Sentences with phrase «caused by condensation»

«This phenomenon is effectively a local decrease in fluidity caused by condensation of the polymers,» explains lead author Fabian Itel.
When ice starts to form through other means — like frost caused by condensation buildup — the bottom layer kicks into action.
(A neat trick for «sweating» water bottles, (or even ice blocks in extra warm climates), is to put it in a clean sock to absorb any moisture caused by condensation as it thaws.

Not exact matches

Bagging an item before placing it in a freezer will also protect it against changes in condensation or damage caused by moisture.
All bulk liquid superfluids are caused by Bose - Einstein condensation, which is the quantum process whereby a large number of particles all enter the same quantum state.
The global science community still isn't entirely sure what caused the repeated cycles — there may have been larger oceans in the northern hemisphere that powered a hydrological cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation), or shorter cycles could've been caused by volcanic activity or asteroid / comet impacts.
I guess I was thinking of the condensation that might cause water to collect in the airspace in an imperfectly sealed container — which, as you point out, doesn't actually mix with the oil, though it still could find its way into the engine easily by accident.
First, it's a cycle, so all that speeding it up does is to raise the gross amount of heat absorbed to cause evaporation, which is exactly balanced by the gross heat released during condensation.
Also at the same time, the much higher daytime skin surface temperature (more than offsetting the somewhat colder night - time skin surface temperature which is often ameliorated by condensation and shallow fog layers) causes more infrared radiation to be emitted to space.
Heat (not latent heat) is removed prior to condensation by conversion of kinetic energy to potential energy which then provokes condensation and when the phase change occurs the release of latent heat causes the air parcel to rise a little further with additional conversion of KE to PE until it reaches the correct lapse rate temperature for its height and then it stops rising and begins to descend.
For the adiabatic process the formula considers the partial pressures and specific heats of the gases forming the atmosphere, an adiabatic constant and corrective coefficients for the heating caused by water condensation in the wet atmosphere and for the absorption of infrared radiation by the atmosphere.
This is particularly the case in areas where a change in SST causes the formation of fog, since much of the sea temperature change is taken up, not by a corresponding air temperature change, but by the condensation of water.
Similarly, atmospheric aerosols, generally human - caused, can increase albedo and cool the planet — especially if they also increase cloudiness by providing condensation nuclei for WV.
So, overall there is more natural warming caused by increasing maxima causing more evaporation and more condensation, at the same time.
This was to do with one of your critics that was linked to earlier — to the effect that sensible heat on condensation caused an increase in pressure at the cloud base — presumably by the ideal gas law — and therefore pressure increased at the cloud base and your physics were obviously incorrect on first principles.
It may happen that condensation causes a pressure change but that requires some cooling by other means, e.g. condensation on cold glass, which we don't see so much in the free atmosphere, so I am skeptical of this process.
It is not possible for the sensible energy released by condensation to cause enough heating to prevent the air from contracting cooling and descending so the net result must be an increase not a decrease in surface pressure.
Condensation at altitude then causes a pressure drop which is by far the most significant driver of vertical motion — bouyancy (over the ocean) is like the starter motor which sets the main engine in motion.
The IPCC summary is deeply flawed as a scientific document and as I have explained in other recent articles it appears impossible for increased levels of atmospheric CO2 at the puny levels caused by mankind to affect the characteristics of the atmosphere enough to significantly enhance the greenhouse effect and even if it could do so then any such effect would be quickly neutralised by the primary solar / oceanic driver and the oceans acting in conjunction with evaporation, condensation and atmospheric convection (which includes clouds and rain).
Be sure to address any signs of deferred maintenance by caulking the windows and repairing any damaged window seals, which cause condensation.
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