Sentences with phrase «cause more vegetation»

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Facilities that compost vegetation appear to cause contaminants to leach into groundwater and should be more tightly regulated by the state, according to a new Suffolk County report.
«If the vegetation is more clumped... they'll end up on the same food plant, which means they'll contact each other and cause each other to change» into social insects, Simpson says.
«You are probably getting a vegetation change due to that first fire that's going to cause more high - severity fires in the future and potentially the emergence of non-forest that could last for a long time.»
Also that task is made easier by the excess CO2 in the air today, which causes vegetation to take up CO2 more efficiently.
Worldwide, vegetation fires are showing a trend toward longer burning periods, increased fire severity, larger areas burned and increased (mostly human caused) frequency — with all of these factors contributing to more damaging environmental impacts, higher shares of emissions and increasing socioeconomic costs, including greater threats to human health and security.
wars, burning and exploding atom bombs seem to be an (extra) cause for cooling, more vegetation an (extra) cause for warming.
A few scientists have recently suggested that the «CO2 - fertilisation effect» may be causing land vegetation to absorb much more of the excess CO2 than was previously thought.
These facts help explain why, in spite of the Earth's air temperature increasing to a level that the IPCC claims is unprecedented in the the past millennium or more, a recent study by Randall et al. (2013) found that the 14 % extra carbon dioxide fertilization caused by human emissions between 1982 and 2010 caused an average worldwide increase in vegetation foliage by 11 % after adjusting the data for precipitation effects.
E.g., human - caused albedo variations from desertification, and to some extent tropical deforestation, were connected with past global climate changes by Sagan et al. (1979); a pioneering model confirming «the long - held idea that the surface vegetation... is an important factor in the Earth's climate» was Shukla and Mintz (1982); Amazon Basin: Salati and Vose (1984); more recently, see Kutzbach et al. (1996).
With respect to why there was a significant increase in tree density over the past several decades, Dolanc offers that the changes in the density and composition of lower - elevation forests are consistent with fire suppression; but that the density increases in high - elevation vegetation types (subalpine forests generally don't burn) are «more likely to be caused by changing climate.»
Combined with diminished precipitation, high temperatures in California are causing soils and vegetation to lose moisture earlier in the spring and stay dry later in the fall, meaning the landscape is flammable for more of the year.
Thirty years to establish a climate state seems a long time, as within that period there may be notable shifts to a number of different prevailing patterns of cold / warmth / wet or drought that, on a human scale affects agriculture and horticulture by impacting on what crops may be grown successfully, may affect the tourism season, may cause a consumer to use more or less energy in their home, and also impact on nature by affecting the populations of wild life and vegetation.
What is known is the ever increasing global CO2 level will cause further increases in crop yields and more increase in growth of natural vegetation.
Or will warming reduce the forests — and perhaps also tundra vegetation — by causing more wildfires and insect outbreaks?
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