Sentences with phrase «caused by black holes»

HAWC can also pick up gamma rays from other galaxies, perhaps caused by black holes at their centres.
Astronomers spy one of the brightest and longest gamma - ray bursts ever seen, caused by a black hole swallowing a star.
The LIGO experiment has seen ripples in space - time, caused by a black hole merger
This will allow us to determine the deformation of space and time caused by a black hole with extreme precision.

Not exact matches

SWEET SUCCESS For the first time, physicists have directly observed gravitational waves, caused by two black holes colliding (illustrated here).
Scientists led by Durham University's Institute for Computational Cosmology ran the huge cosmological simulations that can be used to predict the rate at which gravitational waves caused by collisions between the monster black holes might be detected.
Two detections of gravitational waves caused by collisions between supermassive black holes should be possible each year using space - based instruments such as the Evolved Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (eLISA) detector that is due to launch in 2034, the researchers said.
In 2015, the LIGO collaboration first detected a gravitational wave caused by two black holes spiralling towards one another and merging.
The astronomers believe the black hole's outbursts may have been triggered by the interaction of NGC 5195 with its larger companion, NGC 5194, causing gas to be funneled toward the black hole.
One shows a glow from the galactic centre that may be caused by particles of dark matter colliding and then annihilating around the black hole there.
The Fermi Gamma - ray Space Telescope has detected a glow around the centre of the galaxy, which some researchers think could be caused by particles of dark matter crashing together and being annihilated around the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way.
Either the AGN was obscured by dust, or the black hole slowed its eating around 100,000 years ago, causing its brightness to plunge.
The objects causing these low - frequency ripples — such as orbiting supermassive black holes at the centers of distant galaxies — would be different from the higher frequency ripples, emitted by collisions of much smaller black holes, that have so far been detected on Earth.
Theorists speculate that so - called quasi-periodic oscillation was caused by bright blobs in the black hole's accretion disk, made up of gas that slowly spirals towards the hole.
That dip was caused by blobs of hot plasma emitted by the galaxy's black hole, which were magnified by a cluster of stars acting as a cosmic lens between Earth and the galaxy, researchers suggest.
The star got too close to its galaxy's central black hole about 290 million years ago, and collisions among its torn - apart pieces caused an eruption of optical, ultraviolet and X-ray light that was first spotted by scientists in 2014.
He is a specialist on active galactic nuclei, superbright galactic cores thought to be caused by giant black holes sucking in and heating up quantities of gas and dust.
Gamma ray telescopes can detect light from the most violent explosions in the universe, probably caused by stars collapsing into black holes.
Using physics equations provided by Thorne, the company's computers mapped the paths of millions of rays of light through the warped spacetime caused by a fictional black hole.
Team leader Mauri Valtonen of the University of Turku in Finland used equations derived from Einstein's theory of general relativity to show that the pulses could be caused by a small, orbiting black hole plunging into the debris disk around the larger one, situated at one end of the orbital ellipse.
If the X-ray source was caused by a GRB triggered by the merger of neutron star with a black hole or another neutron star, then gravitational waves would also have been produced..
Gravitational waves are ripples in space - time caused by events like the merger of two black holes.
On 14 August, the Virgo detector and the two US detectors that make up the Laser Interferometer Gravitational - Wave Observatory (LIGO) all observed the ripples in space - time caused by two black holes smashing into each other and merging.
Quasars are caused by the close encounter of two supermassive black holes, each with billions of solar masses and crammed into tight quarters at the center of a galaxy.
A conceptual rendition of gas being driven into a supermassive black hole following a supernova explosion Strong turbulence caused by supernova explosions inside a dense molecular gas disk in the central region of a galaxy disturbs the stable motion of gas.
These objects also get flung about by the gravity of the central IMBH, causing them to be found at greater distances from the cluster's center than would be expected if no black hole existed.
In that scenario, the expansion of the universe counteracts the amplification caused by time dilation inside the black hole, and for certain situations, cancels it entirely.
They hope to find tiny stutters in these natural clocks caused by the gravitational wake of a massive event, such as a black hole in orbit around another star.
«Is this bright infrared light caused by the black - hole - powered core of the galaxy or by a huge burst of star formation?
In February of last year, the project announced the first detection of gravitational waves caused by two black holes merging — a discovery that was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics earlier this month.
Gravitational waves were discovered only in 2016 and the first detection of these ripples in spacetime were caused by the collision of black holes.
Physicists interpreting the gravitational wave signal say that GW170814 was caused by two black holes weighing in at 31 and 25 times the mass of our sun getting locked in a gravitational dance, colliding and combining into one.
These gravitational waves had traveled 1.8 billion light - years to reach us and, like the three confirmed detections that came before it, this signal — called GW170814 — was caused by two stellar black holes colliding and merging as one.
One is that they are caused by a cataclysmic event, such as a neutron star collapsing into a black hole or supernova.
The waves, first predicted by Albert Einstein roughly a century ago, are basically ripples in the fabric of space - time caused by the acceleration of really massive objects such as black holes.
Dubbed Fast Radio Bursts, these radio signals can be caused by different events, from star explosions to black hole formations, as per Huffington Post.
Putting this all together, the results show that the X-ray flare from this black hole was caused by the ejected corona.
Our results indicate that the event was probably caused by a rapidly spinning supermassive black hole as it destroyed a low - mass star,» Leloudas said in the statement Monday.
The 2015 events were caused by mergers creating black holes 62 and 21 solar masses in galaxies 1.3 and 1.4 billion light - years away, respectively.
The bright center of the galaxy is thought to be caused by the ejection of huge amounts of super-hot gas from the region around a central black hole.
An image of clouds accelerating due to gravitational scattering caused by the intermediate - mass black hole.
Normally, friction is caused by atoms rubbing against each other, but the gas around supermassive black holes is so dilute that atoms rarely collide with each other.
For those brand new to this installment, this remaster maintains the original story in which a group of researchers is tasked with understanding the suspicious and extra-terrestrial activity situated in the South Pole caused by a mysterious black hole.
(Of course, a third option may be to ignore Regulations altogether and hope that the British public does not notice the regulatory black hole caused by their instant de-application.
Some of my cases going to a judgment in the last few years were: Click to open judgment in fresh window (Scottish Courts site) Insurance implications of playing «Happy Birthday» on the piano Damages for psychiatric illness caused by bereavement Judicial approval of the Hohfeldian analysis of rights Leading case on fair rent assessment Title raiders and retrospective rectification Leading case on competency of hearsay evidence Detention ordered by children's hearing: Articles 5 and 6 of ECHR No damage suffered by making a smaller profit than expected «In a well - regulated legal universe black holes should not exist» How much is half a home worth, with or without a mortgage «Reasonably obtained» held not to include unethically obtained Leading case on children's hearing system and ECHR Attempt to judicially review SNP; petitioners held not to exist Unlawful for council to charge for property enquiries Fair sharing (100 % to nil) of matrimonial property
In this regard, the birth of BCC may cause a Hashrate fluctuation and, in the worst case, disrupt the Bitcoin network by creating a Hashrate black hole and affecting the generation of blocks.
China - based Bixin, a wallet and mining services provider for bitcoin today put out an announcement concerning August 1st, whereby they say Bitcoin Cash (BCC) may cause a Hashrate fluctuation and in the worst case, disorder the Bitcoin network by creating a Hashrate black hole.
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