Sentences with phrase «catch quotas»

«ICCAT has consistently set catch quotas for the East Atlantic and Mediterranean stock above levels recommended by its scientists and the failure of its management measures is demonstrated by the continuously decreasing population,» Monaco government officials say in their application.
The decision - makers WWF is targeting are those at the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), whose 48 country members will meet in Paris this November to set catch quotas for Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna.
These meetings have in the past largely ignored scientific advice, setting catch quotas at levels that many scientists believe will ultimately cause tuna populations to crash.
Delegates at IWC 64 rejected Denmark's proposal for an increase in aboriginal subsistence whaling catch quotas for Greenland, a Danish overseas protectorate.
The annual catch quotas are based on the advice of the Marine Research Institute of Iceland, which again is based on the advice of the Scientific Committee of the North - Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission.
The Grand Banks fell prey to the usual list of suspects: a government that set fishing limits higher than scientists advised; fishermen who cheated on catch quotas; and the lack of restraint that plagues all «open access» fisheries («if we...
Stocks in the Gulf of Mexico and West Atlantic have already declined so significantly that U.S. and Canadian fleets routinely fail to even meet their annual ICCAT catch quota, while catch limits are routinely ignored and wildly exceeded by European and Japanese vessels.
The researchers see particular need for action for high seas fisheries, including a significantly improved international coordination in determining and enforcing restrictive catch quotas.
We found that a ban combined with catch quotas has the greatest potential to incentivise more selective fishing, but only for regulated species such as cod, haddock and plaice.
Under the whaling convention, governments are free to set their own scientific catch quotas — even in a sanctuary — so Japan can be expected to kill up to 440 minke whales next season.
This number was accepted by the IWC as the «best available» figure in 1992 and Norway used it to set itself a yearly catch quota.
The procedure is an extremely complicated method for assigning theoretical safe catch quotas based on population estimates.
One form of catch shares is «individual transferable quotas» (ITQs), which give individual fishermen ownership rights stake in a set percentage of a fishery's overall catch quota.
The aim is to complete all West Greenland SLAs before the next Commission review of aboriginal whale catch quotas in 2018.
Other domestic measures include banning the sale, trade, and possession of shark parts, prohibiting shark finning, putting in place catch quotas, prohibiting retention of vulnerable species, and establishing gear restrictions.
ICCAT members routinely ignore the advice of their own scientific committee and set catch quotas at double recommended levels.
According to Richard L. Haedrich, an ichthyologist writing in a recent issue of Natural History, catch quotas for deep - sea fishes were set «essentially by guesswork, relying on... knowledge of shallow - water species.
We also work with economic data relating to many other issues relevant to the UK seafood industry, including the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy, rights - based management, catch quotas, and Marine Protected Areas.
It now owns 7 per cent of the catch quota for Pacific Coast bottom fish, and has a monopoly over waters extending out from Morro Bay.
«A catch quota system provides the potential to remove many of the technical regulations currently in place, which will give fishermen increased flexibility in how they operate their businesses.
- Catch quotas (where all fish caught are counted against a limit) create strong incentives to avoid regulated species, but not other species.
NORWAY faces strong condemnation from the International Whaling Commission again this year, as its whalers continue their commercial hunt in the face of a world moratorium and in the absence of any reliable way of determining «safe» catch quotas.
That area is home to a popular bluefin tuna fishery, where European fleets have been openly breaking their catch quotas for years.
But the authors did find that a combination of efforts, including economic incentives, ocean zoning and catch quotas, was the most effective in helping stem over-fishing.
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