Sentences with phrase «cause dangerous blockages»

Many pups think the best game of all is to disembowel squeakers or bells, and if swallowed, these can cause dangerous blockages.
Quick question on clumping litter Ingrid: I remember reading years ago that there were some cats who were getting the residue of clumping litter (since some may lick their paws after using the box or stepping in litter residue on the floor) in their digestive systems, causing a dangerous blockage.

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But then those cells swarmed, clustered and jammed up the blood vessels causing a potentially dangerous blockage, and that was a revelation, one that could lead to new treatment options for the usually deadly incursions.
High density lipoprotein is the beneficial cholesterol that it's good to have adequate levels of, and low density lipoprotein is the dangerous type of cholesterol that accumulates in your arteries that can cause blockages over time.
Clothes Swallowed clothing may cause a dangerous intestinal blockage.
But, beware, do not use toys made out of sponge, rubber or very small pieces because ferrets love to chew things and when they swallow small piece it can cause a blockage, which is very dangerous for them.
If ingested, this could can be very dangerous and cause intestinal blockage.
Swallowed objects that are small enough may not pose any problems if they pass out of the body, but prove dangerous if they cause an intestinal blockage.
Rawhides can cause digestive upsets and blockages as well as being treated with potentially dangerous chemicals used in the bleaching process.
Small toys are dangerous for dogs because they can be easily swallowed, cause choking or intestinal blockage.
Pica — the act of purposefully eating non-food items — and destructive chewing can cause your pup to ingest dangerous objects, such as string, rubber, toys, mulch, rocks and twigs, causing internal damage, blockages and generally upset tummies.
Plastic Easter Grass: If ingested, this could can be very dangerous and cause intestinal blockage.
This can be extremely dangerous to your pet as it is generally caused by systematic hypertension which is high blood pressure that has triggered a blockage of the blood vessels by blood clots.
The plastic components of lollipop sticks and other candy can also be dangerous to pets, potentially causing intestinal blockage or intestinal ruptures if ingested.
Some dogs won't eat the stuffing but others love it, and ingestion can cause intestinal blockages and other dangerous health issues.
Safely contain all trash (especially food garbage) to prevent ingestion of items that may cause digestive upsets and / or dangerous blockages.
While crystals may not cause any symptoms, larger stones can cause irritation, inflammation, and even dangerous urinary blockages.
For instance, your dog can easily knock over a harmful product and entertain himself by chewing the bottle and ingesting part of its contents or your dog may simply eat objects commonly found in the household that may cause an intestinal blockage, or worse, that may splinter causing dangerous internal bleeding as they pass through.
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