Sentences with phrase «cause more negative effects»

Which can in turn cause more negative effects.
Also worth noting: the soybean plus fructose diet had less severe metabolic effects compared to the soybean oil diet, but it did cause more negative effects in the kidney and a marked increase in prolapsed rectums, a symptom of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which like obesity is on the rise.

Not exact matches

In the context of this study that simply meant more anxious subjects tended to feel more irrationally negative about the neutral word puzzles that accompanied stressful images, but in real life this effect could cause actual trouble.
With science showing sleep deprivation creates a host of negative effects, from decreased creativity to radically compromised mental performance (and that's not even getting into the physical problems it causes), attending to your body's need for sleep is always a good idea, but failing to get enough rest also exacerbates our tendency to get stressed out, so it's even more important to pay attention to if you feel your mental health is getting a little shaky.
Rising sea levels, more intense and more frequent weather events, crop failures, and negative public health effects have all been linked to climate change, which scientists agree is caused by human activity.
@lazarusL actually, people who play political game suffer negative outcomes too, they just usually are very bad at attributing the negative outcome to the cause, because the game is much more complex and there's a lot of vested interest in confusing the link between the cause and the effect.
«The glaciers, particularly in the Himalayas, may disappear and cause some of the major rivers to become much more variable, which will have negative effects on yields in south Asia,» Nelson notes.
So, if you want even more reasons to keep stress under control, remember that the list of negative effects on your body caused by high levels of stress goes on and on.
There is also a common criticism aimed at rapid weight loss diets, that it can cause damage to the metabolism, which can lead to a greater storage of fat and a more permanent negative effect in the body after the diet is finished and normal eating resumes.
However dogs that have not been reared and trained correctly are more likely to cause damage to another dog in a fight due to the negative side effects of being a breed that was bred for dog fighting.
The higher the stress levels, the bigger the issue, and this will lead to negative effects on stats, disobeying your orders and even causing other heroes to become more stressed as a result.
Vincentrj # 28 you are unclear re the division of your opinions / inferences between the 3 basic sub-topics (1) heat is entering the oceans due to radiative imbalance due to humans burning carbon fuels (2) the heat rate coupled with its estimated duration (based on its cause) will make it within a few decades become unprecedented during the last several thousand years and same for the surface temperature rise that will be required to stop it (3) the effects on flora & fauna will be highly negative even within this century and more so for centuries and millenia thereafter, in particular the human species which has softened much and expects much more since the days when a mammoth tusk through the groin was met with «well Og's had it, press on».
Karl Sandeman and his co-workers think that their material - a blend of cobalt, manganese, silicon and germanium - could help to usher in a new type of refrigerator that is up to 40 percent more energy - efficient than conventional models.The «magnetic fridge» envisaged by the Cambridge team would use a phenomenon called the magnetocaloric effect (MCE), whereby a magnetic field causes certain materials to get warmer (a positive MCE) or cooler (a negative MCE).
In fact expecting children to behave even just a little bit more maturely then their age warrants has many unwanted negative mental health side effects and can cause children to develop many problems over time.
In helping you understand and look at when you get triggered and how that trigger may potentially be causing a ripple trigger effect with your partner, you can stop the negative cycle and more effectively communicate.
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