Sentences with phrase «cats feel trapped»

Some cats like the «privacy» while other cats feel trapped in them.

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When he feels at home inside, occasionaly close the carrier door gently with your cat inside for a few minutes, but do not trap him inside against his will.
Sitting on the floor rather than on a chair can help in the beginning, so your cat doesn't feel like she'll be trapped if she gets on your lap.
An earlier policy to trap, neuter / spay and release feral cats to avoid euthanization was struck down in court by a group that sued because they felt the policy would endanger the city's bird population.
If you are using a covered box, make sure the opening doesn't face the wall so your cat won't feel trapped.
Unfortunately for the cat, the cover on the box can cause her to feel vulnerable if she's worried that a companion cat may trap her in there.
If you feel a cat is indeed a stray, contact HSoP to rent a live trap to aid in the capture the cat.
You can rotate the trap so that the cat feels he is entering the same way as in the rehearsals.
If you feel the cat is unaltered, please see our Trap - Neuter - Vaccinate - Return page for TNVR information.
Some cats prefer to have an uncovered litter box so they can see everything around them, and don't feel trapped.
Cats feel much safer when they can't see out of the traps, because that means no one can see them.
If you feel the cat is unaltered, please see our Trap - Neuter - Vaccinate - Return page for information on getting the cat spayed / neutered.
When the trap is carried, the cover should hang at least a foot below each side so the cat can not see movement and feels secure.
Your cat may feel trapped and vulnerable.
When creating cat shelves, just make sure you create more than one escape route so no one ever feels trapped.
Placing a trap cover, blanket, or an old towel over the trap will allow the cat to remain quiet and feel more comfortable.
Cover the trap completely as soon as a cat is caught, so the cat feels hidden, less stressed and less likely to panic.
Immediately after the trap has been sprung, cover the trap on all sides to make the cat feel safe and to calm them down.
Sheets have been specially sewn to fit and cover the dimensions of each singular trap so that each cat feels as safe as possible.
Try not to put the food in dead end areas like inside a closet, cats may feel trapped.
Gradually move the food farther into the trap, until the cat feels comfortable eating in the trap.
Harry Conklin, complex manager, said he feels trapped between warring camps — the cat feeders and the cat cursers.
Wouldn't you feel horrible if they had a mouse trap or poison out somewhere and your cat got into it?
The litter bed area must be wide and deep enough for your cat not to feel trapped or without the ability to turn around.
Cats prefer eliminating in places where they don't feel they can be ambushed or trapped.
Additionally, the entryway's oval shape gives cats confidence to get in, without that feeling of being trapped or feeling claustrophobic, but at the same time, having privacy to do their business.
As an advocate of trap - neuter - return working for one of that nation's leading animal welfare organizations, Best Friends Animal Society — and somebody quite familiar with the science surrounding TNR and free - roaming cats in general — I feel compelled to respond to R. Scott Nolen's recent article («Cats may be greater threat to wildlife than first thought,» JAVMA News, April 1, 2013) about the paper published earlier this year by the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFcats in general — I feel compelled to respond to R. Scott Nolen's recent article («Cats may be greater threat to wildlife than first thought,» JAVMA News, April 1, 2013) about the paper published earlier this year by the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFCats may be greater threat to wildlife than first thought,» JAVMA News, April 1, 2013) about the paper published earlier this year by the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
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