Sentences with phrase «caught in a moment»

If you can catch yourself in the moment, you can take a deep breath and calm yourself down.»
Practice acting in one fluid movement and catch yourself in moments of self - doubt or hesitation.
The media is quick to publicize pastors caught in a moment of hypocrisy.
The two injured vets» excitement was more than just being caught in the moment.
When I get caught in these moments of mental challenge where for a few nights I can not sleep because I can't figure out what I think about a certain subject that has suddenly presented itself to me and have to live with that ambiguity - well, that's when I feel completely inspired.
Catching It in the Moment: Red Flags in Labor and Delivery — Focus on the four areas of concern that suggest the laboring woman will perceive her delivery as traumatic, with suggestions for alleviating these concerns as they occur — thus hopefully preventing the development of negative psychological sequelae to the birth.
When they happen do your best to catch it in the moment and ask yourself — «if I'm not hungry what am I seeking in food?»
Drawn with fluid lines, the charcoal sketches of Le Vie Ballet impart a sense of movement caught in a moment in time.
«Caught in the Moment» is the name of this dress, that was definitely the case on this day.
He is caught in a moment in which the release of a technically - perfect and complex film about the nucleus of human nature is something we almost take for granted, a fault that lies entirely within us, or if none of this applies to you, in me.
As digital and virtual networks infiltrate our everyday lives and subjective experiences, our relationship with technology manifests less as the fear of invasion by mysterious foreign forces, and more as an intimate grappling with newly mediated realities of time, space, and interpersonal relationships — i.e., less as the black monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey, and more as the metaphorical «black mirror,» the small, hyperconnected screen prone to catching us in moments of accidental self - contemplation.
I'm completely caught in the moment while watching the sunset in Wadi Rum in Jordan, the most famous desert of the Hashemite Kingdom.
Caught in a moment of distraction, Mario drops his guard and watches as Bowser Jr. snatches Princess Peach.
With one hand gesturing towards the viewer, the other on his hip, his full lips slightly parted, he seems caught in a moment which is part self - consciously posed and part spontaneous.
He's joined by Brooklyn artists Miler — who shows his signature animated figures wound up in furious networks of graphite — and Kasey, who shows surreal paintings of soft figures caught in moments of contemplation.
Yet these images, sobering as they may be, appear alongside those of bodies embracing, caught in moments of erotic pleasure, suggesting that depictions of tenderness, of love lived as well as lost, offer an equally valuable form of revolution.
Seemingly caught in moments of a romantic introspection bordering on spiritual transcendence, Harris» subjects dissolve into swirls, scribbles, and line.
The exhibit features figures that stare out at the viewer in sitting, standing and leaning poses, «caught in the moment between the known and the unknown, what was and what will be,» according to Balidizar, who is an adjunct Professor of Art at Lasell.
Melding historical photography and performative documentation, the pair of images feature self - portraits of the artist caught in moments of convergence that are both uncanny and touching.
The dense, tapestry - like images are populated with figures in disguise, caught in moments of violence and intimacy, and surrounded by the thick, heavy native foliage of the South.
The landscape is caught in a moment of great change: sinking, floating away, exploding or burning.
The female's eyes are lauded with emotion; her lips are slightly parted, seemingly caught in the moment of deciding whether to speak or to remain silent.
Head Shots, (StopOver Press 1996) is a series of black / white portraits that examines men seemingly caught in a moment of ecstasy.
Suggestive of a moment distilled, captured on the brink of action, the print conveys what appear to be landscapes in motion, caught in a moment of stillness.
Her recent works picture ethereal, at times ghostly, female figures whose wispy forms float in saturated canvases, caught in moments of joy or fear — narratives that stem from a longtime passion for reading and writing.
Her gaze is entirely different from that in the other two photographs offered - candid, vulnerable, caught in the moment.
It can be easy to get caught in the moment and forget names, but do what you can to take note of who is in attendance while still maintaining eye contact and giving firm handshakes.
They really wanted to catch you in the moment with all their buzz words and tactics.

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We get so caught up in project deadlines and family demands, that we forget to give feedback in the moment.
I was caught off guard in the moment, but if I had taken a second in the previous months to acknowledge her subtle cues, I could have seen it coming.
Breaking news, group texts, and Instagram notifications all catch our eye at a moment's unscheduled notice and sometimes we just have to give in.
Its easy to get caught up the moment and forget that you were once in your employee's shoes.
The «human motorcade,» as some news outlets called it, kept pace with the vehicle and stayed in perfect formation as it drove around turns in the road until it finally came to a halt, giving the bodyguards a moment to catch a breath.
While most negotiating strategies seem like common sense, it's not uncommon for people to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and ignore their basic instincts.
The industry would typically contest such a proposal vigorously, but Obama caught manufacturers at a weak moment: most were in turmoil, and GM and Chrysler were wards of the state.
Getting caught up in things you «should» do is a negative mindset that only clouds your focus and pulls you away from thinking about what you're accomplishing in the moment.
And while I regularly test new things, it's easy to get caught up in a routine instead of stopping for a moment and trying something new.
Leadership WA: That advice about being reflective is important, because we all get so caught up in the tyranny of the inbox and the things that have to be done in this moment.
The good news is they will be working in between moments of catching up on Oprah, and if they're falling behind, they'll be sure to catch up on work in the evenings and weekends.
Schriock: I think he got caught up in a moment with some women who stood up and had experiences, real experiences.
It's easy to get caught up in the moment of last minute investing and choose whatever fund your financial institution puts in front of you.
In what was probably the most SXSW moment of SXSW, Mashable combined them both: Outside the convention center, I caught Pete Cashmore, the website's founder, and its chief correspondent Lance Ulanoff, weaving through the crowd while talking into a screen perched atop a selfie stick.
«We're in the money, the sky is sunny, let's send it, lend it, spend it, rolling along,» the CEO sang in an unguarded moment caught on film.
It's easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and lose perspective.
Tolkien says it best: «It is the mark of a good fairy - story, of the higher or more complete kind, that however wild its events, however fantastic or terrible the adventures, it can give to child or man that hears it, when the «turn» comes, a catch of the breath, a beat and lifting of the heart, near to (or indeed accompanied by) tears, as keen as that given by any form of literary art... In such stories, when the sudden «turn» comes we get a piercing glimpse of joy, and heart's desire, that for a moment passes outside the frame, rends indeed the very web of story, and lets a gleam come through.»
And I have felt the many ways Jesus reaches out his hand to catch me — in the love of family and friends, the sustenance of spiritual practice, the bonds of community and the moments of unexplainable peace in the midst of the struggle and the failure.
My entire concept of God shifted in that moment, leaving my brain and my life and my theology to catch up with what my soul now knew deep.
Only then can we hope to know those wonderful grace - filled moments; times when through prayer and song, listening to and reciting the familiar words of grace and the stories of redemption, our hearts soar; times when we are caught up in the stream of love — when we sing praise to God with all our hearts and minds and souls and strength — which flows from us to God through the ministry of Christ and his people and which we return to God with prayer and praise.
And I have eleventy - billion of these moments a day too, seemingly small, times when my breath catches and I have no camera or pen nearby so I'm going to have to rely on my something in my soul remembering it forever because it's a step up a mountain, a roll of the rock of my own stubbornness, and I don't have any gods at the top, pushing me back to the bottom, laughing at my futile efforts.
But man must continuously press on toward knowledge and experience in the indeterminate future and not rest with the notion of a God caught somehow in the net of concepts at some moment in his past.
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