Sentences with phrase «catastrophic global warming claims»

Rapid, dangerous, scary, undeniable, indisputable, irreversible, accelerating and catastrophic global warming claims made by various politicians, scientists, bureaucrats, celebrities and «journalists» are unequivocal lies.

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The claim that increasing CO2 is causing catastrophic global warming is being falsified by these facts:
Despite the «science is settled» and «consensus» claims of the global - warming alarmists, the fear of catastrophic consequences from rising temperatures has been driven not so much by good science as by computer models and adroit publicity fed to a compliant media.
One of his reasons to claim that «the risk of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming appears to be so low that it is not currently worth doing anything to try to control it» is that he uses a very low value for the climate sensitivity based on non-reviewed «studies», while ignoring the peer - reviewed work.
Pat (post # 29) claims there is a «terrific imbalance in public perceptions» and that «everyone knows that global warming is real, serious and potentially catastrophic».
One of his reasons to claim that «the risk of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming appears to be so low that it is not currently worth doing anything to try to control it» is that he uses a very low value for the climate sensitivity based on non-reviewed «studies», while ignoring the peer - reviewed work.
Christy, a noted skeptic of catastrophic man - made global warming, said his results reinforce his claim that climate models predict too much warming in the troposphere, the lowest five miles of the atmosphere.
Their main claim is that unless human CO2 emissions are controlled, catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) will result.
Now that the US has greatly increased sources of oil and natural gas thanks to drilling using new technology (thus obviating the need for depending on the Middle East), renewable energy advocates have fallen back on their claims that fossil fuel use must be reduced to avoid catastrophic anthropogenic global warming.
An online news service sponsored by the world's premier scientific association unwittingly promoted a study making the false claim that catastrophic global warming would occur within nine years, the Guardian has learned.
Enviro - activists using the mainstream media's monster - megaphone to push claims of catastrophic man - caused global warming as a settled science needing immediate fixing have almost completely drowned out the opposition, and an unmistakable part of the blaring 20 year + message was the demand to ignore industry - bribed skeptics.
The media are promoting CO2 reductions, and it requires BEVs to replace ICE vehicles to achieve the reductions they claim are necessary to prevent catastrophic global warming.
Which forms the basis for the IPCC claim of high climate sensitivity (mean value of 3.2 C), resulting in significant global warming (up to 6.4 C warming by 2100), «extreme high sea levels», increased «heat waves», increased «heavy rains» and floods, increased «droughts», increased «intense tropical cyclones» — which, in turn, lead to crop failures, disappearance of glaciers now supplying drinking water to millions, increased vector borne diseases, etc. (for short, potentially catastrophic AGW — or «CAGW»).
In 1998, Dr. Arthur Robinson was one of the principal organizers of the Petition Project, an effort to demonstrate that the claimed «consensus» of science in favor of the belief that humans are causing catastrophic global warming does not exist.
His knowledge in this field informed his conclusion that scientific data does not support the UN's claims of catastrophic man - made global warming.
By using estimates, government officials are able to claim bogus climate warming statistics in order to advance the scary talking points of catastrophic global warming and extreme climate change.
Where he is wrong is that the public at large does not much care — just a simple perusal of polls shows that the general public is largely unalarmed by claims of catastrophic global warming..
It's very clear (thanks to Steve M, Willis etc) that there are issues with both but given the current hyped claim by the «warmers» that the past effects of man - caused global warming have largely been masked by the warming of the oceans and that unless we reduce CO2 emissions now that we won't be able to mitigate future global warming when this «stored heat» eventually comes back out of the oceans and leads to catastrophic effects, I'm very interested in getting to the punchline of this debate on SSTs.
The UN's IPCC claim that large modern consumer / industrial CO2 emissions are causing maximum temperatures to increase across the globe proves to be without any empirical and scientific merit... NOAA's NCDC division documents U.S. maximum temperatures are exhibiting a declining trend, not catastrophic «global warming»...
Their campaign depends on maintaining their fantasy world, which they do by defending their catastrophic anthropocentric global warming (CAGW) hypothesis, claiming that failure to reduce CO2 emissions will result in various climate / extreme weather catastrophes.
They claim that CO2 emissions reductions are necessary in order to avoid catastrophic global warming, subsequently changed to catastrophic climate change, and most recently to increases in extreme weather.
As another example, U.K. Prime Minister, David Cameron, has claimed that the November 2013 Typhoon Haiyan, which caused catastrophic destruction to the central Philippines was related to man - made global warming:
Senator Kaine claims that 70 % of Virginians agree with the «scientific consensus» that catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is real and that «it is urgent that we do something about it.»
He was also among the US Senate Republican Party's «list of scientists disputing man - made global warming claims», which stated that Tol «dismissed the idea that mankind must act now to prevent catastrophic global warming».
27) Research goes strongly against claims that CO2 - induced global warming would cause catastrophic disintegration of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets.
Unhappily, this is a public issue that encompasses a huge amount of falsehoods by people who are either ignorant or dishonest claiming it is «settled science» that anthropogenic global warming will be catastrophic.
We have been harangued incessantly for more than two decades with claims that our use of fossil fuels is increasing the earth's atmospheric CO2 levels to such an extent that it will bring on catastrophic global warming.
What other alarmist predictions, exaggerated claims and catastrophic projections are you fed in order to push the global warming agenda?
Ironically, Maurice Strong, architect of the false claims of human produced CO2 causing catastrophic global warming / climate change, provided a classic example.
Like so many of the catastrophic claims and predictions that the IPCC has ginned up to scare policymakers and the public, the fear of malaria's spread from global warming was very effective.
Guest essay by Michel de Rougemont Various sources, scientists publishing their opinion in the media, claim that Tropical Storm Harvey, recently landed in Texas, is one more signal of the influence of global warming on such catastrophic events.
Climate alarmists claim a doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide will produce catastrophic global warming.
SCARBOROUGH: In his movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore claims global warming will cause more flooding on a catastrophic scale if American politicians don't do something about it now.
This honest scientific approach to evaluating global temperatures has exposed the fraudulent contentions of both the 2001IPCC TAR and the 2007IPCC 4AR in that the BEST data shows that there was no global warming since at least 2001 so both these reports claiming catastrophic global warming projections were presented after global warming had already ended!
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