Sentences with phrase «catechism tells»

We must be nice, this he knows, for the Catechism tells him so.
The catechism tells us that «to prepare a body for [His Son, God] wanted the free cooperation of a creature.
The Penny Catechism tells us that God made us to know, love and serve Him and to be happy with Him in Heaven forever.

Not exact matches

Aside from a passage from the Catechism of the Council of Trent, he observes that «there is nothing else in the tradition of which I am aware (or of which Pitstick is aware: if she had been she would have told us) which suggests the possibility that her preferred construal of the glory of the descent should be elevated to doctrinal status: nothing creedal, nothing conciliar, and nothing magisterial.»
We were discouraged from reading the Bible; instead, told to memorize our Catechism.
At the last judgment, the Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us, Christ «will pronounce the final word on all history.
It is, indeed, something of an unusual event that an English bishop should base himself so firmly, not merely on the odd bland quotation here and there from whoever the current pope happens to be, in order to camouflage the true nature of some firmly secularist initiative, but on the spirit as well as the letter of entire magisterial documents, not least the Catechism of the Catholic Church itself — which, it will be remembered, we were all told by Bishop David Konstant was not for the likes of us, but for the bishops to read so they could tell us what was in it.
The Catechism also tells us that: «It (organ removal) is not morally acceptable if the donor or his proxy has not given explicit consent» (CCC 2296).
The sacrament of baptism, the Catechism (1213) tells us, «is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments.»
But in Mantel's telling, he also offended Cromwell personally by overlooking him in his youth, an unforgivable sin in Mantel's catechism.
I was told in catechism class that the Jews were responsible for killing Jesus, which is why they had had such a hard time through the centuries.
If you look back i mention several times that I am telling you why the catholic church doesn't accept gay marriage, I never said that this was my personal opinion about it or even that I completely agree with the catechism (sorry for my spelling errors).
I went to catholic school, sure we were told the story of creationism early in catechism class.
«By saying this, I said what the catechism says,» the pope told Spadaro.
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