Sentences with phrase «cattle disease»

Also, the spatial aggregation pattern of TB in cattle and badgers is different — in badgers, we find that the disease is found in clusters whereas in cattle the disease is much more random and dispersed.»
EPIZOOTIC — «The terrible epidemic of cattle disease, by its continuous spreading, threatens to become one of the greatest scourges that has ever visited the country.
A devastating cattle disease endemic in California's foothill country causes pregnant heifers to lose their fetuses in the third trimester, killing an estimated 5 % to 10 % of the state's annual beef calf «crop» — a loss of 45,000 to 90,000 animals.
«Gene in high - altitude cattle disease sheds light on human lung disease.»
Cornell scientists have created the first vaccines that can prevent metritis, one of the most common cattle diseases.
Artificial cows that attract and kill flies have produced a dramatic decline in insect - borne cattle disease in Zimbabwe over the past 17 years, according to new findings.
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is not sure how the cattle disease wreaking havoc in the dairy industry got to New Zealand and it is not sure it will ever know.
The Ministry for Primary Industries has raided three properties as part of its investigation into the cattle disease, mycoplasma bovis.
And I mean EVERYTHING — we got calls about child custody battles, SSI / Medicaid benefits, fence disputes, cattle diseases, landlord problems and what Rush Limbaugh had said that day.
People who accuse public health agencies of crying wolf are fond of citing the discovery, in 1996, that a cattle disease widespread in the UK causes the deadly disease vCJD in people.
Southern Sudan has already helped bring the cattle disease rinderpest close to eradication, despite civil war.
In regions where dairy farming is currently not safe or economical because of an extreme climate or cattle diseases, Sherman says, populations still possess ancestral genes that make them lactose intolerant.
The culling is also designed to ease the worries of Montana ranchers who fear bison will transmit the cattle disease brucellosis, which can cause animals to miscarry, to cows that graze near the park.
Historic records report that a cattle disease struck the area from 986 — 988 C.E., so perhaps many sick and stillborn calves were used for parchment, says zooarchaeologist Annelise Binois - Roman of the Université Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne.
This causes anemia and influences the outcome of infection leading to human African sleeping sickness and the cattle disease nagana.
«The cattle disease is officially eradicated in the U.S. and Western Europe, but it is endemic in other parts of the world.»
«This got us wondering whether climate change was causing large regional shifts in this cattle disease and how those changes may affect lion - cattle conflict in the future.»
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