of avoiding catastrophic effects from sea - level rise and other outcomes of global warming
It's now commonplace to talk about global warming and carbon footprints, so much so that it's easy to forget that until quite recently few thought it was even possible that the actions of our species could have a potentially catastrophic effect on the Earth's climate.
The resulting computer simulation is the basis for predicting the catastrophic effects of increasing AGHG on global warming.
On the other hand, another effect of global warming, namely massive, continent - wide, intense, persistent drought, could begin at any time and have catastrophic effects on agriculture, leading to widespread famine within a few years.
In 2011, the Global Warming Policy Foundation's website ran the headline «900 + Peer - Reviewed Papers Supporting Skepticism Of «Man - Made» Global Warming (AGW) Alarm,» listing more than 900 papers which, according to the GWPF, refute «concern relating to a negative environmental or socio - economic effect of AGW, usually exaggerated as catastrophic.&raquOf «Man - Made» Global Warming (AGW) Alarm,» listing more than 900 papers which, according to the GWPF, refute «concern relating to a negative environmental or socio - economic effect of AGW, usually exaggerated as catastrophic.&raquof AGW, usually exaggerated as catastrophic
In short, since 1997 there has been neither any global warming nor any enhancement of the greenhouse effect to cause it in the first place, and with no possible correlation between increased CO2 emissions and global warming; there is simply no scientific basis for the for the ludicrous concept that fossil fuel derived CO2 emissions are or could even cause catastrophic global warming!
You don't have to doubt the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory to know that there are key variables that have important, measurable effects on world temperatures at these kind of timescales — ocean cycles come to mind immediately — which he has left out.
Since the proportions in Australia deeply concerned about the possibly catastrophic effects of anthropogenic global warming (however much warming there actually is) are probably about the same as in the USA, how is it that President Trump can ignore something in his country that no one in ours seems to be able to do?
To prevent catastrophic global warming human greenhouse gas emission must cease, but this will also end the aerosol cooling effect and the full heating effect of our «Faustian bargain» will be revealed.
If the countries make good on their pledges, they will dramatically reduce the emissions scientists link to global warming, but not enough to hold temperatures to levels scientists say are needed to minimize risks of drought, flooding and other catastrophic effects.
It's very clear (thanks to Steve M, Willis etc) that there are issues with both but given the current hyped claim by the «warmers» that the past effects of man - caused global warming have largely been masked by the warming of the oceans and that unless we reduce CO2 emissions now that we won't be able to mitigate future global warming when this «stored heat» eventually comes back out of the oceans and leads to catastrophic effects, I'm very interested in getting to the punchline of this debate on SSTs.
To stop catastrophic natural global cooling (CNGC) we need to pump out all the CO2 we can as a «precaution» to mitigate some of the effects of cold — which are much worse than the effects of warm.
No catastrophic global warming either, so CO2 levels have only the smallest of effects on global temperature — H2O vapour is the major GHG.
The main evidence for catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW), the principal alleged adverse effect of human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), is climate models built by CAGW supporters in a field where models with real predictive power do not exist and can not be built with any demonstrable accuracy beyond a week or two because climate and weather are coupled non-linear chaotic systems.
Climate Science however was established with the premise that humans are having a catastrophic effect on the climate, primarily by forcing global warming through the emission of ACO2, and charged with the mission of confirming it.
I am a global warming skeptic, not a denier, and part of the difference is that it's not an either / or between no effects from warming and the catastrophic vision of Al Gore.
In effect Kaya misdirects the reader to believe that all CO2 emissions are anthropogenic, thus setting the agenda for his fallacious and untrue argument, independent of the premiss «CO2 causes catastrophic global warming».
The prophecy of Anthropogenic Global Warming yielding trillions of dollars in redistributive change will have a catastrophic effect on human relationships, island stability, and the climate in diverse societies.
E.g., research assumes greenhouse gas emissions cause warming without explicitly stating humans are the cause»... carbon sequestration in soil is important for mitigating global climate change» (4a) No position Does not address or mention the cause of global warming (4b) Uncertain Expresses position that human's role on recent global warming is uncertain / undefined «While the extent of human - induced global warming is inconclusive...» (5) Implicit rejection Implies humans have had a minimal impact on global warming without saying so explicitly E.g., proposing a natural mechanism is the main cause of global warming»... anywhere from a major portion to all of the warming of the 20th century could plausibly result from natural causes according to these results» (6) Explicit rejection without quantification Explicitly minimizes or rejects that humans are causing global warming»... the global temperature record provides little support for the catastrophic view of the greenhouse effect» (7) Explicit rejection with quantification Explicitly states that humans are causing less than half of global warming «The human contribution to the CO2 content in the atmosphere and the increase in temperature is negligible in comparison with other sources of carbon dioxide emission»»
The resulting computer simulation is the basis for predicting the catastrophic effects of increasing AGHG on global warming.
And don't forget «Global warming is going to have catastrophic consequences, so we need to decarbonize the global energy economy» — The big lie of certainty regarding cause, effect, impacts and cost that is repeated by default conservatives everywhere, especiallyGlobal warming is going to have catastrophic consequences, so we need to decarbonize the global energy economy» — The big lie of certainty regarding cause, effect, impacts and cost that is repeated by default conservatives everywhere, especiallyglobal energy economy» — The big lie of certainty regarding cause, effect, impacts and cost that is repeated by default conservatives everywhere, especially here.
Written by thousands of science, policy, and economics experts from around the world, the UN International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports represent a synthesis of existing climate research knowledge, focusing on the evidence of a warming climate («virtually certain»), the global impacts, and the ways we might avert its most catastrophic effects.
The main evidence for catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW), the principal alleged adverse effect of human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), is climate models built -LSB-...]
follows the very strong advice of scientists, who have told us what needs to be done to avert the catastrophic effects of unchecked global warming.
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