Sentences with phrase «catching yourself thinking»

If you catch yourself thinking about writing an expert you are connected with for advice, consider if it'll come off as trying to get something for free.
Catch these thoughts as they arise and flip them on their head.
When you catch yourself thinking, I always do X (for instance, mess up when I talk in front of people), know that you're chiseling that negativity into stone.
If that's not happening, or you keep catching yourself thinking about your growing inbox, then your efforts are likely in vain.
If you've ever caught yourself thinking to yourself, «My employees never tell me anything,» now you know that the solution might lie in questions you're asking, themselves.
Others may wait for the next notification email to catch our thoughts on where we think incremental, tactical alpha can be generated in a portfolio setting.
I confess, sometimes I even catch myself thinking the very same thing.
I caught myself thinking, not about art, selling on ebay, blogging, or any other kind of business.
For the next 24 hours, every time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought about someone, let's reverse our course.
For the past two years, I have stayed within the range of desirable weight for my height (according to the actuarial tables and calculating myself at a medium, not even a large, frame) Still, I catch myself thinking: five fewer pounds, just five fewer, and I would be a perfectly happy woman.
He began to tell me all about the great day he'd had and for a moment, I caught myself thinking, «this would make such a great blog,» before suddenly catching myself.
If Fells has any ability to catch I think it's DeValve who will be sitting unless he makes massive improvement in his blocking.
Also I keep catching myself thinking about an interior line that consists of Marpet, Jensen and Nelson, good god!
I welcome discussion and differing points of view, but I catch myself thinking (not writing) «don't judge me» a lot.
When we parents catch ourselves thinking that way, we need a goal reset.
If you find the luxury to have some private time, some long desired me - time, you will catch yourself thinking about your baby.
It is at this moment when many women just like you catch themselves thinking, «What have I done to my body?»
«Working Families is caught I think between their funding and institutional support and what their voting base wants,» he said in an interview.
«Every time you catch yourself thinking them, stop yourself and think, «Is this something that would really happen or has ever really happened in the past?»
How many times have you contemplated change and caught yourself thinking «I can't do this» or «I'll never succeed»?
You'll catch yourself thinking, over and over again, «That's exactly what happened to me!»
Even five years after losing all of the weight, I still catch myself thinking, «Who is that?»
For example, if you're spending time relaxing on the couch with family and suddenly catch yourself thinking, «I really should put on my gym gear and go for a run,» stop right there.
If you catch yourself thinking about eating something sweet and feel like you're going to fall of the wagon any time soon, then the best alternative would be to eat apples, bananas and pears instead of ice cream and cookies.
So the next time you catch yourself thinking about how you need to get toned arms, lean legs and a firm butt, just stop, take a deep breath, and remember you are enough just as you are.
We catch ourselves thinking, When I have more time, I'll start working out, cooking healthy meals, searching for a better job, catching up with friends, taking a photography class, etc..
I've teamed up once again with the fabulous Dakota Scarlett to share with you the eight products that I've caught myself thinking about over the last few weeks.
It saves me almost every time I catch myself thinking about what to wear.
During those times of the day when you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts about you - take out your list and do the «3 to 1 game».
17) You catch yourself thinking of other people instead of your partner Maybe there's someone at work you've got a crush on?
Do nt be caught thinking that there is nothing to do in Provo.
If you've ever caught yourself thinking, «Sure, Dark Souls 2 is tough and all, but what I really want is a way to trick it into believing it's a first - person shooter,» then there's a mod just for...
Cain cautions students and alums not to get caught thinking education is only applicable directly in a school or college / university environment.
It is perfectly capable in every situation, and I have NEVER caught myself thinking that I needed «more truck.»
In 2013, Ursula LeGuin was asked, «Did you ever catch yourself thinking about potential book sales when you were considering a project?»
I catch his thoughts, badmaash boy, too much cunt, fucking boy, francispeaking, got too grand, bastard.
After some time you would catch yourself thinking you have a new friend.
As I was walking down the streets I regularly caught myself thinking about novella of Carmen by Prosper Mérimée.
During the entire playthrough I never felt bored at all or caught myself thinking «maybe they could have made this level a little shorter».
Throughout my experience with the game, I never once caught myself thinking, «Yeah, this works well... for a Kickstarter game.»
In the shower, I'll catch myself thinking; what happens if I use R. Mika's V - Skill when Ryu wakes up with a Shoryuken?
Pick something that makes you smile when you think of it and for just one day, every time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought force yourself to think of that happy thing.
15) You catch yourself thinking indignant «parenty» things when you're cleaning up.
If you catch yourself thinking this way then know you are devaluing the unique, amazing and honorable skills and strengths you bring to the table.
If you are reading Dr. Gottman's new book on trust and catch yourself thinking this is all well and good, but totally impossible to apply in my own relationship, you are not alone.
I have to work really hard and struggle and sacrifice» — your job is to catch those thoughts as early as you can in the beginning and say, «Stop.»
So when I catch myself thinking negative thoughts about myself, I stop and ask, «what would Brenda say to me?».
Mrs. Meyers products smell SO good that I catch myself thinking about cleaning just so I can get out my pretty bottles and smell the wonderful scents!

Not exact matches

«For us, the next step is to think about what is going to be that element that is really going to catch the attention of a large number of players again and get them excited,» says Takahasi.
«I think there's some lag with the FEC catching up with the times,» says political lawyer Troy McCurry, who served as counsel to the FEC's Republican commissioners at times from 2010 until this year.
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