Sentences with phrase «catching zzz»

I'm pooped and in need of sleep but wanted to bring you all a quick recap of the day's events before catching some zzz's.
We asked a sleep expert: Is this new product really effective for catching zzz's?
Plus, catching zzz's on the fly means naptime won't be consistent.
I've been MIA for a week but not catching some zzz's that's for sure.
If you want to be successful, «catch some ZZZs and get some sleep,» Branson wrote in his last A to Z series blog post.
This new sleep tracker monitors both you and your environment while you catch some zzzs.
Roll down the car windows, relax and read while he continues to catch his zzz's.
Go on hikes, try hands - on activities and hear some bedtime stories before you catch your zzz's among the trees.
Read on for expert advice on some practical ways to up baby's (and your) chances of catching some ZZZs.
Love the tiny size which is great for both travel and safe sleep -LCB- tip: sleep with it overnight before giving to baby to help them catch some zzzs -RCB-!
Needless to say, both baby and mommy were comfortable and were able to catch some zzzs!!!
Their daily activities put them on a different sleeping schedule which might inspire a midnight play session or chest pounce you while you're trying to catch some Zzz's.
Whether you've got crazy sorority sisters as roommates or your husband insists upon turning the lights on while you're still sleeping, it will help you catch those zzzs.
Favorite Space: I sooo want to catch some zzz's in this dreamy neutral guest bedroom!
A blackout lining filters light, so you can catch your zzz's when you need to.
Stack and store your stuff — plus catch some zzz's — with this multifunctional sleep set.
I mean, you really only have an hour to yourself before you have to catch some Zzz's, wake up and do it all over again.
And because we love you (and your learners), every video is under five minutes so everyone will just have to catch their zzz's somewhere else.
Catch some ZZZ's in the comfortable, clean and spacious mixed or same - gender rooms.
After a long flight and after long days of sun, sand, and salt, I know that my face will need some rejuvenation while I catch some ZZZs.

Not exact matches

You want to just pull the covers back over your head and finally catch those much needed zzz's.
Catch more zzz's with these easy fixes.
They'd be catching up on their zzz's so they can grow healthy, big and strong, and be born in a timely manner.
Here are 6 tips to help your child learn to sleep in later in the morning so that you can all catch some extra ZZZ's.
Start by providing a quiet, comfortable place for him to catch those much needed zzz's.
Enter to win a BittaSack, Bitta Daytime Lovie, and a DockATot and then read on to find out more about some of these must - have products for catching holiday zzz's!
Forget the tears and catch a few zzz's.
Check out these hacks to get your baby to sleep longer so everyone can catch a few more zzz's in your house:
Although most of us plan to be catching some serious zzzs through the undramatic time shift, the event can cause some discomfort the next morning (i.e., it arrives far too early for most).
Although the effect of sleep deprivation was stark in this study, Rolls and her colleagues found that it could be reversed by letting the drowsy mice catch up on their ZZZs.
So if you'd like to catch more zzzs, try meditation, a relaxation CD or a hot bath with magnesium - rich Epsom salts before bed.
Help her catch some much - needed Zzz's with a silky eye pillow.
However, too much caffeine can also be risky (see above) and interfere with getting enough sleep — and catching too few zzzs may ultimately undo the tea's weight - loss effects.
Try this inflammation - reducing yoga sequence that'll help you catch all the zzz's.
New knowledge like this has the potential to change insomnia treatment strategies from both the neurological and psychological perspective — big news for those who have been struggling to catch adequate zzz's for years.
While you're busy catching up on zzz's, though, your body clears itself of adenosine, which allows you to awaken feeling alert and refreshed, rather than tired.
Research has shown that a few minutes of mindfulness can enhance your focus, help you make healthier lifestyle choices and even catch better zzz's.
Rest with some good habits to help you catch more ZZZs.
By incorporating a few key yoga poses into your sleep ritual, you can catch some serious zzz's.
Catching adequate zzz's is your best opportunity to recover from your workouts, repair muscle tissue and, believe it or not, make gains.
I am all about catching those extra zzz's.
Though cats naturally sleep throughout the day and are active during the night, their bond with you might just be stronger than their circadian rhythm: Most cats will adjust their schedules, so they're awake to play when you're home and can cuddle up next to you while you catch your own zzz's.
Could catching a few extra «Zzz's» during bedtime actually assist in achieving a slimmer figure?
Catching too few ZZZs is notorious for not only ramping up hunger, but also increasing cravings for junk food.
Basically, if you don't catch enough Zzz's, your hormones slack off.
While you prepare to relax and catch some much - needed Zzz's, your skin is gearing up for its biggest act of the day.
Catch more zzz's with these easy fixes.
I'm finally back from Europe and after catching 10 hours of zzz's last night, I think I'm ready to be a functional human being again.
This whimsical hat would be great for getting some shade or letting others know when I'm catching a few zzz's.
I actually admire that kind of dedication - though you should definitely catch more zzz's!
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