Sentences with phrase «cause dangerous infection»

Such standards help eliminate product contamination by any number of microorganisms known to cause dangerous infection and disease in humans.
BUYER BEWARE One woman's placenta pills were found to be contaminated with Group B Streptococcus, bacteria that may have caused a dangerous infection in her newborn.
A fungus that incubated in the instrument and traveled to the man's lungs, causing a dangerous infection, researchers report this week in Thorax.
Left untreated, dental disease will progress and can cause dangerous infections.

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The evolution of such resistance does not cause the organism to be more intrinsically virulent than strains of Staphylococcus aureus that have no antibiotic resistance, but resistance does make MRSA infection more difficult to treat with standard types of antibiotics and thus more dangerous.
Secondhand smoke can be extremely dangerous for your baby — it weakens the lungs, makes babies more prone to ear infections, increases snoring and sleep - disordered breathing (a proven cause of health, behavior, and learning problems), and doubles the risk of SIDS.
Ecologically sustainable bamboo forests grown for fabric production do not require the use of pesticides or anti-fungal agents, and the fabric produced from bamboo kills 99.8 percent of germs that cause the potentially deadly Staph infection, along with many other dangerous microbes, according to a study by North Carolina State University's College of Textiles.
When you are carrying for 38 weeks and bleeding during pregnancy, it could be due to a rupture in your uterinen This could be dangerous as bleeding occurs due to a disrupted surgical scar in your uterinen In some cases when you are 38 weeks pregnant and bleeding it could be due to placenta previai This is a condition wherein the placenta is positioned in such a way that it covers your birth canala In your 38 weeks pregnant period, this condition could cause you painless bleeding from your vaginan Sometimes cervical problems could lead to 38 weeks fetus bleedingn This type of bleeding could be due to various problems such as cervical infection, cervical incompetence, cervical growths and other such infectionsn At 38 weeks implantation bleeding does not occuru This type of bleeding generally occurs in the first two weeks of your pregnancyc If bleeding occurs when you are 38 weeks pregnant there is no need to panici However, this does not mean that you neglect any bleeding that occursr Always consult your health care providere
Mayo Clinic notes that breast infections that cause pain like mastitis might require a prescription to heal, and can cause dangerous complications like abscesses, which need to be drained surgically, and should not be ignored.
The bacterium may have since passed the gene to the far more dangerous Staphylococcus aureus, the most common cause of fatal surgical and wound infections.
«We used to think it was too dangerous to use viruses that cause a raging infection,» NIH's David Bodine says, «but we've now realized that this incredible immune response can be turned very specifically against cancer.
In the mid-1970s, two dangerous bugs almost simultaneously became resistant to penicillin: Haemophilus influenzae, which induces respiratory infections, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the cause of the venereal disease gonorrhea.
Infection with the suspected culprit, a reovirus, could cause the immune system to react to gluten as if it was a dangerous pathogen instead of a harmless food protein, an international team of researchers reports April 7 in Science.
It doesn't kill the cell that it hides in, but is dangerous enough that it can cause infections in individuals with an impaired immune system, such as patients who are receiving cancer treatment, who have pre-existing lung problems or whose immune systems are otherwise compromised.
Cystic fibrosis causes the buildup of thick mucus that can clog airways and lead to dangerous infections.
Oddly, the virus causing dengue fever comes in four strains, and immunity to one seems to make infection by a second strain more dangerous.
«Most common causes of dangerous eye infection post surgery, trauma.»
Together, these communication and defense capabilities allow P. aeruginosa to form tightly packed layers called biofilms, which can cause respiratory tract infections in humans and are particularly dangerous to cystic fibrosis patients.
Both types cause meningitis, a dangerous infection of the covering of the brain and spinal cord, as well as septicemia, infections of the blood.
These are dangerous bacteria that cause serious infections.
The virus can cause a transitory illness but is most dangerous to pregnant women, since maternal infection can trigger a serious birth defect called microcephaly.
According to Kuchta, the tapeworm infection is usually not «dangerouscausing problems such as abdominal pain and diarrhea in about 20 percent of people infected.
This is a dangerous infection that can cause death when the overgrowth becomes acute.
Occasionally the infection causing bacteria will swim up your pet's ureter and may cause a dangerous kidney infection called pyelonephritis.
Accumulation of plaque on dog's teeth can cause gum inflammations, dangerous oral infections and teeth loss.
Fleas and ticks are a nuisance whose bites cause inflammation, pain, and sometimes skin infection directly, but they are also a vector for transmission of dangerous, even deadly infectious disease.
However, once a parasite infection has progressed to the advanced stage of causing blood in the feces, it is likely a serious infestation that may be difficult and even dangerous to treat.
Though dermatitis only causes itchiness, it can predispose your pet to developing secondary, more dangerous, bacterial skin infections, or pyoderma, as a result of open wounds.
Calici, another dangerous virus that causes upper respiratory infections is highly resistant to cleaning products and disinfectants.
«Closer to home, while UK mosquitoes don't carry dangerous infectious diseases, their bites can cause very unpleasant skin infections or irritations, especially for young children.
Human infection would probably cause little damage, but zoonoses (conditions caused by animal diseases) have been caused by less dangerous parasites.
Some 3T heater - cooler devices manufactured by LivaNova, PLC may have caused dangerous and deadly Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) infections in many patients.
During the trial, experts stated that the grinding of the metal apparatus caused dangerous metal toxins to be released into the bodies of patients who were implanted with the device, and caused various medical complications including dislocation, infection, and the need for a second replacement surgery.
The benefit motorcycle ride was a great cause for a local 12 - year - old girl who recently became ill with MRSA, a dangerous and difficult to treat staph infection.
Some 3T heater - cooler devices manufactured by LivaNova, PLC may have caused dangerous and deadly Nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) infections in many...
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