Sentences with phrase «catching people caught»

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American culture, I explained, judges extra-marital affairs very harshly, so a senior official caught in such a position could easily be subject to blackmail - something that a CIA director, of all people, must avoid.
A recent study from the Wake Forest School of Medicine and the University of North Carolina found that listening to music can help people focus their attention, but — and here's the catch — only if it's music they like.
Oh, and there's a Steve Jobs opera in the works, and a person was caught with 102 iPhones strapped to her body, trying to smuggle them into China.
«Are we so risk - averse that we'd like to catch a lot of minnows, too even if that means exposing people to a lot of treatment - related morbidity?»
Over the past year, the Silverman brothers focused on more thoughtfully evolving their three - person, New York - based startup and better understanding what types of toilet - paper advertising catches consumers» attention, and what kinds they flush away.
The catch is, some people will take as much as they can without any regard for your needs and boundaries.
«Other people have to be able to speak for your brand,» says Jonah Berger, author of Contagious: Why Things Catch On (Simon & Schuster, 2013) and the James G. Campbell Associate Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
The placement of effective retail signage is a combination of knowing where to try and catch people's eye, and not blocking any of the essential parts of your shop, premise or exhibition.
He described the families of people with such difficult diseases as «so close to breaking,» and said that «science is going to catch up... But a big piece of that is... changing the paradigm of [medicine], dealing with costs, and dealing with availability.»
People catch on really quickly and see right through the teammate who offers to help only the boss, and no one else.
Are people spending an inordinate amount of time just catching up on email?
When you catch a team member or a customer doing something great, reach out by phone or visit in person to say, «You are amazing.
But all contain triggers that get people talking, says Jonah Berger, marketing professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and author of the bestseller Contagious: Why Things Catch On.
Most people who get Zika don't show the typical flu - like symptoms, so it can be difficult to tell if you caught the virus.
Be respectful and don't interrupt people who are working, but catching someone making a coffee in the kitchen, give them a big smile and learn a bit about their day in a friendly, non-creepy way.
People are going to fiddle on the Internet regardless of what you do — so if you catch someone using the Internet for personal reasons for a few minutes, don't crack the whip.
Kirsch's goals for the program are lofty, not only ending the cycle of poverty for the families involved, but also giving dignity and self - respect back to people who have never before caught a break or been told that they have what it takes to succeed.
They catch on when people don't understand what they are saying, adjust their approach and re-communicate their idea in a way that can be understood.
The 18 - year - old is facing the criticism with composure and grace, and she's been a model for how well - meaning people who get caught in the crosshairs of social - justice absurdity should comport themselves.
If she says, «I'm just not an early - morning person,» you could allow her to catch up on emails from home and then hit the freeway after rush hour.»
Even if you feel ready to step away from your smartphone, you have to make sure all the people accustomed to reaching you aren't caught off - guard by your sudden absence.
Photos catch people's eye and help tell stories.
If you can catch someone's interest in the first 3 to 4 sentences, that person is more likely to read the entire article.
Whether it's working through lunch in front of the computer or noshing on chips while you catch up on your favorite television show, eating while distracted is a common occurrence for most people.
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) has been using a decoy bus in an attempt to catch the person or people responsible for shots which have been repeatedly fired at the charter buses used by Apple and Google employees in the Bay area.
Getting caught in a lie devalues the interview and a person's credibility.
They taught me the value of a hard day's work, the thrill of reward that comes with great risk and the importance of having a loving family and great people behind you to catch you when you stumble.
More than 160 people caught colds for science in an effort to better understand how sleep impacts our immune systems.
At least two people were killed and 130 injured when an Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 jet crashed and caught fire as it landed short of the runway.
Smartphones and tablets have opened up an entirely new frontier, with people who wouldn't previously be caught playing video games now idling away hours on Angry Birds and the like.
As is often the case, the Government is busy pointing their finger at energy providers and energy providers are busy pointing their finger at the Government - but no one seems to be doing anything about it, and the people (and businesses) of South Australia are caught in the middle.
He advised the finance team that he'd approved the cash shortfall, while the supervisor got a quick refresher on how important we at Virgin think it is to «catch people doing something right.»
So, many more people whose income has grown with the economy, end up caught in the AMT zone each year.
If you want to «catch» weight loss, do the same thing: spend time with people who have lost weight.
When Nike announced it's getting out of the golf equipment business, Spieth said that caught many people off guard.
Although her photo shoot has only recently caught people's attention, Johnston told us that she has since given birth; her son, Theodore «Teddy» Johnston, was born on Friday at 4:15 a.m.
Try and set a goal to have lunch with a different person in your office or network at least once a week, either as an introduction or to catch up.
«Try to catch people on their way into the office, before the secretary arrives.
But there's a catch: it's not where the person is looking that matters, but a change in direction.
«This is all highly subjective and one person's long commute may be another person's chance to catch - up on Netflix or DB research,» the report noted.
And that's the catch: Until the database is large enough to attract a significant number of members, few people will want to join.
Fisherman's Wharf It might be the biggest tourist trap in the city, but it's worth a look if only to people - watch and catch the herd of seals regularly lounging on Pier 39.
«It's very easy to get caught up in other people's stuff if you don't have a clear plan.»
But people who leak — whether they're Apple employees, contractors or suppliers — do get caught and they're getting caught faster than ever.
You might remember seeing this in action during the heyday of Pokémon Go, when people were running into each other and onto private property, and creating unprecedentedly massive crowds at landmarks - all because they were trying to catch a rare Pokémon.
«A lot of people get caught with their goal being so defined that it's tied to a specific role,» she explains.
It will be the person with the money's job to catch you out so make sure it doesn't happen.
In a post on Medium, Musk says food is ripe for disruption — people want real food, and the market still hasn't caught up.
Most people said they binge - watch simply because they fall behind on watching new episodes of a certain show, while others said they simply didn't hear about a new show until several episodes had already aired and they wanted to catch up.
You'll often hear people tell you not to get caught up in the details and to focus on the bigger picture.
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