Sentences with phrase «caused by capitalism»

Trained as an architect, Matta - Clark lashed out at gentrification, economic stratification, and the physical divisions caused by capitalism in the ways that he knew best.
The wealth creation caused by capitalism trickles down by creating jobs, which allows people to purchase, which creates the need to manufacture more, which creates more jobs, etc...
It is not caused by capitalism.

Not exact matches

As Marx foresaw, capitalism's inherent drive to maximize profits and market reach (what I call windfall exploitation) leads to boom - bust cycles of rapid growth in production and the subsequent bust caused by too much capacity and saturated markets.
Add to that the deep scarring caused by war, consumer capitalism, nationalism and racism.
The dominance of youth culture in American high schools caused by the weakness of traditional values is not favorable to the market economy of capitalism.
That Marr imagines that the evils caused by capitalist «excesses» are a «betrayal» of something more essential to capitalism, rather than just natural expressions of the possibilities inherent within it, demonstrates a deep incoherence in his reasoning.
The second reason is a non-ecological argument in terms of the rise in socio - economic inequalities caused by policies promoting economic growth under capitalism.
4) Capitalism — inevitably a cause supported by the Tories will have access to huge amounts of money and blanket support from the right - wing press.
Younger generations are more and more embracing a «help your neighbor» viewpoint associating capitalism with a «Individual at the expense of everyone else» ala Martin Shkreli vs a communism «collective looking out for the good of one another», which seems to have caused a bit of a leftist tilt in the younger generation (probably a bit to do with people get screwed over by capitalism as well and the much greener grass of communism is a dream to address that).
However, the danger exists, as has happened on many occasions, that ESCR will pay a high price for a crisis caused by the excesses of unbridled global capitalism which is allergic to any type of constraint or regulation (1).
The danger is that ESCRs will pay a high price for a crisis caused by the excesses of unbridled global capitalism which is allergic to any type of constraint or regulation.
A founding member of Anarchitecture, a group that criticized the excesses of architecture, Matta - Clark's work frequently critiqued the historical destruction caused by modernist architecture as an outgrowth of capitalism.
In 2014, in the wake of its sharp and well - substantiated criticism of the pressure caused by «turbo - capitalism» and gentrification on Berlin's independent art scene, the self - organised group Haben & Brauchen («to have and to need») opened a working group to define «art terms between autonomy and functionalization ``.
By the way, I'd just like to mention that I am far happier to be arguing about the comparative benefits of nuclear power, wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, conservation, efficiency, reforestation, organic agriculture, etc. for quickly reducing CO2 emissions and concentrations, than to be engaged in yet another argument with someone who doesn't believe that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, or that human activities are not causing warming, or that the Earth is cooling, or thinks that AGW is a «liberal» conspiracy to destroy capitalism, etc..
And in addition, think about all the wasted energy the «climate community» spent mitigating the impact of «deniers,» when «skeptics» could have helped out by listening more carefully to the «climate community,» and trying to understand «the climate community's» arguments, and adding to progress on increasing our understanding of the causes of climate variability and change — rather than apologizing or ignoring the input from scientists like Fred Singer — who deliberately lifts a conditional clause from a larger sentence, divorces it completely from context, and creates a fraudulent quotation in order to deliberately deceive, or Ross McKitrick who slanders other scientists on purely speculative conclusions about their motivations, or guest - posters at WUWT who call BEST «media whores,» or the long line of denizens at Climate Etc. who falsely claim that the «climate community» ignores all uncertainties towards the goal of serving a socialist, eco-Nazi agenda to destroy capitalism.
Under the guise of preventing «dangerous manmade climate change» and compensating poor countries for alleged «losses and damages» due to climate and weather caused by rich country fossil fuel use, they had planned to control the world's energy supplies and living standards, replace capitalism with a new UN-centered global economic order, and redistribute wealth from those who create it to those who want it.
True, true, instead of the economic transformation for which Minister Al Gore opines — a unified Earth under a centralized European - style secular socialist government, as he blames the practice of capitalism by a wasteful and over-consuming free people as the cause of, climate change and extreme poverty and disease — the success of America should be a source of pride hope and an example to be emulated: Gore should have, like George Bush, supported with America with his whole heart on behalf of those everywhere who long for individual liberty.
Tchernobyl is mainly caused by the encounter of stalinian lack of respect for security, with modern «management by profitability»... after decennies of pure soviet management, the mix of management pressure with soviet terror, cooked with economic weakness lead to the drama... then soviet hiding, occidental cowardness, NGO fear mongering, crony capitalism son of Washington Consensus, finish the dirty job... and most of the dead and poor are not linked to radioactivity, but to crony capitalism and fear mongers.
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