Sentences with phrase «cause dangerous illness»

In the study, the phage, called «CR5,» showed high antimicrobial activity against the bacterium, Cronobacter sakazakii, as well as against several other species of Cronobacter, which can also cause dangerous illness, said coauthor Sangryeol Ryu, professor in the Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Research Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea.

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And while the cause of their mysterious illness still hasn't been definitively confirmed, some experts have identified a likely culprit: Palytoxin, a dangerous compound found in some coral species that are sold for use in home aquariums.
The superpatient person is like one who has a very serious illness, who has come through the most dangerous phase of the illness yet later unexpectedly dies from a sudden relapse of fever; the fever was finally the cause of death.15 Again, the superpatient person is like a soldier who has had a great victory in the field — the main battle is over; going into the city thinking the victory already secured, the negligent soldier is stupidly captured by a small, insignificant force within the gates.
In rare cases, it can cause infant botulism, a dangerous and sometimes fatal illness.
Breitenbach said E. coli bacteria itself isn't dangerous but can indicate the presence of other bacteria that might cause stomach illness.
Some of the formula recalls in the last few years have been triggered by the discovery of high levels of phytoestrogen hormones, high levels of aluminum and lead, bacterial contamination, unsanitary production linked to gastrointestinal illness, salmonella, and glass particles mixed in with the powder Researchers in the Netherlands found dangerous bacteria, which can cause meningitis and sepsis, in 52.5 percent of the formula samples they cultured from 35 countries.
-- Deli meats; hot dogs; unpasteurized, raw, or undercooked food (unpasteurized cheeses, sushi, pate» and sprouts); all can cause dangerous food - borne illnesses and put your babies at risk.
Leaving food at room temperature can cause bacteria to grow to dangerous levels that can cause illness.
The indiscriminate use of infant formula in an emergency is dangerous to babies, causing illness and increased risk of death.
«Cigarettes are inherently dangerous, and it causes life - threatening illnesses, and I think it would be better for our young people to not be exposed to it until a later age,» Chappaqua resident Mimi Reisert said.
Botulinum neurotoxin is probably best known to Americans as BOTOX, a cosmetic medicine, rather than as a cause of potentially dangerous foodborne illnesses.
For people with liver disease, diabetes, cancer, stomach disorders, or any other condition that affects the immune system, Vibrio vulnificus is extremely dangerous: it can invade the bloodstream, causing a life - threatening illness.
The virus can cause a transitory illness but is most dangerous to pregnant women, since maternal infection can trigger a serious birth defect called microcephaly.
Raw, unpasteurized milk can carry dangerous bacteria such as salmonella, E. coli, campylobacter, and listeria, which are responsible for causing numerous food - borne illnesses.
It's a dangerous and hidden cause of chronic illness that can show up as fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive symptoms, weight problems, and other serious conditions...
Boredom may not sound dangerous, but trust us, it can cause depression and other mental illnesses.
For example, in Rhode Island, where illness caused by asthma and lead poisoning from poor housing was a main reason for chronic absenteeism, the schools were able to work with groups to find new housing or get rid of these dangerous substances.
This is because antioxidants help protect body cells from the dangerous free radicals which are thought to cause the cell damage that can result in many different illnesses.
He co-authored the Food Safety in the United States chapter in a 1998 American Society of Microbiology book about organisms causing foodborne illness such as the dangerous strain of E. coli 0157: H7; and another ASM book chapter, Campylobacter Prevention and Control: the USDA - Food Safety and Inspection Service Role and New Food Safety Approaches, which discusses the most common cause of bacterial foodborne illness in the United States.
Despite what your veterinarian may tell you about the safety of vaccination, I've seen it cause dangerous, sometimes deadly, vaccine reactions and lifelong chronic illness... including autoimmune diseases and cancer.
But be careful, fine particles can be dangerous for young kittens, they don't know not to eat it yet and this could cause illness.
Some of these can be particularly nasty and dangerous for your dog, causing a lot of discomfort, pain, illness and even death in certain cases.
Waterborne illness is a leading cause of death for young children, and untreated water is dangerous to people of all ages.
The Court recognized that there are instances in which exclusion clauses simply should not apply — the Court cited as examples cases where a supplier has provided products which are dangerous or defective and have caused illness or death, or threats to public or environmental safety.
An industrial disease is a condition or illness caused by exposure to dangerous substances or unsafe conditions in the workplace.
Damages resulting from product defects can be as harmless as not obtaining the results you expected to extremely dangerous, causing serious injuries, illness, or wrongful death.
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