Sentences with phrase «caused by carbohydrates»

Specifically, after the analysis involving microscopic techniques and virtual models developed by the UA researcher, carious lesions caused by carbohydrates, present in plants, were found in the dental remains discovered at the La Brea Tar Pits site in Los Angeles, California, described by Alejandro Romero as «one of the most paradigmatic sites to study fossil mammals from the Pleistocene in North America.»

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X-rays revealed severe degenerative arthritis caused by poor posture, insulin resistance, tissue inflammation (a result of the insulin resistance and a diet high in processed carbohydrates and sugars).
All of this helps explain why our exclusive sprouting process not only significantly increases vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C and B - vitamins, but also causes a natural change allowing the protein and carbohydrates to be assimilated by the body more efficiently.
Processed carbohydrates and sugars are broken down quickly by the body, causing a rise and then sudden drop in sugar and insulin levels in the blood.
(FODMAPs are types of carbohydrates that are sometimes poorly digested by the small intestine, causing irritable bowel symptoms like pain, bloating and gas when they pass into the large intestine.
A low - carbohydrate diet can aid in weight loss and weight maintenance by decreasing insulin levels, which causes the body to burn stored fat for energy.
Regardless of their source, most of these sweeteners are treated by your body in roughly the same way: They are recognized as carbohydrates, causing a spike in insulin and a subsequent drop in blood sugar.
Metabolism and weight: Chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite.
When you eat food that makes you feel gassy, the gas is caused by undigested carbohydrates that remain in your intestines instead of being absorbed into the bloodstream.
This condition is caused by frequent and long exposures of an infant's teeth to liquids that contain carbohydrates.
With regard to non-insulin dependent diabetics, then the limiting factors are the disturbance caused by the diarrhoeal infection and the carbohydrate restrictions imposed by dietary management.
Unlike most «refined» carbohydrates, which are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, pasta has a low glycemic index, meaning it causes smaller increases in blood sugar levels than those caused by eating foods with a high glycemic index.
The most famous of these authors, Robert C. Atkins, did not help the cause by contending that saturated fat could be eaten to the heart's delight — lobster Newburg, double cheeseburgers — so long as carbohydrates were avoided — a suggestion that many considered tantamount to medical malpractice.
Pompe disease is a genetic disorder caused by the absence or deficiency of alpha - glucosidase, an enzyme required to break down the complex carbohydrate glycogen and convert it into glucose.
The insulin rise triggered by these amino acids is much subtler and causes less stress to our physiology then the insulin spike seen when excess carbohydrates are introduced in our system.
The best way to treat the root cause is by following a version of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet that's custom fit for YOUR needs.
Consider for one minute the possibility that excess carbohydrates, not excess fat (which the USDA only recommends 65 grams of a day) cause problems like obesity, diabetes and heart disease, and even if Americans are only following half of the advice set forth by the USDA, and its easy to see why these diseases are rampant.
FODMAPs are fermentable carbohydrates, found in a range of foods, that can be poorly absorbed by some people and can therefore cause digestive issues.
Carbs with a low glycemic index — such as fruit and pasta — were not associated with an increased risk of heart disease, which suggests that the increased risk is caused «not by a diet high in carbohydrates, but by a diet rich in rapidly absorbed carbohydrates,» says the lead author of the study, Sabina Sieri, PhD, of the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, a national institute for cancer research in Milan, Italy.
By Denise Mann MONDAY, April 12, 2010 ( Women who eat more white bread, white rice, pizza, and other carbohydrate - rich foods that cause blood sugar to spike are more than twice as likely to develop heart disease than women who eat less of those foods, a new study suggests.
Most likely symptoms of «gluten sensitivity» are actually caused by an herbicide (weed - killer) and a group of carbohydrates known as fermentable oligo - di - monosaccharides and polyols, or FODMAPs for short.
It is possible for excess protein to cause an increase in blood sugar levels, however this potential varies from one person to the next, and the blood sugar elevations that do occur in some people are no match for the big spikes that can be caused by excess carbohydrates (especially refined and high glycemic index carbohydrates — see carbohydrates page).
Metabolism and weight: Chronic sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates, and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite.
This diet is so effective because it provides all of the anabolic effects caused by insulin, whilst ensuring that the metabolism is increased, the body is in a caloric deficit, and that there are not enough carbohydrates for the body to store as fat for a later date.
Cardiologists are discovering that «high glycemic index» carbohydrates (sweet and starchy foods that cause blood sugar to rise rapidly) are, by far, the most important dietary risk factors in coronary artery disease.
For 2 million years of our evolution, we ate much less carbohydrate than we do now, and no refined or processed carbohydrates, and therefore, our systems are simply not designed to handle the big swings in blood sugar levels caused by the Western diet, which is very high in carbohydrates of all kinds.
Back in our grandmothers day — say around 1900's, it was «common knowledge» that obesity was caused by sweets and starchy foods (refined carbohydrates).
For example, carbohydrates are necessary for proper thyroid activity (specifically conversion of T3 to T4), and also because high concentration of free fatty acids can actually inhibit proper thyroid binding to it's cell receptor, a very high fat diet that excessively restricts carbohydrates lowers metabolism and causes weight gain by inhibiting thyroid activity.
Your body can not utilize THAT many grams of carbohydrates and the rest are stored as fat, wreak havoc on your blood stream and cause a ton of inflammation, AND grains in my opinion were not meant to be digested by our bodies so they really eff us up.
When we controlled for the effect of plant - based protein, there was no change in the association between protein intake and mortality, indicating that high levels of animal proteins promote mortality and not that plant - based proteins have a protective effect» and for people aged 66 +, all - cause mortality...... «was not affected by percent calories from fat, from carbohydrates, or from animal protein.»
The assumption has been made that increased fat in the bloodstream is caused by increased saturated fat in the diet, whereas modern scientific evidence is proving that refined carbohydrates and sugar in particular are actually the culprits.
Some researchers believed that these diseases were caused by the increased consumption of refined carbohydrates — particularly sugar and white flour.
Eat as much as you like as the body compensates for the amount of cholesterol consumed in food, and cholesterol does not cause heart disease anymore than firefighters cause fires, what causes heart disease is inflammation caused by Processed carbohydrates, processed oils and sugars in other words processed foods, they have now proved that the higher your cholesterol the longer you live and the more intelligent you are.
It boosts the immune system, protects vision, stops the build - up of oxidised fats, and helps to convert carbohydrates into energy and most crucially reduces the damage done to important cell components caused by reactive oxygen molecules such as free radicals and peroxides7.
In addition, by eating that muffin or couple of cookies, the resulting insulin response triggers our appetite — causing us to crave more and more of these types of carbohydrates, resulting in a vicious cycle of overeating.
Eating carbohydrates by themselves, especially refined and simple ones, cause a rapid rise in blood sugar and insulin levels.
So if you reduce your consumption of refined carbohydrates, starches and other fast acting sugars along with hydrogenated oils you will automatically be decreasing your risk of developing cardiovascular disease because it's actually the inflammation caused by eating too many refined carbohydrates that creates higher risk for heart disease.
The end result for acne is 1) improved absorption of vital nutrients like zinc, 2) prevention of leaky gut syndrome, 3) resistance to acne caused by slow digesting carbohydrates like FODMAPs, and 4) a reduction in stress, because good gut bacteria manufactures up to 95 % of your body's serotonin.
For example, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, and cancer (from the last bullet point) follow the same pattern: they are not necessarily caused by excess carbohydrate consumption, and yet excess carbohydrate consumption exacerbates their negative health effects as surely as it does those of Type I diabetes.
OK Type 1's maybe she meant Type 2's who's numbers are increasing at an alarmingly rapid rate and it is affecting younger and younger people, obviously it is caused by something and i'm not sold on lifestyle and overeating carbohydrate foods, i'm just saying maybe it's something more.
In interpreting these test results, I think it should be recognized that the various individual issues — such as the iron deficiency anemia, the high anion gap metabolic acidosis, the «euthyroid sick syndrome» pattern of low T3 thyroid hormone (see my post «Carbohydrates and the Thyroid,» Aug 24, 2011), and the low cortisol with a disrupted circadian pattern — are probably reflections of deeper problems caused by malnutrition (starvation of carbs, protein, and assorted micronutrients) despite excess fat intake (a source of metabolic stress).
As discussed in the CARBOHYDRATES article, simple carbohydrates are digested quickly by the body and cause blood sugar levels to rapidly rise and then rapidly fall, progressively harming the boCARBOHYDRATES article, simple carbohydrates are digested quickly by the body and cause blood sugar levels to rapidly rise and then rapidly fall, progressively harming the bocarbohydrates are digested quickly by the body and cause blood sugar levels to rapidly rise and then rapidly fall, progressively harming the body over time.
Both constipation and diarrhea can be caused by a lack of fiber in the diet, from poor food combinations, and in constipation especially, refined carbohydrates such as flour, pasta and bread.
Eating meals high in sugar and carbohydrates also contributes to this problem by causing energy to continually spike and crash throughout the day.
Have you looked into the theory that diabetes is not caused by too much carbohydrates, but rather too much fat?
Maintaining a metabolic state of ketosis, which is caused by consuming less than 10 grams of carbohydrates a day allows ketones to build up within your body.
Lifestyle changes to address the cause of hypertension begin with reducing excess body fat by eliminating sugar and other refined carbohydrates (aka junk food).
All of these health problems are caused by nutritional deficiencies caused by the dietary restrictions imposed by a low carbohydrate diet.
With rudimentary laboratories, one could argue that more was accomplished with regards to the effect of diet on cancer in the former half of the century, as revolutionary researchers like Tannenbaum, Rous, and their colleagues provided us with dozens of animal studies linking diet and cancer by exposing mice to free radical - laden vegetable oils.32, 33 Several decades later, two other researchers, Dayton and Pearce, provided one of the few studies revealing what happens when we give humans vegetable oils and their accompanying free radicals when they randomized men to a corn oil solution and a similar rise in cancer followed.34 It is no surprise that corn oil is often used in animal studies to cause cancer, as the ingestion of damaging free radicals predictably hastens cancer development.35 Furthermore, these scientists were the first to show that fasting, restricting calories, and cutting carbohydrates could lower the chance of cancer in animals exposed to dangerous chemicals and carcinogens.
Carbohydrates, by and large, cause insulin spikes whenever you consume them.
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