Sentences with phrase «cause gastrointestinal side»

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause gastrointestinal side effects both directly and indirectly.
Avoid iron - fortified foods, as these provide an inorganic iron that is far from ideal and may actually promote oxidative stress and could cause gastrointestinal side effects
Although iron supplements are widely available, they can cause gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea or constipation, and overdoses can be dangerous.

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The raw data showed that taking COX - 2 inhibitors correlated with a 9 percent higher risk of gastrointestinal bleeds, a potentially life - threatening side effect — a surprise, since a raft of clinical studies had previously shown that those drugs were less likely to cause gi bleeds.
While many cases of GVHD are mild, the disease can be severe or become chronic and causes side effects such as mouth ulcers, gastrointestinal distress and rashes.
The drug did not work for all patients, and the drug did cause side effects of sleepiness and gastrointestinal issues for some people.
Allow the indiscriminate use of over-the-counter painkillers that routinely cause liver and kidney failure, severe gastrointestinal side effects, and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes?
As you may know, opioids act to slow down the activity of the gastrointestinal tract (which is why narcotics tend to cause constipation), so it is possible that some sensitive people may experience this as a side effect of milk products.
The medication causes a lot of gastrointestinal side effects and you can obtain the same benefits simply by following a slow - carb diet.
One of the challenges with MCT oils is that if you consume high amounts initially before you develop tolerance to them, they can cause loose stools and gastrointestinal (GI) side effects.
Women who took NAC showed similar results to metformin for improving insulin resistance as well as lowering cholesterol levels, and without experiencing the common gastrointestinal side effects that metformin can cause.
Other possible side effects include dehydration and nutrient absorption loss, which can lead to serious nutritional imbalances, even causing grave damage to the gastrointestinal tract, brain and colon or potentially igniting kidney and heart issues.
We actually expected we might see something like this, because giving resistant starch to people with some aspects of gut dysbiosis can often cause negative effects (bloating or gas etc), but nobody reported any gastrointestinal side - effects.
As a result, it has fewer gastrointestinal side effects, is less likely to cause bleeding secondary to platelet inhibition, and is less likely to cause renal disease.19
There are various causes for black tarry stool (presence of the digested blood) including bleeding oesophagus (or anywhere else in the gastrointestinal tract), infections, parasites, poisoning, medicine side effects, tumours, foreign bodies (and other obstructions) or other conditions.
While these powerful medications can relieve symptoms, they can also cause side effects, especially gastrointestinal issues.
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