Sentences with phrase «cause organ»

Transvaginal mesh — a net - like implant, designed to treat pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence, that can cause organ damage, chronic pain, bowel and bladder perforation, vaginal scarring, urinary problems and infections.
Heat stress can cause organ failure or exascerbate heart or breathing problems.
This is especially scary considering that already approved GM corn crop varieties have been shown to cause organ damage in mammals.
The GMO crops themselves, which have been created to be resistant to Roundup, have been shown to cause organ damage as well.
Consumer Reports finds a number of ingredients found in popular supplements from trusted retailers can cause organ damage, cardiac arrest, and cancer.
The disease results when enough amyloid protein builds up in one or more organs to cause the organ (s) to malfunction.
As an example, in the future governments may regulate home gardens, keeping individuals from harvesting their own seeds so that «food» corporations can take over the world's food supply with products that have been shown to cause organ failure and infertility as well as cancer.
Without immediate veterinary support and emergency care, snail bait toxicity can cause organ failure and death.
Septicemia will cause organ failure which ultimately causes the rat to die.
The bacteria can also release toxins into the system which overtax the liver and can cause the organ to ultimately fail.
Illness can be passed along to humans and potentially cause organ damage or blindness.
We commonly see and treat any number of chronic «itis's» in dogs and cats that cause organ compromise and damage, cause pain, and often negatively impact quality of life.
• Laboratory Tests: Over time, certain drugs may cause organ damage or otherwise damage the body.
These can cause organ failure and unfortunately can not be removed.
If this dental disease is not corrected, it can travel through the bloodstream, infect the kidneys and heart, and possibly cause organ failure of the kidneys or heart in your pet.
This option is frequently used for elderly pets or pets that are not suited to medications that could cause organ damage or sickness.
Untreated, the increased metabolism will eventually cause organ failure (heart, kidney, and blindness due to retinal detachment) and premature death.
Consuming a toxic dose of chocolate can cause organ failure, cardiac arrest, and sudden death.
Some may cause vomiting or diarrhea while others may cause organ failure and death.
True dehydration can cause organ damage and even death if it's allowed to progress.
These hormones are released into the blood of the digestive tract, travel back to the heart and through the arteries, and return to the digestive system, where they stimulate digestive juices and cause organ movement.
-- preservative, linked with skin and lung irritation, repeated long - term use can cause organ damage
His research contributions have enhanced an understanding of how these viruses enter into host cells and cause organ - specific disease.
In some cases, these tumours may be benign, but in others, they can spread throughout the body — or «metastasise» — where they can cause organ failure.
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element that can cause organ failure and cancer in humans with prolonged exposure above established health thresholds.
Studies in mice suggest that the technique eliminates cells in the thymus (the gland that produces immune cells known as T cells) that otherwise cause the organ - rejecting immune response.
Researchers don't know if these medications can help prevent the kind of inflammation associated with memory loss, and taking too many pain relievers can cause organ damage and even death.
So far, 53 Americans have been infected with Candida auris, which can cause organ failure.
While classified as nontoxic by ingestion, it may cause organ damage as well as digestive irritation if swallowed.
Left untreated, heatstroke can cause organ damage and other serious complications.
In severe cases, it can cause organ damage to you and problems for your baby, such as poor growth, less amniotic fluid, and placental abruption.
When your body is lacking in nutrients or food, it's ability to function properly is halted, causing the organs to go into overdrive and the body to compensate by pulling from any and all sources of fuel in order to survive.
2) scientifically death is the result (natural death) of the imperfect reproduction of cells within our bodies causing organ failure over time.
Doctors had informed her that protective fluid around her baby had escaped into the rest of her body causing her organs to slowly breakdown.
It may also cause organs such as the heart, kidneys, liver and spleen to become overworked.
This change can lead to severe anemia and abnormally shaped red blood cells that can block the flow of blood, causing organ damage.
T cells normally attack tissue they do not recognise as «self,» causing organs which have been transplanted from other donors to be rejected.
That's according to a study in the British Journal of Pharmacology: Most deaths related to ecstasy use a [re caused by] a related overheating that causes organ failure.
It's called cardiotrophin 1 (CT1) and causes the organ to pump more blood and grow in the same healthy way it does with pregnancy and exercise.
Many people engage daily in ab crunching moves that enlist the muscles of the trunk to be short and tight which can cause the organs to protrude and make a «pot belly.»
A metabolite of sugar exerts stress on the heart, an effect that causes the organ to pump poorly.
Eating foods very high in sugar and refined carbohydrates causes significant spikes in insulin levels which not only cause more storage of the food you just ate into fat, but also adversely affects your liver and muscle tissues over time causing these organs to become resistant to insulin.
I've heard those waist trainers work to pull in your waist (while wearing them) but that they're just as bad for women as they were in the 1800's — they cause your organs to actually move around, giving your lungs less room, so fainting is an actual possibility!
(ref) But as time goes by, cell death and genetic errors causes these organs to loose their ability to perform their functions.
In addition, the bacteria is consistently released into the blood stream allowing for systemic infections which can cause organs, such as kidney, liver and heart to function improperly.
If they do not drink enough water throughout the day, dogs can easily become sick and dehydrated causing their organs to not function properly.
Heartworms infect the heart and restrict blood flow causing organ failure.
Dobermans are particularly prone to bloat which can very often be fatal and it is as well to feed two or even three meals a day to avoid the build of gas in the stomach that causes the organ to turn in on itself.
Heartworms in cats may even migrate to the brain, eye and spinal cord, causing organ damage as they travel.
More on corn: USDA Quietly Approves New GMO Corn, While Touting Safety of Agent Orange Ingredient Study Finds Monsanto's GMO Corn Causes Organ Damage in Rodents Monsanto Bringing More GM Sweet Corn To Your Supermarket
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