Sentences with phrase «cause less disruption»

In general, electric systems are cheaper to install, and cause less disruption to existing floor structure.
Your marketing initiatives will produce better results and cause less disruption to the billable hour if you have the following capabilities in - house:
«IPCC - predicted temperature increases will cause less disruption than the kind of carbon emission reductions that would be
«Better coordination would cause less disruption, which has been increasingly obvious this year, especially in the roads sector, where 2,000 potholes are repaired every day,» Abu - Samra notes.
«The side incision will generally cause less disruption to the soft tissues surrounding the ankle joint and allows for the replication of curved bone surfaces like those in a normal ankle,» he says.
Using preformed thermoplastic as the crossing material is also less time - consuming, and therefore causes less disruption to traffic.

Not exact matches

The global financial crisis caused significant disruption to financial markets and economic activity, albeit to a much lesser extent in Australia than in the north Atlantic economies.
Arsenal refused to sell them both in the summer for around a total of # 100 million, so it would make zero sense to then cash in on them for a lot less only six months later, whilst also causing huge disruption to the starting XI, especially with Alexis's departure.
The date of the impact, estimated at slightly less than 66 million years ago, converges with the hypothesis that worldwide climate disruption in this period caused a mass extinction event in which 75 % of plant and animal species on Earth suddenly became extinct, including all non-avian dinosaurs.
A growing body of evidence finds that teacher turnover reduces student achievement, either directly because replacement teachers are less effective than exiting teachers or indirectly through the disruptions caused by high turnover rates.
This disruption causes a change in the way light interacts with the tissue, such that the axon bundles exhibit less birefringence and also lower reflectance (back scatter).
According to Goodman a «likely explanation is that schools and teachers are well prepared to deal with the coordinated disruptions caused by snow days — much more so than they are to handle the less dramatic but more frequent disruptions caused by poor student attendance.»
A growing body of evidence finds that teacher turnover reduces student achievement, either directly because replacement teachers are less effective than exiting teachers or indirectly through the disruptions caused by high turnover rates.
Further, when students are engaged the entire class period, they have less opportunity to cause disruptions.
It allows the pickup points for the lower A-arms to move far inboard, which in turn means other suspension pieces can be mounted within the chassis to cause less airflow disruption.
Heart disease causes a disruption in circulation; blood is pumped less effectively, leading to poor blood supply to muscles and organs.
Players will be able to sneak about and jump from cover to cover, use melee attacks to silently take out foes as well as varied firepower (3D printed weaponry, no less, which is a nice touch) to disable or take them out from afar, hijack a large selection of vehicles, and of course use their cellphones to hack into ct0S 2.0 for a number of purposes, like opening and closing doors, causing disruptions, distractions, and explosions, and more.
With or without the threat of human - caused climate disruption, it's clear the world lacks the menu of energy options it will require to avoid trouble as the human population heads toward 9 billion people (more or less), all seeking a decent life.
Wouldn't C&D be more effective (and cause less economic disruption) if complementary efficiency goals were in place?
Yes, the simple term «global warming» doesn't convey all the complexities of what can happen as that warming causes air and ocean currents to shift, but climate change / disruption provides even less information.
From the administration that brought you «man - caused disaster» and «overseas contingency operation,» another terminology change is in the pipeline.The White House wants the public to start using the term «global climate disruption» in place of «global warming» — fearing the latter term oversimplifies the problem and makes it sound less dangerous than it really is.
AGW causes cool summers, cold winters, hot summers and warm winters, droughts, rain, flood, sun burnt whales, more snow, less snow, more ice, less ice, disruptions in ocean currents, and much much more.
From Fox News From the administration that brought you «man - caused disaster» and «overseas contingency operation,» another terminology change is in the pipeline.The White House wants the public to start using the term «global climate disruption» in place of «global warming» — fearing the latter term oversimplifies the problem and makes it sound less dangerous than -LSB-...]
There is an effect of a Stratospheric feed - back in winter whereby weaker UV levels during low solar cause less warming of the Strat in low latitudes and thereby weaken the Strat deltaT, and giving a nudge to displacement / disruption of the PV.
Earthquakes that barely cause any disruption to daily life in advanced economies kill thousands in less developed places, and leave many more homeless.
Abrupt climate change is defined as a large scale change in the climate system which takes place over a few decades or less and is anticipated to persist for at least a few decades, and causes substantial disruption in human and natural systems.
We define abrupt climate change as a large - scale change in the climate system that takes place over a few decades or less, persists (or is anticipated to persist) for at least a few decades, and causes substantial disruptions in human and natural systems (see Glossary).
If you define «global climate disruption» as being fewer and less severe hurricanes, fewer and less severe tornadoes, fewer and less severe instances of drought, wildfires, etc., well then I guess I would agree that global warming is causing tremendous [laughs] «global climate disruption
When I say causing a disruption, I mean things like trashing a store, or spitting on passerby, or being aggressive, or even less important rules, like cheating at an arcade game, such as skeeball?
While most comprehensive travel insurance plans kick in coverage once a storm causes a disruption, the situation is less clear for travelers who are concerned about heading to a destination in advance of a storm, according to InsureMyTrip's hurricane travel insurance expert, Lynne Peters.
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