Sentences with phrase «cause airway»

Bones can easily cause an airway obstruction and splinter off, creating a laceration in her digestive system.
This could a an allergic reaction, with the speed of the swelling and that it is causing coughing; I would recommend visiting your Veterinarian as swelling may cause airway obstruction.
Bench presses, with a barbell are dangerous since the bar can rest on your neck or chest and cause airway restriction and death.
Neosporin treats only topical bacteria, not the ones that cause airway infections.
«But what we've now shown is that RSV has an increased ability to cause airway obstruction because, during an RSV infection, the virus expresses a specific RSV - encoded non-structural protein, or NS2, in epithelial cells, causing the cells to shed from the airway lining and into the airway lumen.
Due to the positioning in carseats, the weaker neck muscles of preemies, can occasionally cause their airway to close off and prevent their breathing.
This is especially important for babies younger than 4 months of age, as partially - upright positions might cause their airway to become obstructed.
The warnings that an infant may slump in car seats, causing airway obstruction, and should therefore ride at a 45 degree angle, can be transferred to a smart approach to stroller safety.
Researchers were surprised to find receptors for bitter taste in the lungs, and more surprised that activating them caused airways to greatly relax.
These cells are thought to kick - start inflammation in the lungs, which causes airways to narrow during an asthma attack.
This causes the airway to become narrowed, preventing air from properly flowing into the lungs.
Asthma is usually defined as a disorder that causes the airways of the lungs to swell and narrow, thus constricting airflow.

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Anaphylaxis causes shock; tightening of airways; a drop in blood pressure; heart rate increase; and sometimes there is swelling, nausea and vomiting.
D21 & D22 — Contributing factors that can enlarge tonsils & adenoids and cause the swelling of tissue lining the airway are infections and inflammation.
Choking is usually caused by food, toys, and other small objects that can easily lodge in a child's small airway — anything that fits can be a danger.
Presentations: Dr. Palmer has given international, national and state presentations on the importance of breastfeeding for the proper development of the oral cavity, airway and facial form; infant caries; why tight frenulums need to be addressed; the signs and symptoms, cause and prevention, and treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea; and basics of dentistry not taught in dental schools.
In fact, these airways are so small that even small blockages caused by viral infections, tight airways or mucus can make breathing difficult for the child.
Seeds may be too small to choke on but can get stuck in a child's airway and cause an infection.
Asthma, the most common serious chronic disease among children, is an inflammation and narrowing of the airways that causes difficulty breathing.
In some rare cases, severe allergic reaction symptoms can cause swelling of the tongue and airway blockage.
But a sudden, sharp close of the airways by the epiglottis blocks the access of the airflow, which causes the characteristic sound you can clearly hear.
A smaller size wrap is ideal for wearing your newborn and keeping your little one as supported as he or she needs to be without restricting any airways or causing harm to your little one's growing bones.
This can occlude the airways and cause death or injury.
Asthma, allergies, or a chronic infection in the sinuses or airways also might cause lasting coughs.
The 90 minute rule is now standard advice for preventing sudden infant death as the weakened / exhausted airways are most likely the cause where suffocation is ruled out.
The cause of death: his airways became constricted because of the position his head was in.
The condition may irritate the lung tissue of your baby and cause an infection in the airways.
If your doctor notices stool in the amniotic fluid that your baby has inhaled, it may affect the airways of your baby and cause meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS).
Baby's head is close to the caregivers senses and any kind of distress is noticed immediately and eliminated before it causes baby's airway to be compromised.
Blocking of the airways can cause the baby to suffocate and is one of the reasons you should lay a baby flat when they sleep.
But you're not supposed to let babies sleep in swings: there's a danger that their chin could drop down against their chest, obstructing their airway and possibly causing suffocation.
A car seat is not an appropriate sleeping surface for a child once they are no longer riding in the car, as infants might move into a position that could cause injury or compromise their airway.
In an effort to clear his airway your baby might start gulping and swallowing the loosened mucus which causes your infant to choke.
(Seeds may be too small to choke on but can get stuck in a child's airway and cause an infection.)
Exercise has been shown to flush bacteria from the lungs and airways that may cause colds and viruses.
This could even cause your baby's airways to be blocked in extreme circumstances.
The mucus causes a specific function and with the right amount helps to protect us from infections by keeping the airway damp and fresh.
This is because a baby's ability to keep their head held up is not fully developed, meaning their head can flop down and restrict the airways causing oxygen desaturation.»
Here is a little twist tie that was missed by the cleaning crew — that looks innocuous enough but that could go down into a young child's airway and cause a significant choking event so we need to pick this up and throw that away.
Ozone is a powerful oxidant that can cause muscles in the airways to constrict, and make breathing more difficult.
«Our study suggests that epigenetic changes to cells treated with cigarette smoke sensitize airway cells to genetic mutations known to cause lung cancers,» says Stephen Baylin, M.D., the Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Professor for Cancer Research and professor of oncology at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.
Binding to beta - 2 receptors causes smooth muscle relaxation, especially in the airways, explaining why beta - 2 activators are used as asthma drugs.
The authors speculate that the decline in lung function is attributable to the irritation that most cleaning chemicals cause on the mucous membranes lining the airways, which over time results in persistent changes in the airways and airway remodeling.
«We feared that such chemicals, by steadily causing a little damage to the airways day after day, year after year, might accelerate the rate of lung function decline that occurs with age.»
«This is a new finding and merits further investigation to determine whether ECAC represents a continuum of peripheral airway inflammation along the central airways, or is an independent cause of respiratory decompensation,» Bhatt said.
COPD, an inflammatory disease of the airways and lungs, is the third leading cause of death in the U.S..
People born prematurely may have smaller airways than those born at full term, which can cause respiratory problems.
Top series: Images show the elongated shape of cells transforming into a ball shape before they shed from the lining of the airway to cause obstruction, a key reason why RSV leads to bronchiolitis.
They found that infection of the narrowest airways of the lung by PIV3 alone caused moderate levels of inflammation, but after infection by PIV3 expressing RSV NS2, the epithelial cells lining the narrow airways were shed rapidly into the airway lumen.
While the PIV - infected epithelial cells retained their natural elongated, columnar shape, the same cells infected with RSV balled up and puffed out of the airway epithelium, causing the infected cells to accumulate in the lumen of the airway.
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