Sentences with phrase «cause swollen knee»

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This past spring, as Okafor's knee pain persisted, he read that dairy products can cause swelling.
A shot line drive to the knee of an infielder caused such swelling that he had to be taken to the hospital.
The kneecap then rubs against the thighbone, causing knee pain and swelling that often worsens with activity.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) attacks the linings of the joints (called synovium) via the immune system, causing swelling, aching, and potential deformity in hands, wrists, hips, knees, and feet.
When most people think of inflammation, they typically think of physical injury that causes localized swelling, perhaps to an ankle or knee.
Commonly seen in housekeepers and carpenters, repetitive kneeling or crawling can cause the space between the skin and the knee to swell.
$ Appearing green veins and bulges that cause swelling and swelling of the legs along the thighs, ankles or knees.
Frances had been a martyr for many years to gout, a cruel and painful disease that caused various joints on her body — her fingers, her toes, her elbows, her knees — to swell painfully.
For example, an x-ray might show some soft tissue swelling in the knee but the addition of an MRI would reveal the specific tendon or ligament tear that is causing a dog to limp and allow for a more specific treatment plan, diagnosis and prognosis.
This swelling is caused by trauma, constantly repeated movements or consistent pressure on the joints, especially elbows or knees.
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