Sentences with phrase «categorical funds»

"Categorical funds" refers to specific money allocated for a particular purpose or category. It is money that is set aside for a specific use and cannot be used for anything else. Full definition
The state indicated that services were disconnected and siloed, historically labeling children because of categorical funding streams and that their goal was to create a system of systems to integrate services.
Charter schools are entitled to federal categorical funding for which their students are eligible, such as Title I and Special Education monies.
Because the proposal collapses categorical funding into the per pupil foundation, the impact of that -LSB-...]
Blending and Braiding Funds to Support Early Care and Education Initiatives (PDF - 1500 KB) Flynn & Hayes (2003) Presents financing strategies that State and local policymakers, community leaders, and program coordinators can use to align, coordinate, and integrate discrete, categorical funding streams for early childhood programs.
According to the LAO, last year's RAND report determined «charter schools cost - effective — finding that charter schools achieve academic results similar to those of traditional schools even though they obtain significantly less state and federal categorical funding
The Dale Hickam Excellent Teaching Program is created to provide categorical funding for bonuses for teaching excellence.
It replaces a complex system of state categorical funds with a base grant for each student and an additional 20 % for low - income students, English learners, and foster youth.
The Consolidated Application is used by the California Department of Education to distribute categorical funds from various state and federal programs (e.g., Title I, Title II, Title III) to county offices, school districts, and charter schools throughout California.
While some schools benefit from certain categorical funds (e.g., magnet dollars, STEM, or tech - voc dollars), many don't qualify for other state and federal programs, such as Title I, bilingual education, and special education.
«It starts to feel too similar to where we were with restricted categorical funds,» said Greg Magnuson, superintendent of Buena Park School District in Orange County.
In response to the economic crisis and to mitigate deep cuts to education, lawmakers enacted mid-year changes that granted schools more flexibility in how they spent categorical funds.
State special education categorical funds covered the largest share of these costs (43 percent), combined with spending from local general purpose funds (39 percent) and federal special education funds (18 percent, or about $ 1.6 billion), the LAO reported in January of 2013.
Charter schools have been disproportionally hit during the budget crisis due to the fact that new and growing schools have been «frozen out» of the flex lock - in, charters have limited access to categorical funding like K - 3 Class Size Reduction, and charters are devastated by deferrals because they lack access to short - term working capital.
Dispensing with a system of categorical funds that had sought to ensure attention to the needs of groups of students persistently left behind, the new LCFF coupled giving local districts the flexibility to determine how best to meet student needs, while entrusting them with the solemn responsibility to pay particular attention to increasing or improving services for low income students, English learners (ELs) and foster youth.
Yet the SEA was originally designed — and then acculturated over decades — to distribute dollars to local districts and monitor their compliance with a lengthening list of federal and state regulations and categorical funding streams.
Radically alter the state's education finance system, dismantling a complex system of state categorical funds, giving local districts more flexibility, and tying spending decisions to educational goals;
District managers attempt to use restricted, categorical funding to free up unrestricted, general - fund monies while the providers of revenue attempt to prevent them from doing so.
The funds for both SB 740 and categorical funding will help charter schools overcome some of the economic challenges they face.»
Those categorical funds could only be spent on students targeted by the individual programs.
The collapsing of the categorical funds into larger pots of money that local districts have more control over is «a hard pill to swallow for people that have spent their whole career developing the system.»
While the use of categorical funding has its supporters and detractors, ensuring flexibility and innovation when it comes to school finance is key.
Similarly, in 2007, Michigan began to provide some categorical funding to districts with declining enrollments.
However, analysis of the budget proposals shows that all districts in the state do better with the «Classrooms and Kids» budget than they would with the Governor's, the House, or the alternative budget proposal that simply rolls up the categorical funds for Best Practices and Performance (in fact, when you do just that, some districts will get less money next year than they did this year).
«Classrooms & Kids» takes the 186 million dollars that is currently divided into many «extra» categorical funds, and removes the many strings attached to those dollars.
Because the proposal collapses categorical funding into the per pupil foundation, the impact of that increase will vary district by district depending on what categorical funding a district might have gotten last year, or get this year.
The Minnesota Legislature abolished the categorical funding system that had been in effect for many programs.
In fiscal year 2009 - 2010, states made $ 1.4 billion available to home visiting programs via two primary funding strategies: categorical funding and broad - based prevention funding
States that dedicated funds exclusively for home visiting (categorical funding) effectively tracked spending of $ 462 million.
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