Sentences with phrase «category of book»

I recently purchased a few textbooks, and the provider was a small company that specializes in a certain category of books for my daughter needs next semester.
An entire category of books teaches people how to perform a particular craft or teach a skill set.
If you want to see how your different categories of books are doing, there's a tab to break out the results by category.
Regardless of the reason why they are written, memoir is one the most significant categories of books that are self published as compared with traditional publishing.
You can also create «shelves,» which are essentially customizable categories of books.
They could open the ebook market even more to a huge category of books: non-fiction.
Trying to anticipate what category of book will be selling by the time your book is written or published is a waste of time.
eerdmans, 160 pages, $ 16 In the seven years since its release, Charles Taylor's A Secular Age has entered a particular category of books: frequently referenced, less frequently read.
E-books, which have roughly doubled or tripled in sales each of the past several years, not only blew past mass - market paperback sales, not only passed adult hardcover sales, but have now overtaken adult trade paperback sales to become the largest single category of book sales in February.
The Blio e-reader preserves typography and supports color illustrations, features that make it particularly effective for certain categories of books not well supported by E Ink, such as cookbooks and children's books.
The Preassigned Control Number (PCN) program assigns a Library of Congress Control Number to titles most likely to be acquired by the Library of Congress as well as some other categories of books.
That elusive work - life balance is such a hot topic that there's an entire category of books dedicated to it on Amazon.
Here are 5 categories of book production that are most often, or more easily, overlooked or shortchanged by self - publishers, especially first book authors.
The retailer said its general merchandise business grew in the double - digits, but in the core category of books, sales remained flat against last year's strong performance in adult colouring books.
You tend to read (for example) anything your favorite authors publish, and have well - liked categories of books (eg.
Amazon AMZN says that ebooks are its most popular category of book format.
Aaron Shephard gives us an interesting post today about a new category of books designed to use Kindle Unlimited to rip off readers» minds.
I remember reading that there are two broad categories of book buyers: the five books a year or less group, which is very large and the main driver behind mega-bestsellers, and the 30 - 50 + books a year avid readers, which is smaller but is what keeps the backlists and most genre fiction alive.
(Notwithstanding the price rise in key categories of books, prices fell overall, its expert testified.)
Copy errors are so rampant that E-books are the first category of book in human history that could actually be returned as defective.
On the other hand, because this is such a narrowly defined category of books, the Kindle Singles do hold a certain special place that might make their example a poor one in terms of wider applicability.
In the seven years since its release, Charles Taylor's A Secular Age has entered a particular category of books: frequently referenced, less frequently read.
Can you envision your more prolific clients traditionally publishing certain categories of books (such as their picture books and early readers) and self - publishing others (such as their middle grade and young adult novels)?
Within the new interface, users can select from three different visual themes, can adjust their lending periods, and can alter their account settings to pre-select different categories of books.
The other category of books are flowing books where the text flows (meaning that text adapts itself to the screen size) without having the reader to scroll up or down (left or right).
What category of books should I be seeking out on audible?
His work The True Word largely survives because the 3rd century teacher Origen made a very longwinded response to it, Against Celsus (which definitely falls into the category of books I have read so that you don't have to).
Data Guy has one fascinating chart that breaks down the categories of books for juvenile non-fiction online sales from Indies or Amazon imprints.
If you're a genre reader like me, though, and you don't care as much about that category of books, this probably won't affect you.
Certain categories of books have voracious readers who devour hundreds of titles per year.
For example, this post in under the category of Book Marketing, but the slug for the category is «marketing.»
It should include your title and / or subtitle, name the genre or category of your book, and indicate the word count.
Another useful entry in the category of books that show distinctions people take for granted as «natural» — in this case, sexuality — are in fact social / political / legal constructions.
While the February list focused specifically on the romance category to coincide with Valentine's Day, the news this week is compiled over every category of book sales.
Most importantly, there is no set formula for choosing «a color» for any category of books.
The Orwell Prize is a British prize for political writing of outstanding quality, offering awards in the categories of Book Prize, Journalism Prize, Blog Prize, Special Prize, and, since 2015, The Orwell Prize for Exposing Britain's Social Evils.
There are a few different ways how to define «YA» and some debate as to when it started as a category of books.
Which kind of rules them out entirely for this category of books.
A category of books aimed at children ages 9 - 12.
Brian Kenji Iwana and Seiichi Uchida at Kyushu University in Japan have employed a deep learning network to study book covers and determine the category of book they come from.
The category of books?
The entire new books category allows you to browse over 20 categories of Books, and you can even filter to new arrivals.
But per your counterexample, perhaps the problem is a bigger issue for some categories of books than others.
It is also important that you have a color scheme for your author website that matches the genre or category of books you write.
Remember other small but important matters like choosing keywords and the category of your book.
We have «category experts» such as book reviewers, book bloggers, editors, publishers, authors, book club / reading circle members, and others who love a particular category of book.
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