Sentences with phrase «cats knock things over»

When cats knock things over or chew them to shreds, it's usually not because they are trying to be a pain — they're actually just practicing their hunting skills.
Dr. Katherine Houpt, Cornell University emeritus professor of veterinary behavior, suggests that cats knock things over for three main reasons: they're hungry, they want attention, or they're practicing hunting.

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My son now has seven teeth and a few more attempting to come in and YES he has bit me multiple times and every time he does I feel like my heart has stopped because I fear another chunck of skin will be removed from my breasts, but it has not been so bad and he seems to be a lot more gentle with his jaws than my daughter was... and bonus, we no longer have a cat to scare the pants of my children by knocking things over (R.I.P Ozzy) he will be missed but not by my breasts haha!!
Millennials are currently taking over the workplace, social media and common culture with their innovative ideas of technology, information - sharing and what they find entertaining (i.e., YouTube videos of cats knocking things off counters versus a humorous satire in The New Yorker about a man and his umbrella).
Denver Renters Insurance saved the season of one family, and made things right again after a cat knocked over a candle and started a fire.
Cats love to knock stuff over or push things off tables, and that leads to a lot of broken items.
The cat would rest throughout the entire day and suddenly go nuts throughout the night, bouncing off walls, pawing at your face early in the morning and knocking things over as if it is the end of the world.
Many cats, especially those kept indoors, habitually have a mad session where they may tear around the house, running from room to room, perhaps knocking things over as they do so.
Begin the process of cat - proofing by walking through your home, room by room, searching for things a kitten or cat might climb, knock over or pull down, and either secure, remove or store them.
Denver Renters Insurance saved the season of one family, and made things right again after a cat knocked over a candle and started a fire.
Cats get in there and leave hair on what I am working on or knock things over.
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