Sentences with phrase «cats than dogs»

By the way, Banfield agrees the numbers of total pets who sadly died were more cats than dogs.
In fact, recent studies have shown that there are millions of more pet cats than dogs.
Less common in cats than dogs, Bordetella is usually associated with stress and overcrowded living conditions.
Though heartworm risk is lower in cats than dogs, they still need regular heartworm antibody tests
Even though there are more cats than dogs, the numbers of dogs who visit veterinarians are 30 % greater, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Graying is less common in cats than dogs.
In Cats: The Heartworm Disease process is much different in cats than dogs.
These are more common in senior cats than dogs.
Deadly Truth # 2: Heartworm disease is a different disease in cats than dogs.
Our rescue here takes in far more cats than dogs simply because people find kittens in such horrible conditions in the markets and bring them to us, but the adoption rate is very low.
I use it more on my cats than dogs, as the thin tines do not really glide through coats as dense as Rough Collies.
Combing is more useful on cats than dogs, because dogs are more tolerant to getting baths.
Pasteurella is more common in cats than dogs.
The odd thing about these dismal numbers is that most people's lifestyles are better suited to having cats than dogs.
In reality, more cats than dogs are euthanized in shelters simply to make more space.
While lilies are more toxic for cats than dogs, both can suffer extremely ill effects from ingesting even the tiniest portion of this flower.
While there are over 10 million more cats than dogs in the United States, dogs are far more likely to be involved in accidents or ingest inappropriate objects.
By sheer numbers of each actual pet though, there are more Nemos swimming in American fish tanks (as people generally keep more than one fish) and more cats than dogs (as there are more multi-cat homes than multi-dog homes).
d. Onion family — onions, garlic, leeks and chives are more toxic to cats than dogs, but dogs will eat these herbs before cats.
I advocate for cats and this information applies equally to them — the nation's and the world's most beloved companions, with over 12 million more cats than dogs in domestic households alone, but very much at risk when unscrupulous, uncaring, and unbalanced people interact with them.
There are now more cats than dogs in the U.S., and their owners spend over $ 6 billion a year on veterinary care.
There are more cats than dogs in the USA at this time, and 40 percent of those cats are considered to be obese!
If you are math challenged, there are 10 million more cats than dogs sharing our beds and gracing our couches with their fur.
Tumors of the blood cells made in the marrow are rare, but are more common in cats than dogs.
This is usually less of an issue for cats than dogs since they don't seem to want to eat pure chocolate, but it should still be kept out of reach.
There is lower incidence of infection among cats than dogs however, dogs are more likely to develop symptoms.
This is a chronic condition known as megacolon, and is actually more common in cats than dogs.
This is why so many more people are allergic to cats than dogs — it is not the hair, or the dander, it is because cats bathe themselves so much more frequently than dogs do and leave a residue on their coats that can cause a reaction in people.
Especially with a cat, you want to be 100 % certain you are dealing with an infection and not ear mites, which are more common in cats than dogs.
This is more common in cats than dogs.
Believe it or not, allergies are more common in cats than dogs.
Eyelid involvement is seen more commonly in infected cats than dogs.
While ear mites are more common in cats than dogs, they are still common enough to infect many dogs.
If the metabolism is too high, it leads to hyperthyroidism, which is more common in cats than dogs.
Although there are many more domestic cats than dogs throughout the United States, veterinarians tend to see much less of them in their offices.
This problem is much more common in cats than dogs, he adds.
It may contribute to the lower occurrence of osteoporosis or bone dysplasias in cats than dogs.
Purring may also have contributed to the fact that there are more companion cats than dogs these days.
Did you know there are now more cats than dogs in U.S. households?
Yet, people are less likely to microchip cats than dogs.
You know it's harder on cats than dogs and you gave it to my cat anyway?»
Cats are a special companion animal where there are millions more owned cats than dogs in the United States.
The doctor responded that it should be fine for Hopper, because it's harder on cats than dogs; just a little prick and in a few minutes he'd be completely sedated.
While there are 13 % more cats than dogs, cats visit veterinarians 30 % less and cat owners tend to spend less on veterinary care.
Most municipal pounds and humane societies take in many more cats than dogs, resulting in higher budget allocations for cats in their care.
Although there are about 4 million more cats than dogs in the United States, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reports that 36.5 % of U.S. households own a dog.
It is much more common in cats than dogs and is usually treated with radioactive iodine or an anti-thyroid drug.
What this comes down to is that there is less leeway in letting the ear heal on its own in cats than dogs.
We know, too, that the Canadian pet industry is a $ 6 - billion - plus economic beast, and that Canada is home to more cats than dogs, the felines numbering about eight million.
There are more pet cats than dogs, but cats have been the «Rodney Dangerfield of the pet world,» getting less respect and support for funding studies compared to their canine cousin.
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