Sentences with phrase «caused by an acid»

Usually when we curdle something we have done something wrong in a cooking process, and is usually caused by acids and milk or eggs are being added incorrectly or a liquid being left over heat for a period of time and it means the food has gone bad or off.
Probiotics can also help with colic caused by acid reflux.
If grunting while sleeping is accompanied by a slight acidic smell, you should have your baby diagnosed as it's probably caused by acid - reflux.
That suggests that this sodium channel could be a target for the development of drugs to prevent the pain caused by acid build - up — which happens in arthritis and other inflammatory disorders.
The researcher highlights that dental erosion is a chronic loss of dental hard tissue caused by acid without bacterial involvement — unlike caries, which is bacteria - related.
The cellular changes are cause by acid and bile reflux — when the stomach juices come back up the gullet.
In the 1980s fog grabbed attention again in the United States when researchers found it was contributing to the damage caused by acid rain.
The study was set across a range of soil degradation caused by acid rain, which is a major stressor for sugar maple and a chronic issue in the Adirondacks.
«As we worked on this project, one of my patients developed chest pain caused by acid reflux.
The odor is caused by an acid found within the asparagus that reacts in a certain way.
The most common GERD symptoms are chronic heartburn (a burning pain in the lower chest), caused by acid reflux.
Heartburn, acid indigestion or acid reflux, is an irritation of the esophagus caused by acid that flows up from the stomach.
GERD is caused by the acid contents of the stomach regurgitating or flowing backwards into the esophagus.
Also known as acid reflux, heartburn is caused by acids traveling up your esophagus (the tube that connects your mouth and your stomach) from the stomach.
The burning pain and damage caused by acid indigestion is just one example of how eating too many acid - forming foods can impact your health.
Much of the time, acid reflux is not directly caused by stomach over-acidity, instead it is caused by acid that is supposed to be in the stomach backing up into the esophagus where it causes a burning sensation.
And here are just a few other «side effects» of mining on public lands in the West: cyanide spills; wildlife habitat destruction and fish kills caused by poisoned waters; and water pollution caused by acid mine drainage, which leaches potentially toxic heavy metals like lead, copper, and zinc from rocks.
The problem was his research showed the decline in Maple Syrup production was not caused by Acid Rain, but two natural cyclical events.
It was caused by acid rain from England, Rhur and Saar.
The memo described a connection between the elevated bicarbonate levels caused by acid concentrates GranuFlo and NaturaLyte and cardiac arrest.

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We have, for example, already taken some measures to deal with one of the probable causes of the growing holes in the ozone layer, and to reverse the destruction of European forests by acid rain.
These fatty acids fight inflammation caused by unstable polyunsaturated fatty acids, and are a great substitute for processed vegetable oils.
One dictionary noted: «Tartaric acid is a muscle toxin, which works by inhibiting the production of malic acid, and in high doses causes paralysis and death.
One of the conditions associated with the presence of rosacea is Hypochlorhydria which is low stomach acid caused by stress or the presence of h.pylori.
Acid reflux is the caused by coffee.
When eaten by a human (animals can handle it), phytic acid attaches itself to minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc, which causes them to pass through the intestines without being absorbed.
Funded by Organic Valley, one of the largest cooperatives of organic dairy products, the study still has credibility, according to the Times, «experts not connected with the study said the findings were credible — though they noted that the role of milk in a healthy diet and the influence of fatty acids in preventing or causing cardiovascular disease are far from settled.»
Acid reflux is mostly caused by the flow of stomach acids into the esophagus due to the weakening of the stomach muscles, and it is essential to control this by contacting a pediatrician right away, and eliminating the immense discomfort felt by your baby.
bottle's design allows flow speed and pressure to be controlled by your baby and prevents overfeeding, which is one of the factors that can cause or exacerbate acid reflux.
Acid whey, the by - product of the yogurt making process, is causing a world - wide toxic waste problem, which is probably more important than the panic I feel over having to try to find something else to feed my kids at every meal.
This sleeping difficulty may be caused by colic or acid reflux.
In addition to prenatal vitamins with folic acid, it's likely that your provider will prescribe an additional iron supplement to prevent or treat anemia caused by excessive blood loss.
Sudden withdrawal from acid blocking drugs can cause symptoms in any person as the body adjusts to the imposed regular acid reduction by creating greater amounts of acid.
Irritation can be caused by the diaper or by the acid in urine and bowel movements.
For Acid reflux in babies, it is caused by the regurgitating of acids and contents of the stomach back into the esophagus.
One way pediatric dentists can reverse burgeoning cavities is by applying a fluoride varnish to kids» teeth, which causes fluoride to be released when the pH of the tooth drops as a result of the acid.
Others think it has something to do with the baby's developing digestive system, perhaps caused by food sensitivities, acid reflux, or gas.
Free fatty acids created during the digestion of infant formula cause cellular death that may contribute to necrotizing enterocolitis, a severe intestinal condition that is often fatal and occurs most commonly in premature infants, according to a study by University of California, San Diego bioengineers.
The stomach acids can go right to the throat, causing such the grunting noises which sometimes are accompanied by pains too.
It interferes with saliva production, which naturally cleanses the mouth by neutralizing acids caused by plaque and washing away dead cells building up in the mouth.
This has the potential to improve conditions caused by excess acidity, which can include skin issues such as eczema, internal gut issues such as ulcers, acid reflux, GERD, and heartburn.
Also, heartburn caused by the rise of gastric acid from the stomach through the esophagus may trigger excess saliva during pregnancy as a mechanism to try to counterbalance the acidity.
Before people filled the auditorium at Hoosick Falls Junior - Senior High School for a state Senate hearing chaired by Marchione on the Hoosick Falls and Petersburgh water crises and other water quality issues, Shaun Francis held a news conference to unveil a billboard critical of his opponent's response to the discovery of perfluorooctanoic acid, a suspected cancer - causing chemical, in both the village water system and wells in the village and surrounding town of Hoosick.
Schumer said Saint - Gobain has indicated the perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, pollution may have been from other sources, and was likely caused by a predecessor company that owned the factory before the France - based company bought it in 1999.
The model suggests that denitrification is caused predominantly by nitric acid trihydrate particles in small number densities.
Dietary excesses, such as consuming a lot of red meat and alcohol, have long been associated with gout, a disease marked by high levels of uric acid in the blood and whose causes remain somewhat of an enigma despite centuries of investigation.
Domoic acid, a neurotoxin that causes amnesic shellfish poisoning in humans, is produced by marine diatoms in the genus Pseudo-nitzschia.
There, temperatures climbed as high as 42 °C, and an acid rain — caused by sulfur dioxide fumes from the volcano — occasionally lashed the upper reaches of the mountain.
Dinophysis shellfish toxins (okadaic acid and derivatives) cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning and are produced by marine dinoflagellates in the genus Dinophysis.
BAD is caused by excessive secretion of bile acids, a component of bile that aids digestion.
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