Sentences with phrase «cause painful lesions»

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In lupus, the immune system produces antibodies that target the patient's own cells, causing painful joints, skin lesions, fatigue, and other symptoms.
Furthermore, while it is true that metastatic melanoma is a systemic disease — and also that mortality is not caused by dermal or subcutaneous lesions but rather by metastases to the liver, brain, lung, and other sites — locoregional disease is often disfiguring and painful, and locoregional therapy may provide clinical benefit.
You are best not to mask any lesions that are cracked, painful or open because this may increase your risk of a skin infection and potentially cause pain like stinging.
Vitamin B3 deficiency lasting for few months [7] causes pellagra (Italian pella agra = rough skin) with «four D» symptoms: dermatitis with burn - like blisters and later rough, scaly and painful, but not itchy, lesions on the sun - exposed areas (face, extension side of the hands / arms and leg / feet), diarrhea, dementia and death (if not treated)[1].
If a fly were to lay its eggs in these lesions, it could cause a very painful swollen lesion that forms when the larva and worms get inside the ear canals and muscular zones.
Joints in the area of the lesion can be painful, causing excessive licking of the skin over the area.
Apart from periodontal disease, more than 50 percent of felines have at least one feline odontoclastic resorption lesion (FORL) by the time they are 3 years old.2 Like human cavities, they are extremely painful and can cause difficulty in eating.
These lesions are painful and may cause the crown of the tooth to fracture off.
IAMS / Eukanuba's experiments on hundreds of animals caused kidney failure, obesity, malnutrition, liver damage, severe allergic reactions, stomach inflammation, diarrhoea, severe skin disorders, lesions, skin wounds and other painful illnesses.
Merck also tells us that serum (which is used in vaccines) can cause Type III hypersensitivity reactions, including an inflammatory skin condition involving painful local lesions leading to tissue necrosis (tissue death), as well as wide - spread vascular injury.
Not only can they transmit Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, they can cause paralysis and painful lesions.
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