Sentences with phrase «catching up on blog comments»

I'm finally catching up on blog comments... one post has 72!

Not exact matches

Sorry, not sorry for all the comment notification, getting caught up on my blog reading, haha!
so i caught up on your blog two days ago and then realized i never commented!
Oh, Molly, I am catching up on your blog and I just had to comment -LCB- and say you are wonderful! -RCB-
I'm catching up on all my blog - reading and I had to comment on these awesome brownies... they sound incredible!
Hope 2018 is going beautifully for you, and thanks for all your sweet catch up comments on my blog post, it always makes me smile to see a comment from you as they are so thoughtful!
Hopefully this weekend I will have the time to catch up on my favorite blogs, as well as my comments.
I'm so behind with catching up on my blogs so apologies my comments are late to the party but I absolutely adore this outfit on you Samantha.
I was able to catch up on my favorite reads while I was away but couldn't comment on blogs for some reason... but I am up to date!
12:00 pm Nap time - this is a good time to catch up on some blog reading, or commenting time.
I'll be back in action tomorrow and catching up on all my blog reads, so be prepared to be flooded with comments;)
I apologize in advance for the barf of comments that's coming your way, I'm catching up on some blog reading!
Time to chill and sort out some blog posts then and catch up on comments and emails today, methinks.
I'm finally getting caught up on blogs, so I'm suuuper late on commenting — oops!
It will be a perfect time to sleep in late, catch up on some blog housekeeping (I am so far behind on comments), and snuggling in with a good book or movie.
It's taken me so long to make it back to your blog after vacation, and now I have so much to catch up on, so look for some back comments from me!
I'm behind on responding to blog comments and visiting blogs, so hopefully I can catch up on that soon.
I almost never comment on other blogs since I usually catch up on my iPad and its such a pain to type on it, but goodness gracious!
Need to mention here that I am on lunch and reading my comments, catching up on blogs... etc..
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