Sentences with phrase «caused by bankers»

They seem to have targeted disabled people to pay for the crisis that's been caused by bankers.

Not exact matches

After all, how many of the self - serving excesses and moral compromises that caused the financial crisis of 2008 - 2009 would have been avoided if mortgage brokers, bankers, and others had lived by an inner scorecard?
Perhaps not surprisingly, a recent proposal by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to eliminate pooling has caused deep consternation in corporate boardrooms concerned about earnings and among investment bankers who fear a serious downturn in M&A activity.
How are crises caused by rich bankers and rich MP's natural territory of Conservatives?
Are these Liberal Democrats «okay» with making some of the most vulnerable people in our society pay for the economic mess caused by millionaire bankers?
You see, this government knows what's coming down the road is a situation where there is so much scarcity (caused by the looting of trillions of public money & illegal wars ordered by the bankers) so it wanted to have in place some «tougher» crowd / internet control measures for when we're all marching & protesting against these criminals.
«The crisis was caused by a deregulated financial sector and greedy bankers that turned our economy into a casino.
December 30, 2010 • Go to France, Britain, Ireland or Portugal — you'll find the same sentiment on the streets of all these debt - ridden European nations: Europe's financial crisis was caused by rich and greedy bankers and politicians, yet it's the poor who're picking up the tab — people like Mariana Silva.
Liberty Bankers can not be responsible for tax consequences caused by incorrect beneficiary designations: death benefits will be paid to the beneficiary on record as of the date of the annuitant's death.
The department maintains a recovery fund to make payment of certain actual out of pocket damages sustained by borrowers caused by acts of licensed mortgage banker residential mortgage loan originators.
Millions of hours of manpower put in by investment bankers on Wall Street and the lawyers who enabled them — the kind that brought home those bright shiny bonuses that are now causing a populist uprising in the hinterlands — have been wasted away by what is kindly called the credit crisis.
The Department maintains a recovery fund to make payments of certain actual out of pocket damages sustained by borrowers caused by acts of licensed mortgage banker residential mortgage loan originators.
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