Sentences with phrase «cats hated it»

For some reason my cats hated this food.
I ended up giving a bag away and even those cats hated it.
Cat hates calling them «inmates» or «prisoners» or «convicts» or any other label that emphasizes the worst things they've done in their lives and wants them to see possibility in their futures.
our cat hates the vitamix!
Many media outlets responded to the study with an incorrect interpretation of the results and published such as «Cats Hate to be Stroked.»
From political meta - analysis, all the way through to the psychology behind why your pet cat hates cucumbers, thousands upon thousands of words on the most esoteric of subjects is ready and available.
Why did cats hate his guts?
Cats hate being submerged so it is advisable that you bathe it with your hands using lukewarm water or a spray attachment with a soft stream.
Unfortunately, there is a misperception among some retailers that cats hate any kind of grooming assistance and, therefore, they don't carry cat grooming products — or when they do, they settle for adding a few cat products in with the dog grooming items.
Most cats hate to travel, and it's no wonder... they usually only get in the carrier when it's time to go to the vet.
First indication it was a good fit for us: usually my cat hates anything around his neck, I put the collar on with no problems and its still there.
As a rule, cats hate baths and so do cat owners.
This is why many dogs and cats hate coming to the veterinary office.
The AAFP Cat Friendly Award Sponsor: American Association of Feline Practitioners Winner: Amy Shojai, My Cat Hates My Vet!
The Fear Free Pets Award (new) Sponsor: Fear Free, LLC Winner: Amy Shojai, My Cat Hates My Vet!
Most cats hate car rides!
My cat hates her.
If your cat will only eat dry food, try supplementing it with a tablespoon of yogurt (plain, but not low fat — cats hate diet food), cooked rhubarb, sweet potato, pumpkin, or squash.
Remember that cats hate changes in their routine and are very territorial animals.
Cats hate sticky things, especially on their paws, so adhering double - sided tape to the areas they like to scratch the most can help keep them away from your prized possessions.
«The cats hate it and it smells terrible, but it's very, very safe.
Fifty - eight percent of cat owners report their cats hate going to the veterinarian.
Perhaps the new puppy enjoys riding in the car but your brother's cat hates dogs or your nephew has allergies.
One of the things cats hate the most is change of any kind, and that includes changes in attitudes from day to day.
Cats hate dirty, stinky litter boxes, and may be driven to search for substitutes, whether it be a corner of the carpet or in a basket of clean... MORE laundry in the closet.
This is because some cats hate to share a litter box with other cats; also, some cats refuse to poop and pee in the same litterbox.
Puppies aren't neatness freaks like cats, lick - lick - licking themselves until all that swallowed fur URKS up in a slick nasty mess you find barefoot at 3 a.m. Nope, puppies, are less concerned about their own appearance — a game of hose - tag or going for a swim keeps them happy, while cats hate water, go figure!
The drawback to both these and the top entry boxes later on this list are that some cats hate going in confined spaces, preferring so - called «open air» to do their business.
Your cat hates the vet.
I loved it but my one cat hated it and started urinating on my couch.
Yes, some cats hate... and I do mean hate... to wear collars, but most can learn to tolerate this necessary evil.
Also try to spray the area with a scent that cats hate, such as citrus.
Cats hate these smells.
My cat hates treats (and I have tried them all), but I thought I'd give these a try because she always tries to play with twist ties (which are a big no - no!)
Cats hate the smell of citrus so stop washing out their litter boxes with lemon scented dish soap if you would like your cats to continue to use their litter box!
My cat HATES to be bathed as well.
Many people believe that cats hate water.
Cats hate it when their whiskers are bent.
Most cats hate change and for most cats, travel is change.
Some people stress that their cats hate the collars and tags and always find ways to remove them.
Or maybe your cat hates the most nutritious, expensive foods.
As you well know, cats hate to be restrained.
All of our cats hate that.
Most cats hate walking on pellets perhaps because of the uneven feel on their paws.
Cats hate walking on these surfaces.
It wasn't a matter of not wanting to get wet, all cats hate that, these kitties just wanted to survive.
In fact, it should be prevented as cats hate the smell of dirty litter boxes too.
It is a common stereotype that cats hate water.
I've heard the petroleum type remedies are not good for our cats — yet the natural one the pet place recommended (and was not cheap) comes out like liquid oil & our cat hates it — makes a mess, so I don't use it.
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